UPDATED/Du Mépris Partout
November 9, 2014 at 1:47am
You need at least some basic French for this. Don’t watch while drinking coffee. Update: Original film trailer with English subtitles beneath.
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There I go again Daphne – another laughter induced asthma attack ; at this rate I won’t survive to the next election .
Oh, c’est super!
Brilliant editing and dialogue.
C’est fenomenal! C’est tres interessant.
Even with elegant French background comments, they still look the real sh*t they are.
All I got was that Franco Debono was a Greek statue. Translations anyone?
[Daphne – Things get lost in translation. And in case he’s reading this and takes it literally, the ‘Greek statue’ is satirical.]
Here is the original trailer with English sub-titles:
[Daphne – Thank you. I’ve uploaded it.]
Can we have some kind-hearted fellow inserting English sub titles so we can join in the fun please?
Thank God I was force fed French at De La Salle College, because this really made my day!
Thanks for the advice about the coffee.
And to whoever put this together ‘un grand bravo’.
[Daphne – It was our friend H. P. Baxxter.]
C’est si bon! Formidable!
You just ruined one of my favorite films (but then again, I must admit I cracked a smile by the time Shiv’s image came on.)
Best post this week
Chapeau au producteur! It’s fantastic.
So funny but sadly true.
Funny but tragic!
Ha ha, génial!
All Chernobyl’s fault . All that radiation effected a lot of brain cells .
J’adore la salle de bagne de Joseph @ 0.53 et la merde – pardonne, la mer – @ 1.08
Oscar winning material. If only every Sunday morning starts like this!
Par dieu! Sans mots…les plus grands sourires du monde.
Or is it ‘les plus grands souris’?
Sheer brilliance.
Haaahaaa! Coffee? There is half a croissant splattered across the wall.
Hilarious! Better than my pre-lunch gin and tonic anytime.
Good one! We got the message.
Et le ménage à trois?
H.P. Baxxter is an effing legend. This is his best work yet.
So la mere in the ‘parody’ takes the meaning of “the mum” and not the sea as in the original trailer
La tendresse is just great. I do have to wonder what it was that happened in Brussels and stayed in Brussels and in Jason’s head alone.
C’est magnifique, bravo.
Le Baxxter phenomenal!
My favourites:
‘le music hall’ (JPO);
‘la trahison’ (Owen B) ;
‘la mort’ (Mary Spiteri)
and ‘la tragique histoire d’amour’ (Sai + K Mizzi)
Mort de rire!