Franco Debono, President of the Law Commission – a brief biopic

Published: November 22, 2014 at 1:37am

9 Comments Comment

  1. RF says:

    Franco is a capon not a cock.

  2. Freedom5 says:

    Buffu Buffu Buffu Buffu Buffu Buffu Buffu Buffu Buffu. Miskin.

  3. ciccio says:


    I’m in tears.

  4. Mim says:

    Franco Debono is keeping his thoughts caged along with his birds now, otherwise he would have to admit that when he dropped his own bone to snatch the one in the reflection, he ended up backing a load of bull.

    Cock a doodle do.

  5. Dickens says:

    Hasi imsewwi bil- hajt tat-tixlil.

  6. gn says:

    Jaqbadni d-dardir nisma fuqu.

    Naf li qed jithallas mit-taxxi taghna imma evita milli ggib fuqu ghax nitqalla.

  7. Someone says:

    Madonna Santissima, Franco and Jeffrey used to comment on every subject under the sun, is it possible that no one asked them on their learned views on the Mallia driver shoot-out saga?

  8. John Higgins says:

    More of a capon than a cock.

    [Daphne – I agree. In fact the cocks are only there because cock-fighting was one of his ‘delizzji’ when he was younger.]

  9. Angus Black says:

    Can we name the five cocks?

    I seem to recognize some familiar faces, including the latest one who joined the group.

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