Banana Festival in Hal Qormi (no, this is not a joke)

Published: November 12, 2014 at 9:47am

banana festival

The Mayor of Hal Qormi

The Mayor of Hal Qormi


Qormi council 5

Rosianne Cutajar

You know how Malta is in the tropics, right? Well, there’s going to be a banana festival in Hal Qormi, where Malta’s extensive banana plantations are concentrated.

After all, if you haven’t got it, you can still flaunt it.

It’s just the sort of idea I would have expected that town’s Labour mayor, Rosianne ‘Nuxellina’ Cutajar, to come up with.

102 Comments Comment

  1. canon says:

    Hawn hafna ihobbu l-banana. Wiehed minnhom Toni Abela.

  2. bob-a-job says:

    Something to go nicely with your heading.

  3. Natalie Mallett says:

    Exactly my thoughts when I saw the poster near the roundabout. They are certainly keen on it. Will Konrad and Owen be inaugurating it while the Super One girls look on?

  4. milton says:

    Maybe Nuts Festival will follow.

  5. Edgar says:

    Well an excellent logo for a Banana Republic

  6. Kevin says:

    What is this obsession of female Labourites having themselves photographed facing a wall?

  7. BananaSplit says:

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA… !!!! Classic!!!

  8. bob-a-job says:

    This festival symbolizes our Republic as it has become under this MLP government.

  9. Katrin says:

    I hope they have an info stand about what to do when someone attacks you with a banana. I’m sure John Cleese can help.

  10. wacko says:

    What would you expect from a banana republic?

  11. George Grech says:

    maybe she was inspired by another Super one’s favourite

  12. Rosianne Cutajar says:

    Dear Daphne, you flaunt all the time the fact you are a very good journalist however in this case you didn’t even manage to verify who’s the Banana Festival organiser ie: The Malta Records not the Qormi Local Council. What an amateur!

    Before writing stupid articles containing unsubstantiated accusations about me you should get your facts right because neither I nor the Qormi council are behind this event. However thank you for your promotion, I’ll send you some bananas…..seems that you’re in a desperate need.

    [Daphne – I suggest you send the bananas to the Super One newsroom, Rosianne, and use a couple yourself. Perhaps in that way, our ministers of government and the occasional Commissioner of Police will be able to concentrate on the work they are paid to do. The only problem I see here is that a banana can’t take you out to dinner, buy air tickets or pay for drinks in the Tiffany Champagne and Cigar (Monica used one of those) Room. I also suggest that if you wish to be taken seriously, you drop the Paceville image and the strained perkiness – all you have to do is look at Moira Delia and ask yourself whether you still want to be doing this at 45. Grow up. Twenty years ago you would have been sewing jeans on a factory floor. Count yourself lucky the entire island isn’t packed with people like you and your parents who carry on voting Labour regardless, because otherwise that would have been your destiny too. You are where you are today because of people like me: have the good grace to say thank you. And don’t use ‘dear’ sarcastically when addressing other women: it’s very common. And I don’t mean ‘frequent’, either.]

    • Joe Fenech says:

      What Ms Cutajar doesn’t say is that her local council is condoning a festival which is deceitful especially to foreigners.

      You only have a fruit festival when the fruit is locally grown.

      Ms Cutajar is happy with the money this festival brings in and the exposure, so she is an accomplice in deceit. You bunch of dishonest scoundrels.

    • Jozef says:

      Rosianne Cutajar, what was it you were looking for behind the creeper, a banana?

      And do give way at roundabouts.

    • Arnold Layne says:

      Not only is her English awful (Rosianne’s, of course), but the very idea that the mayor of one of Malta’s largest towns would descend to such vulgar innuendo is appalling.

    • Galian says:

      But if the Qormi local council gave the go-ahead for this event, doesn’t that mean that it is behind it as well?

    • Peppa Pig says:

      Using sexual innuendos in posts made in your official capacity as mayor of a large town, Ms Cutajar, is improper, unethical, unwise and extremely vulgar.

      • La Redoute says:

        Ms Cutajar is a teacher at a church school for boys.

      • Tabatha White says:

        What a hamalla.

        When are we going to see the end of this charade.

        Is this Kenneth’s new crowd? As though no one saw it coming.

      • Concerned parent says:

        Not only is this lady a mayor of a large town, but she is a teacher, teaching boys in a church school.

        After uploading provocative photos like these, how is she allowed to continue to work with children?

        It is not appropriate; it is not right.

    • Volley says:

      Here Rosianne is, showing her true colours. How arrogant she is, just like the political party she represents.

    • Lizz says:

      I thought you needed a permit from the local council before organizing a public event in any locality. Had Miss ‘King Louie of the Jungle Book’ thought this was inappropriate, the permit would not have been forthcoming.

      • Cikku says:

        Sa fejn naf jien il-kunsill ta l-flus lill-ghaqda ghal din l-attivita. Altru milli l-kunsill ma kellux x’jaqsam!

    • Honest says:

      Good one, Daphne……who the hell is this banana girl?

    • Caroline says:

      Rosianne, should you care to read Daphne’s post you would notice that there is no mention of who the organisers are. This is only because it is irrelevant since the point is that it makes absolutely no sense to hold a banana festival in Malta.

      As a side note, has the Qormi local council issued a permit for this event? If so, your comment is even more useless,.

    • George says:

      il-veru kretina din Roshann jew xil mniefah jisimha. Mhux ahjar tmur tkompli taghti ftit edukazzjoni (mhux bhal dak tal-facebook qisek xi mudella tas-sold u nofs) fl-iskola li darba s-sidien tieghek riedu jghalqu ghax jew b’xejn jew xejn? Forsi issa l-gvern jaghtik xi post tajjeb mal-gvern halli ma tkomplix titbahnan mal-istudenti fi skola tal-knisja.

  13. xdcc says:

    The PN should insist for an outline plan from the Chinese. No need for detail but the Chinese should give some idea of the following: building footprint, total floor space, number of storeys, uses (apart from offices will there be residential or other uses?).

    The general massing of the building/s would also be useful for the MPs to have some idea of the visual impact of the new embassy on the area.

    To avoid nasty surprises, our representatives in Parliament should insist that these are submitted before government hands over the land.

    A MEPA permit will be required for the new embassy – that is the law. The submission of generic information now to the Maltese Parliament will facilitate the MEPA process at a later stage.

  14. Osservatore says:

    George Carlin had something to say about women and bananas. I can imagine the likes of Joe Mizzi smirking at the thought, just as he did in parliament last week.

    Come on dear Nuxxelina, you have at least one contender.

  15. Rosianne Cutajar says:

    I am sorry but I do not take suggestions from people like you. Why should I? I mean you’re so sad and frustrated. You’re definitely what I don’t want to be in the future. With all respect to Moira Delia, my aspirations for the future are completely different,

    Grow up yourself(it’s about time) and start doing a proper hobby.

    [Daphne – At your age, Rosianne, you should know better than to dismiss any older woman as ‘sad and frustrated’ or to imagine that you will always be the age you are now. You should be so lucky to be what I am in the future, but that is out of the question because you come from the wrong background and also lack the right attributes, so it was always going to be impossible for you, whether you want it or not.

    As somebody with far more experience of life than you can possibly have, I’ll tell you that the way you are going now you can only end up an older version of yourself. The trouble with your sort is that you lack the imagination and intelligence to understand that the first thing you need to get anywhere is good manners and an education, and by that I don’t mean a university degree.

    You are the sort of woman no smart man would have accompany him to a smart dinner party, and the chances of being invited under your own steam are right now non-existent. But I rather suspect that you believe you’ve arrived because you have the society of scum with a bit of money.

    The tone of your response is extremely childish, and your response in general is completely inappropriate given your official position as mayor of a large town. Quite frankly, you are ridiculous.

    The world is full of women like you, trying to get somewhere by being cute and perky. Where do you think they all end up?]

    • Ares says:

      “Where do you think they all end up?”

      In Labour’s porkoland.

    • Joe Fenech says:

      Miss Cutajar, you are a truly uncouth person who has no place in politics. Shame on you, and on that undemocratic party of yours.

    • Lizz says:

      At least Daphne doesn’t call herself some stupid nickname. Now what was it, ‘Xelina’, ‘Nutellina’ or something?

    • alfred says:

      A big well done and great feedback messages, dear mayor: a BIG BANANA, just what you deserve.

    • ciccio says:

      The Mayor of Qormi goes bananas.

    • George Mizzi says:

      Sad and frustrated? DCG? Your intelligence is zilch, Rosianne. Your replies will continue to show the naked truth about you: a tacky idiot with no idea how to speak and behave.

    • manum says:

      Rosianne Cutajar, jien niskanta b nies bhalkom li wara li ghamiltu 25 sena Oppozizzjoni hlief thammgu n-nies ma taghmlux.

      Fil-verita sirtu esperti tal-hmieg. Illum li l-poplu fdakhom bil-gvern (u qed jiddispjacih hafna) ma tistawx tisimghu kritika.

      Anzi l-kritika tant qieghda twegghakom li qed tirrabjaw u tippruvaw sahansitra timblokkaw min jghid il-verita.

      Is-sinjura Caruana Galizia rinomata bizzejjed li qatt ma tghid xejn jekk m’ ghandix provi konkreti. Haga ohra li ma tifilhux hu li jidher bic-car li hafna mill-informazzjoni fuq il-hmieg tal-Partit Laburista gej minn Laburisit irrabjati u li qed jaraw li l-gideb li gideb Joseph Muscat rega gie f’ wicc dawk li ivvotawlu.

      Ghalekk ikkonsla, Miss Cutajar, ghax il-poplu li jfittex l-ahbarijiet qed isib il-verita fi hdan dan il-website.

    • Qormi says:

      Shame on you, Ms Cutajar. You are the disgrace to our town. Looking forward to getting rid of you once and for all – the worst Qormi mayor. Roll on March.

  16. Space Bones says:

    Oh look. Yet another ‘Labour VIP’ addicted to your blog, Daphne. She responded just over half an hour after you posted.

  17. Edgar says:

    Is this Rosianne the same person who had an address in Catania advertising herself as a call girl or something similar?

    • Not Sandy:P says:

      Yes. She listed herself on an escort site, posing next to a water boiler.

    • Tabatha White says:

      Besides the fact that it’s totally inappropriate for someone with publicized aspirations of the sort – and with this documented vulgarity – to be a teacher, I hope it’s not English she teaches.

  18. C.Portelli says:

    Amateur? Look who’s talking.

  19. Antoine Vella says:

    No Coconut Fest? Kurt Farrugia will be jealous.

    Incidentally, it doesn’t matter who’s organising the Festa tal-Banana. They chose Hal Qormi to represent the banana republic that Malta has become.

    And since they’re looking for a name for the Hal Qormi banana mascot, perhaps Nuxellina might be appropriate.

  20. Matthew S says:

    Please come back to the blog when you grow a funny bone, Ms Cutajar.

  21. M.Mifsud says:

    Surely they meant Bahnana festival…

  22. Francis Saliba M.D. says:

    Reminds me of a joke from olden days when bananas were two for a penny.

    Two ladies from the world’s oldest female profession bought three whole bananas for a penny, whereupon one lady asked the other what shall we do with the third banana and the answer was “We will share and eat it, of course”

  23. Ghar u Kasa says:

    Oops ! Natius missed that. Too late now.

  24. observer says:

    Anki kieku m’hix hi li qed torganizza l-banana festival, ikolli bilfors nghid li Nuxxellina – mir-ritratti t’hawn fuq – fiha daqsxejn ta’ hawha gmielha, hux.

  25. Oooooops says:

    Rosianne, if there is a long line of people waiting for bananas at the Hal Qormi Banana Festival, can I ring you, skip the queue, and go straight to the front? I don’t like waiting.

  26. Procedures says:

    Mela inti ma thobbix il-banana, Ros?

  27. P Shaw says:

    How come Rosianne Cutajar did not feature in Baxxter’s excellent video? – la tête vide or la tentation.

  28. Peppa Pig says:

    Is there a cultural or historical connection at all between Hal Qormi and bananas, apart from the undisputed fact that Qormin like John Dalli helped turn Malta into its present state of a Banana republic?

  29. MBC says:

    Ifhem ghax l-Maltin jifmuha doppju sens ghax b’daqsekk ma fiha xejn ghax naghmlu festival tal-banana fost hafna attivitajiet li naghmlu f’ Hal Qormi. Imma s-sindkuwwa l-ghandna riedet tfakkarna x’ banana blajna biha meta giet eletta.

    Mill-bqija m’ ghamlet xejn sura ta’ nies, ha nghidlek.

  30. George Grech says:

    Mhux suppost qeda xoghol, Miss Cutajar? Jew ghandek il-privileggi ukoll fl-iskola fejn taghllem?

  31. U Le! says:

    If there is a traffic jam on the way to the Banana Festival, will there be an option for one to jump the queue?

  32. Paul B says:

    Is-Sindku banana Taljana thobb, mhux banana tropikali.

  33. xejn b' xejn says:

    Vulgar and inappropriate to say the least, Rosianne. You and your cohorts are the reason why I will never consider voting for a peasant party like yours.


  34. Osservatore says:

    I’d love to see Nuxxelina’s photo, posing in her demure, yet provocative manner, complete with her mother’s rusty ‘geyser’ in the background of the ‘kamra tal-bejt’.

    In the United States she would be referred to as trailer trash, the sort that would really do anything for a _uck.

    Of course I meant “buck”. What else?

  35. PWG says:

    Guests of Honour: Franco Debono and JPO.

  36. client says:

    She could have posted a selfie sucking on a banana – that would do wonders for turn-out at the banana festival.

  37. Typically Labour says:

    Perhaps we should not be so hard on the mayor these days – she has her boutique I AM in Valletta to take care of, and is teaching boys while also apparently getting her hand in at CHOGM.

  38. hamalla pulita says:

    Will the Malta Tourism Authority be including it in their cultural calendar of Maltese village festas celebrating their cultural ancestral heritage? The mayor must have a certain penchant for the yellow fruit. The mind boggles.

  39. emanuel says:

    nahseb li kull hadt hett jikteb li jaqbilu u idawar lafarijed kif jaqbilu. taf li hadt ma qal li dan il festival tal banana il qlih sejer all listrina hejja naqra rispet all minn hu batut u in fahru lil minn hett jorganiza dan il festival all gid ta hadt ihor ha jamluh ix xol li ha jihdu

  40. ta wied is sewda. says:

    Banana festival in a banana republic.

  41. Joe Fenech says:

    Let’s celebrate Rosianne Cutajar’s finesse and her village’s successful attempt at agrotourism:

  42. nadia says:

    Ha ha! Methinks she is running her fingers over the bricks looking for the magic entrance to the Secret Garden.

  43. qormija says:

    This happened during the San George feast in Canada a feast organised by the Qriema.

    I hope that there won’t be any bananas slamming and causing danger.

  44. Sayitasitis says:

    You do know we live in a Banana Republic, do you?

  45. chico says:

    Turning up the by-pass from Marsa towards Qormi on the way to some tunnel or other, on the left below the highway there is a garden at the back of a rather picturesque old farmhouse, and growing in that garden I saw, I’m almost certain two or tree grand old banana trees – not a plantation, true – but hey, give them a chance, I mean the monkeys still have to be fed – and they DON’T like Maltese bread.

    [Daphne – No such thing as a grand old banana tree. Banana plants are herbs. They produce a bunch of bananas, then they die. The growth cycle is around a year, and the dying plant sends up new shoots. The plants will live longer in a climate like Malta’s because they don’t generate fruit.]

  46. Annoyed says:

    If it were only this festival, patience. In this part of Qormi we first have the Spring Festival (about 2 weeks after Easter), two weeks later the Records Festival, in September the Wine Festival, in December the Christmas Festival.

    At one time they also organized a carnival march, and yes the road was closed from early morning so that a band with not even a dozen followers paraded through the street for 10 minutes.

    In addition to these there are BBQs and other fund-raising activities during the summer months.

    During these activities our street is closed to traffic and we even have to move our cars.

    If we’re lucky we’re informed beforehand of the inconvenience. However very frequently the organizers just close the road to set up and we residents find ourselves having to park a long way from home and if you happen to be carrying heavy shopping it’s a great annoyance indeed.

    Too much is too much! I wonder what they will organize next! Oops my husband has just informed me they’re organizing a Nutella Festival.

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