Here are exclusive pictures of the board of inquiry into Manuel Mallia

Published: November 23, 2014 at 12:17am

Following Simon Busuttil’s ‘do please f**k off’ tweet, Joseph Muscat has bitten the bullet and appointed his own investigative body by combing carefully through the list of people invited to meet Prince William.

board of inquiry

board 2

11 Comments Comment

  1. gn says:

    Ikun bahnan Busuttil jekk jeccetta din l-istedina, biex imbaghad tinqata li mhux tort tal-ministru u jkollu jalaq halqu ghax ikun ghamillu sarima.

    Busuttil missu jghidlu li mhux kompitu tieghu tindahal.

    • Paul B says:

      Simon Busutill mhux se jindahal , anzi qallu biex l stedina idahhala f’ s###u.

      La Muscat waqa go fossa jara kif se jitla minna wahdu.

    • Gahan says:

      Jekk jaghmel hekk ikollu jghalaq halqu bhal ma ghamel wara l-meeting li kellu mal PM f’kastija fuq is-servizz tas-sigurta.

  2. sondesir says:

    It’s time up to wake up and smell the coffee and push back Manuel Mallia.

  3. M. Vella says:

    The Leader of the Opposition should keep out of it. He should not fall into the trap.

  4. mandingo says:

    Joseph is looking for three just men.

    We’ll soon have three from the orient far, but he’ll have to wait a month.

  5. Mila says:

    If I had to choose I would give weight to the opinion of the dog. He is most likely to find the stench.

  6. blue says:


  7. Minn fejn issibhom lol .

  8. COD says:

    Forsi il-magistrati jaghmlulna party tal-Milied fejn inkunu nistaw nixorbu u npejpju fl-awla tal-qorti.

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