Breaking news/exclusive: Malta Right Now has audio interview with eyewitness to shooting

Published: November 23, 2014 at 10:08am

The police can’t ignore this without going down themselves.

This eyewitness makes it clear that this was not a legitimate attempt at stopping an assailant, but that the minister’s driver was himself the assailant, waving a gun at a private citizen and using it to threaten him.

The private citizen escaped when the minister’s driver was momentarily distracted, and the minister’s driver shot deliberately directly at his car, then climbed into a car wearing GM14 plates and drove after him.

The minister’s driver should have been arrested immediately, held for 48 hours while the investigation/inquiry took place, then arraigned and held on remand as with his connections he cannot be trusted – nor can his connections be trusted, either.

It is not a matter of ‘what we have come to in such a short while’. This is a salutary reminder to us all that these people are always there, waiting to emerge and run riot with what they think is their God-given right to absolute power and do-as-I-please violence and corruption.

They are always there, always. That is why I view general elections largely as a way of keeping them down, and even though I know beyond doubt that they continue to operate beneath the surface in a cobweb of sex, money, vice and criminal corruption.

They disgust me. They are revolting, repulsive, alien to my world and above all, very dangerous because they are completely amoral, as distinct from immoral.

43 Comments Comment

  1. Someone says:

    Hope they don’t find a “maxxin gann” in her barn.

  2. m says:

    “Questions will be raised on the home affairs minister’s chief of staff Silvio Scerri, who called MaltaToday on the night of the incident to ‘correct’ the newspaper’s initial report and insist that the shots Sheehan fired into a vehicle were “warning shots” fired in the air.”

  3. Cikku says:

    Jiġifieri kif staqsejt f’parti oħra ta’ dan il-blog… l-iskrataċċ.

  4. Cikku says:

    Jiġifieri kif staqsejt f’parti oħra ta’ dan il-blog… l-iskrataċċ (jekk kien hemm ) ħdejn id-dar ta’ omm id-driver li spara t-tiri, inġabru?

    • Ganni Borg says:

      Tajjeb qed tistaqsi. Forsi l-Pulizija li kienu fejn saret l-isparatura nhar il-Hamis filghodu, jistghu jghidu.

      Kien hemm tnejn ifittxu u wara gew izjed. Wiehed li kien qed ifittex ha ukoll xi ritratti.

      Il-Magistrat inkwirenti u dawk it-tlett gudikanti irtirati li se jmexxu l-inkjesti ghandom jitolbu li jkollom il-konversazzjonijiet li saru bit-telefon u l-mobile dik il-lejla skandaluza.

      Iridu janalizzaw dawn il-kuntatti bejn dawk kolla involuti, mill-kbir sa z-zghir.

  5. Arnold Layne says:

    Alison Bezzina has missed the point completely in her The Malta Independent column today.

    Manuel Mallia lied brazenly, which is enough in itself to secure his resignation.

    Moreover, though, he does bear political responsibility for this incident, because he assumed that when he appointed an unfit person to a position of trust.

  6. Pandora says:

    Just a minor detail that is however a significant element in Sheehan’s version: there is no mention of Morrison Smith holding a beer bottle or anything else in his hand, in this eyewitness account.

    So try as they might, there is no way they can make this look like self-defence.

  7. Harry Worth says:

    Can it actually get worse than this with Joey at the helm ?

    Or perhaps, should I ask : what next ?

  8. concerned says:

    You are absolutely right! And any apparently morally valid statements are simply camouflage or devious lures for the gullible.

  9. Mim says:

    Why is everyone insisting on saying that the minister’s driver fired at the car?

    We should be saying that he fired three shots which hit the car.

    If Mr. Morrison Smith was IN the car when the shots were fired, then why are we not saying that Mr Sheehan fired in the direction of the driver and hit the car?

    Or at the very least that he shot at the car with the man in it (although this seems to be bias to me because there is no way to shoot at car with a driver in it and be sure you are not going to hit the driver unless you are a really good shot).

    Remind me, was one of the bullet holes not found on the upper right hand side of the rear windscreen?

    Put a person in the car and if it is a right hand driven car, tell me what you see.

    • Francis Saliba M.D. says:

      Are you suggesting that the driver steered in reverse gear into the path of slower moving bullets?

      Are you trying to make a distinction between shooting at the driver and shooting at the car when the driver was actually inside the car?

      • Mim says:

        Goodness is my writing that muddled?

        If the driver was in the car and Mr Sheehan hit the car, three times (so we can say that was the intended direction and not a fluke), then Mr Sheehan had no qualms about shooting Mr Morrison Smith.

        Saying Sheehan (only) shot at the car only serves to minmize the gravity of what happened.

        Shooting at an empty car appears less of a threat then shooting at a person, wherever he is, inside or outside of a car.

        Reversing or slow bullets were never a factor in my argument.

  10. MrGlobeTrotter says:

    It’s time for the Labour government to go. I pray that God releases the spirit of wisdom and knowledge over Maltese people and that they open the eyes of their understanding.

    I further pray that God intervenes by commissioning a government led by someone who actually acts in the best interest of Malta.

    • observer says:

      God helps those who help themselves.

      Our present cabinet and its thousands of hangers-on are, indeed, helping themselves. And how.

      There are so many goodies to be enjoyed – even by shouting “Malta taghna lkoll” in the street at the top of your voice when acting the neighbourhood bully.

    • Kevin says:

      The problem is that we have to wait for another 8 years at least before the Nats have a fighting chance. By then we’ll be way in the gutter.

  11. Pandora says:

    Times of Malta today:

    “If the Opposition leader did not want to shoulder his responsibility to the people, he was not really running after the truth but trying to score political points, Dr Muscat said.”

    I just cannot stand Muscat’s way of accusing others (most of the time it is the Opposition) of faults which he himself is actually guilty of. How shameless.

    • observer says:

      You have to understand, Pandora, that Muscat is an expert in this technique, has been practising it for ages, and will continue so do most probably as long as he lives.

  12. Neil says:

    Meanwhile it’s day 4, and our PM is now buggering about trying to take the moral high ground on his (Fat Leli’s) offer to Simon Busuttil.

    But he still has not lifted a single finger when it comes to taking any actual action in this shocking case.

    What is he waiting for? Still in Opposition after nigh on two years?

  13. Fran says:

    David Thake on Radio 101 right now.

  14. Wilson says:

    Which explains why he was later seen in the same road with two other police….probably collecting cartridges off the ground.

  15. Bumblebee says:

    And Muscat was hoping that the affair would have quietened down and been swept under the carpet after the weekend when it’s still raging, piping hot.

  16. anthony says:

    Could it be that it was this Claire who actually fired the shots?

    Think about it Manuel.

  17. Jozef says:

    ‘It is not a matter of ‘what we have come to in such a short while’

    Absolutely, they were there when Muscat went chasing after each and every one of them, promising their inclusion into his movement and by default, society.

    I’d really love to hear what Deborah Schembri has to say. Guarantor of Labour’s conversion, so much so that it had to be an amorphous movement and not Labour to present itself to the electorate.

  18. Antoine Vella says:

    I can’t understand why the arguing was so intense and heated. All for a broken mirror? It wasn’t even going to come out of Sheehan’s pocket, after all.

  19. Madoff says:

    Muscat ma jafx x’tahwid dahlu fieh Mallia. Kuljum xi haga gdida. Qatalu nifsu.

  20. vitor says:

    The question being asked at the moment is, where do the Prime Minister’s loyalties lie?

    Does he live up to his oath of office and serve the country?

    Or does he protect his supporters, however unconscionable their actions?

    Demagoguery and sophistry, which we have seen a lot of in the last few days, serve to cover up and obfuscate the issues; only transparency and loyalty to the Constitution and the law breed trust.

    It’s time to show whether he is really in charge, and whether he is a man or a mouse, a puny little man, a worthless windbag full of hot air.

    He will never recover from this if he does not take decisive action now. He might think he has winged it yet again, but it will come back to haunt him and destroy him if he shows a lack of decisive leadership and integrity now.

    His followers are noting how far they can push him without him reacting. It’s almost too late to recover any sense of propriety and respect; one last chance, but time is running out very fast.

  21. ChrisM says:

    The prime minister is a joke. The evidence is already messed up.

    The aggressor was not arrested on the spot. Instead he was pictured making phone calls. God knows how much evidence he tampered with.

    Witnesses have been apparently told not to speak to the press.

    Smith’s car was removed from the scene before the magistrate could conduct an inquiry.

    The more time the prime minister leaves to take action and have the driver arrested, the home affairs minister removed and other people interrogated the more this case will be twisted and screwed up.

    Shame on Joseph Muscat, Silvio Scerri and Manuel Mallia.

    • ken il malti says:

      The dynamic duo of Mallia and Scerri will live another day to screw up some more in the future and provide a full-time ball and chain around Jo’s ankle.

      The smart move would have been to ditch the dynamic duo, as they are more trouble than they are worth.

    • Natalie says:

      “The more time the prime minister leaves to take action and have the driver arrested”

      Why should the Prime Minister have to give orders for Sheehan to be arrested? It’s not his job.

      Why haven’t the police arrested him? Doesn’t this show how significantly compromised the police have become?

  22. PWG says:

    One road map worked to perfection. The sacking of the exemplary Police Commissioner and Armed Forces Commander and their replacement by two die hard Labour Party puppets.

    They did so to get the likes of Dalli of the hook and to shelter the Fussellus, Totos and Qahbus of this generation.

    I could never trust Labour because they never repented for the savagery they committed in a 16-year reign of terror. More so because they had the temerity to field the protagonists of that era such as Il-Guy (now EU Commissioner), Leo Brincat (now Environment Minister), Debono Grech (now on a public salary for coordinating something in Gozo), Joe Grima (now special envoy to the World Tourism Organisation), Alex Sceberras Trigona (now envoy to the World Trade Organisation).

    Notwithstanding, I never thought it would come to this and took issue with friends who feared the worst.

    I ask all people of good will, who have yet to get to grips with reality, how it is possible for the Interior Minister’s driver to fire at least three live rounds at a car and its occupant and remain unmolested by the police.

    The decent people in the Labour Party should stand up to be counted. Don’t follow the example of Lino Spiteri, who claimed to have tried to fix things internally instead of declaring his opposition openly and resigning.

  23. Pippa says:

    As far as I remember each of the past Prime ministers always had a portfolio.

    Was Joseph Muscat unwilling to choose a portfolio? If so why? Because he wants to enjoy being a Prime Minister for its own sake, while doing what he best knows how to do and passing the buck down the line?

  24. rf says:

    This morning David Thake phoned Manuel Mallia at home. Codruta answered and told him that he wasn’t home but was at church. All this on air.

  25. david says:

    This one is for the switchers: it was really cool voting Labour, wasn’t it.

  26. MalteseDNA says:

    Qed jigi allegat li r-residenti ta’ fejn sehh l-incident gew avvicinati biex ma jitkellmux.

    Ahseb u ara kemm ha jhaddimha il-Whistle Blower Act li tant ghajat biha il-Prim.

  27. mnms says:

    Dan huwa l-Clint Eastwood ta’ Malta, l-eroj li ftit ta’ gimghat ilu kien off duty u gera wara l-kaccatur li spara fuq stork fil-Marsa.

    Ma nistax nifhem kif dak inhar ma harigx il-pistola u qabad jispara ghax nassumi l-kaccatur kien armat – jew forsi dakinhar kien fsensieh?

  28. gaetano pace says:

    Mistoqsija semplici. Allura issa l-poplu wara dan l-ezempju ta’ sparar, jekk meta xi ministru bi skorta tal-pulizija mieghu, jghaddu bi ksur ta’ ligi kriminali sfaccat, bi speed eccessiv, u jolqtulna l-mera nohorgu nisparaw ghalihom jew immorru nigru warajhom?

    Issa li ghadhom ma ttiehdu l-ebda passi kontra min spara kontra l-poplu jittiehdu passi?

    Jigu tal-RIU jew icemplulna minn Kastilja biex jghidulna x`ghandna nghidu?

    Jekk din wara l-bagit hi spiza kbira li ma hasibx ghaliha l-gvern jista jekk joqghogbu jorhrog b`orhos u jaghtina n-numra tal-Kummissarju u Silvio Scerri.

    It-telefonata tiswa hamsin centezmu bhal dawk tas-Super One inhallsuha ahna biex ma nikkumplikawx l-affarijiet.

    Wara kollox il-poplu jimxi b`saqajh imma jitkaxkar bl-ezempju, imqar jekk ikun ezempju hazin imkebbeb fil-misteru tal-gideb.

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