How liberal and progressive that was – embedded backwoods misogyny

Published: November 25, 2014 at 8:24pm

Muscat just explained ‘hedging’ to all the stupid people on the Opposition benches. It’s like insurance, he said. Of course we have to hedge. Just imagine a young woman who goes to her father and says, “Pa, this year I didn’t crash, so let’s not pay the car insurance.” And he says to his daughter, “Le, ma tarax. Imagine something happens. The insurance has to pay.”

In Muscat’s world, girls crash.

In Muscat’s world, parents pay their daughters’ car insurance.

Scratch that. In Muscat’s world, FATHERS pay their daughters’ car insurance, because they’re the ones with the money.

In Muscat’s world, when daughters want to talk about car insurance, they consult their father, not their mother.

In Muscat’s world, women who are old enough to drive a car and vote have their car insurance decisions taken by their father.

You can really tell where he’s coming from.

35 Comments Comment

  1. Manuel says:

    No wonder he likes Cyrus more than Gaby.

  2. Bug Off Joey says:

    In my world, dads often get advice on insurance, health, cars, planning projects and clothes from their daughters, Mr PM.

    BTW, Mr Prime minister, I am at least 20 years older than you as well.

    • Angus Black says:

      In my world my son and daughter saved up, bought their own used car (when they were just starting out), arranged and paid for their insurance from money they saved doing part-time work while they financed their studies.

      Never collected one euro cent from any stipends from any government.

      Joey thinks girls crash because that’s all he got – two girls, they will never have to work part-time because they don’t need to since they are mittle kless and important, and daddy will pay for their insurance because he can bloody well afford it, PM or not.

      And I am 30 years older than the clown.

  3. Freedom5 says:

    More importantly, it is not an insurance at all.

    It’s more like a gambling in a casino – you may win and you may lose – millions of taxpayers’ money of course. Nothing to do with insurance.

  4. Mark says:

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  5. Mila says:

    In Muscat’s world, women cannot even understand the basic concept of how insurance works.

    No wonder his wife applies herself to hosting high teas; she is a woman in the PM’s household after all. Anything more taxing on her intelligence might require her to run to consult with her husband.

    • Ghoxrin Punt says:

      I still remember that first meeting I had with Muscat when I tried to make him understand what insurance was all about. He never got it then, and clearly, 10 years down the line he still has not got it.

  6. Tinnat says:

    Was the PM allowed to say what he just did regarding the court proceedings instituted by the transport operator?

    [Daphne – I missed that; I’m tuning him out in parts. When his accent goes to the dogs and he begins howling, I switch off mentally.]

    • Tinnat says:

      He said that there is someone in Malta with an interest in lengthening the process, and this is the company from whom the government is currently renting the buses. His first sentence actually was “hawn min qed jipprova jfixkel.”

    • Angus Black says:

      He is allowed to say anything he wants in Parliament because of parliamentary immunity, but you are right, morally he was out of bounds accusing the company the government is renting the buses from, of “making extra money for as long as the case takes to go through the court process”, or words to that effect.

      If he repeats what he said outside Parliament he may face a libel suit as that amounts to a serious accusation. It was another demonstration of how crass and unethical he can be. Certainly not prime ministerial material.

      [Daphne – Libel is not the reason he shouldn’t have said it. He shouldn’t have said it because prime ministers do not speak that way.]

      • Gary says:

        If you scour the newspapers, I think you will find that he has already said something similar outside of parliament.

  7. Joe Fenech says:

    Nice sense of humour he has !

  8. Dickens says:

    Stop patronizing women, Mr PM.

  9. ciccio says:

    Muscat is wrong. Hedging is not like an insurance. An insurance puts you back in a situation you were before an accident.

    Hedging does not do that. Hedging is effectively about agreeing on a price in advance. If actual price turns out to be different, you pay the price agreed irrespective of actual price.

    Did he say he is an expert in economics?

    • Josette says:

      He’s supposed to have a PhD in something or other, but the more I hear him speak, the more convinced I am that there was something fishy there too.

    • Harmony says:

      My thoughts exactly. This is basic ‘O’ level economics. It seems he even failed to learn anything about hedging when he was working with Crystal Finance.

  10. watchful eye says:

    In my humble mind, hedging is all a risk. Has nothing to do with insurance.

    Hedging is a gamble, whereas insurance is peace of mind.

    But who am I to contradict the emperor?

  11. mf says:

    As far as I know hedging is like buying futures on the stock exchange. The idea is alien to Malta but it is the rule in the USA especially when it comes to wheat, corn and similar.

  12. anthony says:

    The imbecile does not have a clue what hedging is all about.

    Insurance his arse.

    He should concentrate on haj tease.

  13. canon says:

    I’m sure that Joseph Muscat knew that he was lying when he said hedging is similar to insurance.

  14. Ghoxrin Punt says:

    Erm, can someone tell Muscat that a motor policy is obligatory whilst hedging is not.

  15. baffled says:

    Ohh, but he really is !

  16. zz says:

    The problem is that the majority of Maltese have the same mentality and therefore empathise and eventually vote for him: ghax dak bhalna.

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