First matching bowties, then matching jobs

Published: November 7, 2014 at 2:56am

cyrus engerer

Read your latest ‘corruption and cronyism’ installment in The Malta Independent.

41 Comments Comment

  1. ken il malti says:

    So fruity.

  2. Hawk says:

    Engerer does not have a clean criminal conduct. How could you be doing these things, Mr Prime minister?

    Could you please mention just one person who got a similar job with a conduct sheet like his?

    You promised an honest government and my husband believed you. I’m sorry to say this, but he has now realized what a fool he was.

  3. Brum says:

    We now know who is on the giving and which one is on the receiving end!

  4. Redneck says:

    “He was chosen for the post in the same way used by the previous administration. “Mr Debattista has already held a position of trust and has now been given another position of trust.”

    Typical. Before the election, Muscat promised change. After the election, he only changed his promise.

  5. nistaqsi says:

    This is another example of transparency a la ‘Taghna Lkoll’.

    The replies said that they have the necessary abilities and skills needed for their roles. What experience do they have? What are their degrees?

    Also, if Engerer’s job is similar to the role he had at OPM, why does he need to be based in Brussels to carry it out? He could do it just as effectively working from Castille.

  6. virgosign says:

    Pink and blue, what a sweet couple.

    And oh how appropriate representing us in Brussels too!

    They must be at it and working hard 24/7 then.

  7. observer says:

    Xi hlew! Rabta coff. Wiehed bic-celesti u l-iehor bir-roza.

    Tghid, ghaliex?

    Inutli nghidilhom imorru jiehduh……….ghaliex ma rridx niffomenta s-sodomija!

  8. ciccio says:

    Sweetheart deals.

  9. AE says:

    Jokers the lot of them. A criminal has no place either at the prime minister’s office. Joseph Muscat, does Cyrus have you by the balls?

  10. Christopher says:

    The Bowjob

    Read it again. No spelling mistakes. Cool new story heading.

    Have a nice day.

  11. Seqer says:

    The FT refers this morning to a group of international journalists known as International Consortium of Investigative Journalists as being behind the report on Luxembourg’s culture of financial secrecy.

    I bet two things. One that Salvu Balzan is not their President and two, there’s no Maltese name on the member list, definitely none from The Times as otherwise they would have had a field day with Cyrus, Randolph and Joseph and others these past months of Labour government.

    [Daphne – There is indeed a Maltese name on the list. One of my sons works for the ICIJ and is a key member of that project. Scroll to the bottom of this piece in the Huffington Post

  12. Arnold Layne says:

    Does anybody know what “the role he had at Castille” was? Clearly the position (ior should I say sinecure?) in Brussels must be one that does not require security clearance, because that cannot be given to a convicted person. If it has been given, then somebody is messing around with police records.

    Moreover, how can the PM say that Cyris is qualified, when that same conviction should itself be a grounds for disqualification?

    Malta’s EU Presidency is probably the most important international responsibility we will ever assume: are we going to have a convicted person running the show for us in Brussels?

    • Neil says:

      He was the PM’s adviser on EU affairs. So I guess that now he’s in Brussels with a ‘similar’ position, he must be an adviser on Maltese affairs?

    • pablo says:

      Another example of the “I was madly Nationalist but now I’m madly Labour, got promised a cushy job” crowd of losers whose expense our children are going to have to make good for in the years to come.

    • edgar says:

      Arnold, I would not use the word position in this case. It has too much of a sensual connotation.

  13. Pier Pless says:

    Government plans to introduce legislation to decriminalise drugs. It claims that government will show no mercy with drug traffickers while people who are caught with a joint will not suffer their whole life.

    Although the principle is agreed with, these people cannot be trusted. They say one thing but we end up with something different. For example, they spoke of civil unions for same sex couples when in fact it is marriage. They say ‘decriminalisation’ of drugs ; what we will get will be legalisation of drugs.

    In any case, I read somewhere that first time drug-use offenders do NOT get jail time. Drug users eventually get jail time because of other offences like selling drugs or theft. If first time drug users are treated compassionately under the current legislation, the declared intention of changing the law is just an excuse.

    There must be a hidden agenda somewhere. These people cannot be trusted. The decriminalisation of drugs, as implemented by a PL government, is not in the best interest of young people. As a parent it worries me sick.

    • Jozef says:

      People caught with a joint do NOT get jail time, nor do they get a criminal record.

      Muscat needs a fresh crusade, fast.

    • Leone says:

      Drug decriminalsation committee:

      Chairman: Maurice Calleja
      Vice Chairman Toni Abela
      Secretary: Chris Engerer
      Treasurer: Manuel Mallia
      Board members: Meinrad Calleja, Ryan Schembri (if they can find him) and Darren Casha

  14. eve says:

    U taghna lkoll qed dejjem ikattar. Certu Nazzjonalisti saru Labour wara l-elezzjoni. Ghax ma jridux jaghmlu xi ghaxar snin ikkastigati.

    • Salvu says:

      Bir-rispett kollu, dawk in-nies li qed issemmi inti, la qatt kienu Nazzjonalisti u lanqas saru Laburisti issa. L-isfortuna hi illi dawk in-nies jghatu l-vot skond fejn jaqbel lilhom u mhux fejn jaqbel lil pajjiz.

      Meta issir taf min ikunu dawk in-nies, iggib ghajnejk wara widnejk.

      Jien, personalment, ma nafdax sahta u ma nkellimx nies illi hadmu mieghi fil-passat, deherilhom illi kellhom jahdmu ma haddiehor u kontra tieghi fil-passat recenti, u ghax ir-rih rega dar favur tieghi, jigu jergghu jitkarrbuli ghax-xoghol.

      Ping-Pong jilghabuh tajjeb fic-Cina.

  15. Tabatha White says:

    Beware of the timed release of such corruption.

    Letting it out in small doses, as they are so carefully doing, is like forcing a body to build up resistance to snake venom.

  16. george mizzi says:

    Jaqq xi hmieg ta’ nies. Che schifo. Ghalhekk tela fil-gvern Joseph Muscat? Biex ipaxxi agenda mahmuga ta’ hbieb tieghu bhal dawn?

    Dan hu x-xoghol SIEWI li ghamel ghal Malta taghna dan Joseph Muscat?

    Mhux ahjar jghidilna x’ghamel biex jagevola l-klassi tal-haddiema u lil poplu Malti in generali milli joqghod jiftahar quddiem salt griewi homor li f’sena u nofs qaleb Malta ta’ taht fuq?

    Mhemmx unur f’dak li ghamel s’issa. Hlief li qed ikompli dak li halla Mintoff jigifieri jkisser is-sinsla morali tal-Maltin.

    • Wilson says:

      Minn qallek li dan huwa gvern tal-haddiema? Kull ma qed jaghmel hu li johloq il-percezzjoni li kellu ta’ gvern Nazzjonalista. Bejn il-percezzjoni u l-verita kien hemm bahar jaqsam.

      • Tom Double Thumb says:

        What this government has done so far is to fulfil at least one promise made before the election: the creation of a new middle-class (of course, as understood in Labour’s Newspeak).

        This totally new middle class is composed of Taghna Lkollers appointed to public office.

        If nothing else, this new middle class has been made financially secure for the rest of their life even if/when Malta as a whole is officially declared bankrupt, a state of affairs that now seems likely to happen sooner rather than later.

  17. Changing of the guard says:

    Are iced buns in short supply these days? There must be a reason why some will have to share one. This will be such a great opportunity to shift blame if the product delivered is below par.

    ”Firms may share new hospital work”

  18. Beingpressed says:

    Colin Zammit deserves a medal.

  19. ciccio says:

    Gvern tat-tined. Who do they buy them from?

    Been following the news about Ebola in the worst-hit West African states. Never seen a tent being set up.

    Thinking about it, this would probably have to be a disposable tent for every case. Why the expense?

    The most feminist government in history? More like the most camp government…

  20. disillusioned says:

    I’ve met Cyrus on a number of occasions and he really is the worst kind of serpent.

    Their fingers are out of shot in this fetchingly modern and progressive photo, but judging by their smiles, I can only guess where they are.

  21. Not important says:

    There he was, making sure everyone sees that he is travelling from Brussels to Malta.

    First Cyrus Engerer remained standing, waiting for the gate to open, as opposed to sitting down like everyone else did.

    Then he made his way to his first class seat for everyone to see him, like saying ‘look I am here’. Tad-daqqiet ta’ harta. I could see nobody else behaving as he did.

  22. ciccio says:

    Trade deficit quadruples – Times of Malta

    “Malta registered a trade deficit of €253.3 million in September, compared to €59.1 million in the same month last year, according to preliminary figures published by the National Statistics Office…”

    “…Between January and September, the trade deficit widened by €373 million, to €1,822.6 million…”

    “Everything is on track.”…applause…

    • Jozef says:

      Christ. And then the press quotes Muscat with his unprecedented level of employment.

      Zapatero has nothing on Joseph.

  23. Joe Fenech says:

    Tits of a feather flock together. Practically, the Maltese Jedward without the eccentricity and the energy.

  24. Maria says:

    Was Cyrus travelling first class? Then he must have been given a higher grade than we’re probably thinking. In Richard Cachia Caruana’s time only the Permanent Representative travelled first class, not the chef de cabinet or the Deputy Permanent Representative.

  25. Osservatore says:

    Oh so this is what they meant when the called it a dictatorial regime. Well to hell with it. They got sent to Brussels, matching blowties and all. And we’re footing the bill.

  26. bob-a-job says:

    Għandi fiduċja kbira li Cyrus Engerer għad isib toqba tiġih.

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