Comment of the day: “This government is broken. We have to accept that power corrupts.”

Published: November 27, 2014 at 5:24pm

Muscat Mallia

Posted by Pablo:

This government is broken. We have to accept that power corrupts and forever will be there.

In a sane democracy the rule is that when you are caught or even seen as soiling your public office, you are on your own and you must withdraw and resign.

The mere fact that your PM has appointed a three-man inquiry into allegations against you automatically makes your resignation a sine qua non. You resign to prove your integrity. You stay on because you have none to lose.

Honesty must reside with the PM. The buck stops with him. If he starts lying to the public, we are lost.

A dishonest PM is an ebolic scourge for the simple reason that in short time the public cannot trust him to inform them of the reality of anything.

If Joseph Muscat is an honest PM he has to sack Mallia now as the latter has not resigned. The country is investigating Mallia and both the PM and Mallia act as if the PM’s inquiry itself is a cover-up.

It is surprising that the three ex-judges did not make Mallia’s stepping down a condition for accepting to take on the role. I wish them luck having accepted to act under the supervision of the person whom they are to investigate.

18 Comments Comment

  1. curious says:

    They should all resign en masse. Look at this. And then they won an election on the ten million given to Arriva. Is there enough space in hell for these people?

    “A Transport Malta lawyer said in court this afternoon that the €23 million government subsidy promised to Spanish operator Autobuses de Leon was a pro-rata payment for the transitional period and the actual annual subsidy would be substantially higher once the full service, with new routes, was rolled out.

    Louis Degabriele confirmed that €23 million was being offered to the Spanish company, with which negotiations are under way. He said this figure covered the first period of service, with the subsidy expected to climb once the Spanish company started to implement the new routes Transport Malta was expecting of it.”

  2. R Camilleri says:

    If I remember correctly Mallia said, in his press conference, that Mr Smith was drunk. Was he really drunk? Did he really refuse a breathalyser test?

    Up till now he has not been charged of anything. If this statement is false, then Mallia lied again, during a press conference that was held nearly 12 hrs after the accident. He had enough time to check the facts and surely he cannot say that he said it ‘a caldo’.

  3. dudu says:

    Have we found three just men?

  4. Leone says:

    Oil falls $3 to four-year low after OPEC leaves output unchanged.

    Can you please pass this headline to Kon-rat! Maybe we get to save a further 1c on petrol.

  5. C Falzon says:

    “If Joseph Muscat is an honest PM he has to sack Mallia now as the latter has not resigned. ”

    Honesty is not enough if he does not have the capability to sack him, and he has neither the one nor the other.

  6. Mila says:

    I guess fooling people is not as easy as the prime minister thought. He might be as slippery as an eel but it seems like the possibilities of him being shown up for what he really is are increasing.

    ‘Political responsibility has to be shouldered. No judicial inquiry will assess political responsibility. We are asking the Prime Minister to do his job and hold Dr Mallia politically responsible for what has happened,” Dr de Marco said.’ TOM

  7. James Caruana says:

    In Joseph Muscat’s warped outlook he does not want Mallia to resign ‘to prove his integrity’ since he would have to follow suit in four months’ time to prove his. Joseph is the eternal chess player, except he is not as bright as he thinks.

  8. Makjavel says:

    Joseph Muscat is certainly delivering on one of his statements.


    Declared on Xarabank in front of all Malta, Peppi and Dr. Gonzi.

    His Ministers are all confirmed liars, as Joseph’s policy requires.

  9. Jozef says:

    Which is why he tried to fish the Leader of the Opposition first.

    That would have legitimised a ‘board of inquiry’ into doing what is a political decision. A decision only he can take.

    That this be driven home.

    Now that it results Sheehan had been arrested the night before Mallia came onto our screens with Kurt by his side, the lies have become pure scandal.

    Under no figment of anyone’s imagination can Mallia state he wasn’t even aware Sheehan had been arrested. Which he must.

    It’s the Roche limit.

  10. ciccio says:

    The government is not only broken. It is beyond repair.

  11. Vincent says:
    “”Eddy Privitera • an hour ago
    Nahseb kieku kien hazin, il budget, Simon kien se jahli dak il-hin kollu jitkellem fuq affarijiet irrelevanti ghal-hajja tal-poplu taghna !””

    Nahseb kieku t-tifla tieghu jew xi nippotina ntlaqtet minn xi bullet kien jahseb mod iehor is-sur Privitera.

    Imma kemm int injorant, Privitera – lanqas tara izjed minn xiber imniehrek.

    • kapxinn says:

      The Privitera is right. The budget overrides guns and accountability.

      Wara kollox, ‘the buck stops with me,’ the prime minister would say. ‘I spend it as I wish.’

  12. pablo says:

    Joey on Dissett saying that the democratic practice that a minister resigns when under investigation is “kummiedji tan-nazzjonalisti”. This is proof of what a pompous clown this man is.

  13. Kanun says:

    I never had any doubt that we would have found the three wise men. It’s the virgin I’m worried about.

  14. anthony says:

    Jekk dan Privitera ihoss li ghalih 58 centezmu fil-gimgha huma aktar importanti mid-disastru assolut ta’ gideb fenomenali li minnu ghaddej il-pajjiz allura bilfors mejjet bil-guh.

    Imissu jitlob lil Marie Goretti (quando non posso piu) Coleiro tidhol ghalih u ttih xi haga minn dak li gabret mill-mixja.

  15. I Micallef says:

    “wherever power concentrates, it creates a dickhead” Russell Brand

  16. Lupin says:

    In Mallia’s case, the media and the public realised that the government’s statements on the case were untrue.

    How many other government statements went through as a fact and are untrue? What is the public to believe of this unreliable brainwashing machine?

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