No wonder Konrad Mizzi put Miriam Dalli on his ministry payroll

Published: November 9, 2014 at 2:11am

Life around the water-cooler at the Ministry for Energy must have been quite exciting for somebody so easily aroused…to indignation.

I see they’ve redefined the Beirut look to the point of caricature here.

21 Comments Comment

  1. P Shaw says:

    Can you imagine a PN MP or MEP who is not a tart and who did not use her looks/body to advance in her political career, doing this?

    The difference between the women in both parties is so stark. It is literally brains vs. tarts.

  2. Gahan says:

    Before Joseph Muscat took the helm of the Labour Party, Daphne used to argue that the Labour Party’s policies were being dictated from the newsrooms of Super One TV and Super One Radio.

    Those guys and gals are running the country now.

  3. observer says:

    L-importanti li “hadna pjacir hafna”.

    Dnub li ma kontx hemm, ghaliex kont niehu pjacir jien ukoll.

    Kont inzabbab (bit-tikka, please)

  4. Mark Mann says:

    WTF? They look like a couple of drugged zombies.

  5. Makjavel says:

    Dress rehearsal for a cabinet meeting.

  6. dutchie says:

    That word “buzz” can mean anything, right? Is it still widely used?

  7. ciccio says:

    This is the beginning of the end of Joseph Muscat.

    I am not a socialist, but I do not favour policies which result in extreme capitalism.

    With his subtle deregulation, the excuse of reducing bureaucracy, and with the state of lawlessness, Joseph Muscat is promoting extreme capitalism and egoism where money rules, and is increasingly impoverishing and marginalising the weakest. While his government has focused on giving more to big businessmen – see his policies on the environment, or the lack of them – he has taken no compensating measures to protect or lift the poor.

    The solution to this problem?

    Quick. The government urgently needs 26 more iced buns.

  8. ciccio says:

    We are paying for higher fuel thanks to the incompetence of the government and its hedging policies.

    But since everything needs to be examined carefully under this government, I think that we need to see more evidence.

    The general opinion was that the government was paying for the allegedly reduced electricity tariffs from the price of fuel. So one would need to be sure that the government is not making up an excuse to deflect that criticism.

    Who is the counter-party to the hedging? What prices were fixed in the hedging contracts? Who was responsible for the contracts? Who advised about those contracts?

    In my view, some parliamentary questions would help.

  9. Jozef says:

    If it were so, the plan was supposed to have a power station ready within two years.

    Thus whole plan fails, ergo resignation.

  10. Jozef says:

    Issa joqghod jigi jwahwah fuq xi Xarabank kemm ghandna bzonn nies bhalu biex tirxoxta l-knisja f’Malta.

    X’demel ta’ nies, l-kelma verita’ ssir hmieg f’idejhom.

  11. Queen's English says:

    The twats at Times of Malta published a story about Mark Montebello and that sad affair with the priest and the suicidal woman.

    They did not check to see who their ‘Edgar Bonnici Cachia’ is. Here is the link for them as they will surely not publish a comment this link:

    • curious (2) says:

      Where the hell are we living? Everything is so complicated and intertwined. It’s better than fiction, sadly.

    • ciccio says:

      Well, they have lost it again, didn’t they? That’s what they did the last time they were in government in 1996-1998.

      They are now taxing education, social housing and a general ‘incompetence tax’ on fuels (see today’s article in The Sunday Times).

      Labour. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

  12. Gaetano Pace says:

    Hasra ja hasra. Sakemm hadu buzz taghhom f`taghhom ma taghhom ilkoll affari taghhom.

    Imma issa ajma, ajma dahari, qed jiehdu buzz wara li hadu karigi li riedu u qed jithallsu minn buti l-ewwel wiehed talli ma jaghmlu xejn.

    Narma van bil-kafe u l-pastizzi hdejn ministeru forsi tigihom hasra minni u jigu jiehdu kafe u pastizz minn ghandi.

    X`naghmel? La Joseph rani iswed u ma taghni xejn.

    Nilbes parrokka u naghmel il-make up jew naghtih ktieb forsi jiffnasjani?

    • ciccio says:

      L-aktar soluzzjoni effettiva hi li jkollok pen drive jew envelope kannella.

      Inkella toqghod tnewwah, forsi fuq il-Facebook, u fl-ahhar itik xi iced-bun.

  13. RF says:

    Competing with the girls in Rue d’Aerschot?

  14. Pinu Primus says:


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