Breaking news/EXCLUSIVE: Leo Brincat and entourage spent one million euros on flight tickets in 19 months

Published: November 24, 2014 at 2:31pm
Environment Minister Leo Brincat - his carbon footprint has cost the Maltese public one million euros in just 19 months

Environment Minister Leo Brincat – his carbon footprint has cost the Maltese public one million euros in just 19 months

Environment Minister Leo Brincat and his ministerial entourage have spent more than one million euros on flight tickets between March 2013 and this month.

In just these 19 months, Brincat and his office spent a total of Eur141,000 buying flight tickets from the General Workers Union travel agency Untours.

But they spent far more than that individual figure buying flight tickets from Bianchi Travel and more than that, too, from an agency called Tristar.

In parliament a couple of days ago, eight cabinet ministers replied to Opposition MP Marthese Portelli’s question as to how much they had each spent buying tickets from Untours, the General Workers Union-owned travel agency.

Seven ministers did not reply, saying that they are “still collating the information” or gave information which was unsatisfactory and had to be “clarified”.

Leo Brincat was one of those who did not reply and who said that the information is still being put together. However, I am informed that he has had the information available for a while now already, but has simply not released it.

I have saved him the bother by releasing it myself, and adding more information which is in the public’s interest to know – on how much he has spent in total on flight tickets in 19 months and with whom: Eur141,000 at Untours and Eur859,000 mainly at Bianchi Travel and Tristar, with smaller spends at other agencies.

32 Comments Comment

  1. Dave says:

    Ministry of Globetrotting.

  2. Jason King says:

    Amazing when I wanted to arrange one of the most highly decorated WW2 veterans to make a presentation about the Malta convoy he was told that there is no money for any flights whatsoever.

    He represented some of the US sailors that sailed on SS Ohio. The High Commissioner just gave him the switch board number for Airmalta. He also made it clear that the government had no money whatsoever.

    A disgusting corrupt government!

  3. kapxinn says:

    “Brink me ze peppers, Herr Oltmann. Vee need to dick up zese moles und teats zem a lesson.”

  4. Jozef says:

    A couple of passages to India perhaps?

  5. P Shaw says:

    What did Herr Flick do during the last 19 months? For a moment, I thought he vanished in thin air just like the SS did after World War II.

    These ticket costs prove that he is still in Malta and did not find refuge in one of the South America states.

  6. Watcher of lies says:

    Air travel and travel in general has a very high carbon footprint, that same thing that Brincat, as minister for the (protection of the?) environment, is his primary duty to reduce.

  7. Watcher of lies says:

    But then who cares about carbon footprints? It’s the size of the trough that counts

  8. Jack Beans says:

    One million euros by just one ministry is not the proverbial peanuts, but at least, so far as we know, the minister himself didn’t travel on a prominent businessman’s private plane. That would be described as conflict of interest. So how is one million euros by one ministry in 18 months to be described?

    So it’s not only the PM’s wife who’s hell-bent on making the most of these five years in government. It is clearly endemic to all the Lejber clan. Who cares about the percentage deliveries on electoral promises, when we are witnessing the negation of the promised new way of doing politics: transparency, accountability, meritocracy, openness, (lack of) arrogance, corruption, Malta Taghna Lkoll.

    Where’s that picture of Leo with the bottle of HFO liquid on Xarabank? And that was not about arrogance. I shudder to think what it will be like in 25 years’ time saddled with this gang of cheaters, liars and thieves.

  9. Neil says:

    I read this from the headline right to the last sentence – twice – thinking it could not possibly be true, expecting you to deliver a cutting and witty punch-line. But you didn’t.

    [Daphne – That’s because it is true and not a piece of satire. I obtained the facts earlier today.]

  10. Enrico Lapira says:

    Maybe Her Flick is taking with him abroad those who work in his ministry starting from the messenger/s and other officials/canvassers.

  11. winston psaila says:

    Watched the video – ragel falz; shouldn’t be Muscat but Falzun

  12. Mila says:

    Isn’t that an amount which deserves justification? Who, where, how and what for, at the very least? What is the budgeted amount for this ministry and was it overshot?

    Were the tickets bought at the least prices available or were they plumped up? It is not as if this has not happened before after all.

    Has Brincat heard of video conferencing?

  13. Mim says:

    Were any private jets booked through Bianchi Travel?

  14. Madoff says:

    The way they are consuming it is as if there is no political tomorrow. Minhexmexa type of politics tal-hallelin.

  15. Malti ta Veru says:

    It would be interesting to ask another PQ about the results and tangible efforts that have emerged from these publicly funded jaunts.

  16. anthony says:

    No wonder he hasn’t been seen for 19 months.

  17. Oooooops says:

    Imma isma hi, il PN hadu E500 minn dahar il poplu hux!

    These idiots have literally bankrupted Malta. Not to mention the E13000 that Konrad’s wife/ex wife/whatever, earns per month for doing God knows what.

    • intermilan says:

      Taking care of Con Rat’s children – that what she is doing. She is the most highly paid housewife in Malta.

  18. Don Camillo says:

    And this after playing the virgin saint of all saints and using people right left and centre for his own aims.

    He is minuscule beyond detection but by God Almighty his carbon footprint is so massive that his posture as environment minister make him more obnoxious than the ozone depletion he caused to the troposphere with his travels.

  19. pm says:

    Can the auditor general verify the cost? I mean are the tariffs quoted as spent those that are really written on the relative air tickets and/or e ticket?

    Or are the costs just quoted on the relative receipts that are given upon payment?

    I can see a way to corruption: writing a receipt with an amount which is not the same as that as written on the ticket/eticket. And the difference? Simply pocketed.

  20. claude says:

    And those environmentalists said he was doing nothing for the environment… Imisshom jisthu… Look how busy he was.

  21. Lupin says:

    Aren’t these the same people who used to pile up stories on Super One on how much the then ministers spent on safar and ricevimenti? Imma kif ma jafux jisthu?

  22. Rupert says:

    Given this information I now expect journalists to ask Leo Brincat if he has ever had any business dealings with companies of the Bianchi group (or companies owned by the same shareholders as the Bianchi group).

  23. C.G says:

    Ghal anqas gab b`xi 1 euro xoghol ?

    It`s good to be the King !

  24. gaetano pace says:

    Ghall erwieh, fl-ahhar il-misteru solvejnieh. Ghalhekk qatt ma nisimghu hossu dal-Ministru ghax aktar ikun fl-ajru itir milli mas-saqajm jippassigga fl-ambjent naturali Malti.

    • David J Camilleri says:

      U forsi ghalhekk ghalqu il-“Family Park” ta’ Wied il-Ghajn li bena il-gvern immexxi minn Dr Lawrence Gonzi sabiex jiffranka l-emissjonijiet tal-gass naturali.

  25. Money talks says:

    Bianchi Travel as in Michael Bianchi as in casino?

  26. Leone says:

    Heq, maybe this Herr Flick (ex-bank teller) got his only chance to see the world (without joining the clergy).

  27. C Falzon says:

    Well if I remember correctly climate change is part of his portfolio and he seems to be contributing substantially in that respect.

  28. rjc says:

    And ex-Enemalta chairman Tranter is being charged in court for spending peanuts from his company account. Only in Malta.

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