David Thake rings Cyrus Engerer

Published: November 28, 2014 at 9:13am

25 Comments Comment

  1. Volley says:

    I heard it on Radio 101 yesterday. David Thake was brilliant as always. I like his subtle comments.

  2. xifajk says:

    Dik il-My Boy Lollipop faqani imma.

  3. il-Ginger says:

    The delusional prat cannot even accept what he is.

    If he wasn’t siphoning so much cash out of our coffers I might actually feel sorry for the little shit.

  4. Dave says:

    “Xoghol fuq da[ha]r Malta” is a classic.

  5. A Montebello says:

    It makes my blood boil.

    So, Cyrus spends 10 minutes whining about how it’s not right to call him during working hours (erm, we’re paying his salary) instead of replying to a simple yes or no answer.

    I would be very surprised if his ex and he are really still friends and more so, if his ex did actually help Cyrus in his electoral campaign. If he weren’t a private citizen, I’d call him myself.

    Lastly, what is all this with “iktar koppji” working in Brussels? Is it possible they’re all perfectly qualified for the top jobs – like marries like and by an amazing coincidence they are jobs vacancies for both? Frauds, liars and cheats – the lot of them.

    And know this, Cyrus Engerer (because I know you’ll be reading this): nobody on either side of the fence will ever truly trust you. Ever.

    Perhaps you should ask Randolph whether you could take some kinky porn pics of him. My guess is even he’ll refrain because your crime was nasty, cruel, premeditated and intended to cause the maximum damage to someone who got fed up of you.

    • Pepe' says:

      Randolph had better make sure Cyrus isn’t secretly filming him in the bedroom, as insurance for any eventuality that may arise.

  6. watchful eye says:

    One would have taken umbrage for being called a ‘criminal convict’ if he were not.

    But Cyrus has his back to the wall and could not rebut the fact.

    And yet, according to him, his position is one of trust.

    Should I scratch my bald head?

  7. gn says:

    He phoned Ramona Attard as well.

  8. Eye on Malta says:

    Again, very…”flaccid” in ability to respond.

    “Suldat tal-azzar” only when Joseph is there to back him up.


  9. Wisdom from the gaol cell says:

    It is also shocking that people believe it is normal to have intimate relations with others in their office.

    To justify one unprofessional attitude with the unprofessional attitudes of other lonely, sad, parochial Maltese people incapable of integrating into Belgian society is not a very good argument.

  10. Alf says:

    Re his criminal conviction, replying to David Thake’s question Cyrus Engerer said “Dak li intom qed issejhulu bhala vittma kien parti mill-campaign team tieghi, konna hbieb u ghadna hbieb”. Just one simple comment on my part “With friends like these, who needs enemies”.

  11. Drinks With Vince Micallef says:

    Cyrus Engerer: your quintessential self-important jerk. “Don’t talk to me now. I’m busy on matters of state.”

  12. Cacufa says:

    Cyrus is right, there are other Labour couples working there, anyone with half a brain can find them online through different websites, BUT, and a big BUT at that, this is the first time a couple was employed TOGETHER AT THE SAME TIME!


  13. Kevin says:

    Cyrus Engerer: as a person occupying a position within the Maltese government answering all relevant questions made by a journalists are matters of national interest. Your criminal conviction and your remorse are relevant in this case.

    Your pretend indignation is a demonstration of cowardice and a clear rejection of such principles as transparency and meritocracy. Your rejection of the court’s opinion shows very little remorse and respect for the laws of the land.

    Your two degrees are in no way signifiers of your ability to the job. Otherwise you would have realised your duty to answer Mr Thake’s questions. I am sure you were taught ethics. Your experience on the job includes a conviction for committing a crime (revenge porn). In normal democracies criminal convictions are grounds for barring you from public office. However, the Labour Government shows nothing more than contempt for democratic principles as do you.

    On these counts alone, you have absolutely no business in representing Malta overseas.

    You should be ashamed of yourself.

  14. lo squalo says:

    David, ibqa’ sejjer hekk. Tkun idea tajba li minflok intervisti fuq it-telefon isiru intervisti one-to-one rrekordjati ta’ bla hsieb.

    Hemm ikollna aktar x’nidhku meta naraw il-komportament taghhom meta l-intervista tkun bla pjan minn qabel.

    Hasra li f’dan il-pajjiz produzzjoni ta satira titella darba biss f’sena.

    Wara l-ahbarijiet ta’ Net News ikun l-lok idejali ghal dan il-program.

  15. Crockett says:

    Dar Malta, id-dar tal-koppji.

    • stephen borg says:

      Iva Crockett. L-ewwel koppja bdiet xi 2004 u damu hafna snin jahdmu flimkien fir-Rappresentanza Permanenti ta Malta. Persuna minn din il-koppja ghadha hemmhekk sal-lum filwaqt li l-persuna l-ohra harget fuq ‘career break’ xi sentejn ilu.

  16. Spock says:

    Ma nghidlux mur hudu f’s****k ghax jiehu gost .

  17. A V says:

    I bet he doesn’t have any qualms spending 10 minutes (when he should be working hard for us Maltese) or so of quality time with his ‘partner’.

  18. bob-a-job says:

    What you see and know of Cyrus Engerer is just the tip of the iceberg.

    I am surprised how further filth perpetrated by this individual hasn’t surfaced yet but it will eventually so keep tuned.

  19. bob-a-job says:

    Cyrus: if you think you deserve that job in Brussels because of your qualities and not for having shifted from the PN to the MLP than you are more stupid than one thinks.

    Let’s face it, your own online CV is crystal clear in that regard and you only look good now because you’re surrounded by idiots.

  20. M says:

    If you knew just how truly horrible most of the Maltese in Brussels are, arriviste peasants with a massive superiority complex, you would avoid the place like the plague. He is in his element there.

    • stephen borg says:

      Fully agree re arriviste point. Been through that myself. Ghal ftit jonqoshom xi “Debrett’s Guide to the Peerage” bil-kompetizzjoni socjali ta’ bejniethom.

  21. Tye says:

    Mela waqt ix-xoghol ma jirrispondix lill-Poplu Malti?

  22. mortisja says:

    If Cyrus was REALLY in a meeting, he would not be taking calls in the first place. NIES GIDDIBIN LI JAHSBU LI JISTGHU JITMEJJLU BL-INTELLIGENZA TAN-NIES.

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