Didn’t the mayor of Qormi say she has nothing to do with the banana festival?

Published: November 16, 2014 at 11:48pm

Some pictures taken today – utterly fascinating. Love the man in the banana suit. He’d be a hit at any party thrown by Cyrus and Randolph, and if he added a tutu and a bit of wax, Natius might hire him too for his ‘keys in the bowl’ parties with Anthony Zammit.

Who needs novels with all these weird characters and cunningly wrought plot twists in Maltese public life?

rosianne cutajar banana 1

rosianne cutajar banana 2

rosianne cutajar banana 3

41 Comments Comment

  1. Grezz says:

    Life in Hal Qormi is so … fascinating.

  2. Banana republic ... again says:

    Maybe she was there just because she loves bananas.

  3. Mr Meritocracy says:

    Rosianne Cutajar, mayoress of the Banana Republic of Hal-Qormi.

  4. Queen's English says:

    Genuine question: Why do local councils organise these events? What is the point?

    • P Shaw says:

      I think it all started with the festival tar-ricotta (tal-irkotta), and the rest (various fruit and vegetables) all followed. One festival wanted to outshine the other.

      • ken il malti says:

        I would like to see a honey ring festival at Hal Qormi.

        Someone in Hal Qormi surely must know how to make and bake them.

        [Daphne – They’re not honey rings. They’re made with English treacle. The days when they were made with honey/honey-comb are long, long gone.]

      • Gahan says:

        Jekk trid idduq qagħaq tal-għasel ġenwini (treacle+semolina) u bi prezz tajjeb, fil-waqt li tgħin skola tal-knisja,ipprova ordna borża mingħand is-Saint Paul’s Missionary College, itlob lil xi ħadd li jaħdem hemm jew student li jattendi din l-iskola.

        Trid tistenna ftit.Jew ipprova ċempel.

        Għandi min iġibli xi ftit kull tant żmien.

        Il-kċina iċċertifikata mis-sanita.

    • Antoine Vella says:

      The first festival was that of strawberries, organised in Mġarr, which is the area where most strawberries are produced in Malta. I think it was inspired by the Italian traditional “sagra”.

      Others followed and were at first organised by the ministry responsible for agriculture to promote Maltese produce. These were/are partially funded by the EU. Other festivals then started being organised by local councils – not sure if they are also EU-funded.

      The issue with this particular festival is, of course, that bananas are not produced locally so it cannot be presented as helping Maltese farmers.

    • Len says:

      It’s soft porn.

  5. Tabatha White says:

    The self-proclaimed custodian of Malta’s Largest Banana Display, and an public applicant for Catania’s.

    The only thing that really defines Malta today is the rampant hamallagni that permeates actions, behaviour, decisions and look.

  6. maltija u qormija says:

    Ma kienx ikun isbah festival tal-pastizz milli tal-banana f’Hal Qormi?

    Qormi is known for its bakeries and the good pastizzi especially those made by John Dalli’s relatives. They are known for being excellent “pastizzara” and veterans in this sector.

  7. maltija u qormija says:

    U thid ma tpaxxewx il-Qriema meta raw lis-sindka f’dan il-festival?

    Kulhadd l-istess kelma, “kemm ilha hi sindku, ma sar xejn gdid f’Hal Qormi”. Jinghad ukoll li tidher biss fic-cerimonji.

    • Ruth says:

      Mhux talli tidher biss fic-cerimonji. Talli jekk ikollha l-opportunita li tkun bilqeghda fuq quddiem, biex tidher biss u ssahhan is-siggu ghax hlief tilghab bil-mobile u ticcekja l-‘Facebook’ ma taghmilx.

      • Viva s sindku says:

        Jaqq x’ghira bazwija ghandek Ruth. Taf x’naf li meta jkollok bzonnha issibha u jien minn dak jimpurtani. Kemm ilha sindku hi hadna r ruh, gabet l ghaqda u n nies ihobbuha ghax sinciera

      • George says:

        ‘ Viva s-Sindku’, tkellem ghalik.

        Is-sentimenti tieghi huma simili ghal ta’ Ruth u ‘maltija u qormija’.

      • maltija u qormija says:

        Hafna nies minn dan jimpurthom : IL-PJACIR PERSONALI u mhux x’jiggwadanja il-pajjiz u c-cittadin ingenerali.

        Kultura imbazwra li gejja minn zmien il-labour tal-80’s. Kultura ta’ irrangali naqra u ghaddili kelma.

  8. Mike says:

    What is it with Maltese people and certificates?

  9. Charlie Theuma says:

    Wow she looks happy surrounded by bananas…

  10. A. Charles says:

    In Italy, these type of festivals are called “sagre” and they are always held to publicise a particular local product; in Sicily, Vizzini has one for ricotta and San Cono has another for prickly pears.

    • Rumplestiltskin says:

      But when did bananas become a ‘local product’ of Hal Qormi?

      • A. Charles says:

        That’s why I wrote my comment.

      • philip borg says:

        Seems the mayor loves it.

      • Qormi says:

        Nistaqsi: X’inhi l-konnessjoni bejn il-Hamrun u c-cikkulata?

        Nistaqsi: X’inhi l-konnessjoni bejn Hal Qormi u l-qastan?

        X’fiha hazin taghmel festival li mhux prodott tipiku Malti?

        X’fiha hazin jekk dan il-festival sar minghajr ebda fondi tal-EU? u b’hekk ma ‘nsterqu’ ebda fondi ta’ dawk li jridu jtellghu festival bi prodotti Maltin?

  11. Procedures says:

    I’d love to be one of her pupils this morning.

  12. Wilson says:

    Automatic sponsorship of banana republics and corporate poisoning. Does she know anything of what all that banana means?

  13. red banana says:

    serhu raskhom lil magoranza tal-maltin hadu gost bdin l-attivita fejn eluf ta Nies attendew ghal din l-attivita. tajdu xtajdu ahna ha nkomplu norganizaw attivitajiet ta success. issa jekk xi hadd ghandu banana ta Malta ikellimna.halli bhekk nbihu banana ta Malta u ma naqalwx kritika hux.

  14. Pu says:

    Apart from the banality of it all, if it were a proper festival, one should have expected to see a variety of (imported) bananas. This looks more like a Del Monte festival … who imports Del Monte in Malta?

  15. il-Ginger says:

    When is the Qormi Sausage Festival going to be held?

    I want to nominate someone to be a Certified Wurstel.

  16. Maltri says:

    The banana costume is just wrong.

    Maybe Baxxter can come up with a better fitting costume.

  17. lovejoy says:

    This festival must surely make into next year’s Guinness Book of Records as the first local council to promote a fruit which is not grown in the region or even in the continent from which the council hails.

  18. bastjan il-qormi says:

    Il-festival tal-banana sar biss bhala xi haga tal-kummerc. dan jidher li kien sponsorjat mill-importatur tal-Banana f’Malta. Ank tal-laring go Rahal Gdid jistona. Sa fejn naf jiena H’Attard u Hal Balzan huma maghrufa ghal laring. Imma l-importaturi iridu igawdu ukoll. Li kieku ma kienx hemm skejjel tas-sfin f’Hal-Qormi ma kien ikun hemm xejn specjali. Insejt kien hemm hafna stalls li kellhom junk food u toys. Kollox jinbiegh minghajr VAT.

  19. Sandy says:

    Kemm hawn min hu ghajjur ghas-Sindku taghna u dan kollu ghax brava, simpatika u sabiha. Jien kburija li Qormija u kburija li ghandna lilha bhala Sindku, persuna onesta, accessibbli u disponibbli.

  20. fm says:

    Rosianne Cutajar as mayor: that is Banana Republic.

  21. Angus Black says:

    There’s going to be a Festival of Nuts, coming soon to an Auberge de Castille near you.

  22. Qeghdin Sew says:

    I’d have expected Zurrieq to be hosting such an event.

  23. Gaetano Pace says:

    Must be irresistible. The banana, I mean.

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