Don Manuel’s driver: New cover-up information on Times of Malta’s front page today

Published: November 28, 2014 at 7:52am

Times front page 1

Times front page 2

7 Comments Comment

  1. davidg says:

    So, is that not inspector Micallef seated next to Paul?

  2. sarah says:


  3. mila says:

    Pity they did not take a photo of the person asking them for the footage, but then this is becoming a scary country.

  4. Jozef says:

    The Babushka ladies.

  5. Tabatha White says:

    Take this to mean that Joseph Muscat knows full well he’s in the wrong.

    He’s done this sort of thing before.

    Getting rid of evidence.

    Making sure people don’t get to trip him up.

    Use plain clothes agents to scare and harass people.

    At least now, their tactics are in the open.

    Just imagine how horrible it was when absolutely nobody could even imagine them being like this.


    The film Flight Plan is a good focused way of understanding how, in a managed situation, people get targeted and can very easily be thought delusional if what they see goes directly against the grain of what is generally perceived not to be happening. (Different context altogether, but the sense of deceit, misinformation, planned tragedy, framing, etc. is there.)

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