How many angels dance on a pinhead, Herr Flick?

Published: November 27, 2014 at 6:31pm

Leo Brincat cahda

The Environment Minister has launched a libel suit against In-Nazzjon for picking up the story that I broke some days ago: that his ministry has spent around one million euros since March 2013 on flight tickets.

In-Nazzjon said that the money went on tickets for “the minister and his delegation” and he is suing on that basis – nitpicking around the details like the SS interrogator he so closely resembles (minus around two feet in height).

Get a grip, Herr Flick. You’re under fire from every single environment NGO in this country, including your friend the one-woman NGO with dyed red hair and a squeaking voice. Hadn’t you better get down to work, you nasty old fossil from the golden years of Mintoff and Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici?

Those of you who don’t remember this vicious little rat in his glory days should take a look at this video clip. Leo Brincat is the one with a red ring around his head, standing up to applaud wildly as that ghastly man Mintoff screams to his rabble that if things don’t go his way, he will arm his ‘Partitarji’.

And then we’re shocked because they’re all running around with guns like chocolate.

So tell us, Leo Brincat, do you still feel the same way about giving guns to Labour supporters to shoot at civilians who don’t agree with them? Scum.

19 Comments Comment

  1. Kif inhi din? says:

    As a rule of thumb, I often find that anyone with a job title longer than three words is suspect and useless.

  2. Jelly Bean says:

    David Thake on 101. Cyrus is next.

    • Gahan says:

      David Thake is doing a great job, I missed George’s laughter, but it’s good this way also. George needs to rest.

      David makes a good journalist; he comes up with the right questions and squeezes out information from his “victims”.

      Cyrus said that there are several couples working at Dar Malta. David checked and found out that there’s just a married couple who met at Dar Malta. Cyrus was caught lying, again.

      Another qualification Cyrus forgot to mention is his propensity to secretly record other people in personal discussions and to spread those recordings and other information under cover.

      • not completely right says:

        Regarding couples at Dar Malta, it’s not just Cyrus and Randolph, but others work there that are couples. It’s the latest trend. No married couples though.

    • just me says:

      David Thake is uploading his interviews and programmes on soundcloud.

  3. European says:

    Daphne, you made my day right now reading the above phrases. You sure know how to describe a person with the right words. I laughed so much that I cried.

  4. Christopher says:

    Bord ta’ inkjesta minn tlett imhallfin ta’ ministru li min jaf kemm il-kaz kellu quddiemhom. Go figure.

  5. curious says:

    Miskin. “Kultant m’ghandniex il-hazen bizzejjed biex nahsbu li haddiehor ghandu biss l-intenzjoni li jfixkel.” Joseph Muscat on Dissett.

    Yes, that’s what’s missing from this government. Some more ‘hazen’.

  6. Christopher says:

    Qed nara disset, u one thing that is glaringly obvious that they are trying give the impression that Manuel Mallias driver was ASSIGNED to him. He wasent,everyone knows that he is a person of trust chosen by the minister.

  7. ciccio says:

    news flash: On Dissett, Joseph Muscat has referred to the former (Gonzi government) Parliamentary Assistants as “handbags.”

    Yepp, Franco Debono has been described as a handbag by Joseph Muscat.

    He said that he would like Reno Bugeja to explain to him what work those parliamentary assistants were doing.

    Hekk, Hu Go Fik, Franco.

  8. ciccio says:

    Can Reno Bugeja stop letting Joseph Muscat carry on with a monologue of lies and cover-up on Dissett and press him with some tough questions instead?

  9. H.P. Baxxter says:

    For you, Tommy, ze press release ist over.

  10. Wistin Schembri says:

    Mela ghadu Ministru?

  11. kapxinn says:

    Il-Ministru ghat-Tibdil fil-Klima sahaq li l-klima qalbet ghall-ahjar minn mindu gholew it-taxxi fuq il-karbonju qerriedi li jaghti n-nifs biss lill-pjanti u lis-sigar, waqt li lilna ma jaghtina xejn hlief injam u xi frotta jew hassa l-hemm u l-hawn.

    Herr Flick kompla jghid li wasal iz-zmien li nintaxxaw anki n-nifs li johrog mill-pulmun, wara li skoprejna li l-bniedem huwa viru li ghandu jigi esterminat.

    “Dan kollu minnu,” sostna Herr Flick. “Staqsu lill-Hodor – dawk f’kollox jifhmu. ‘Precautionary clause’, jghidulha. Mela, hi!”

  12. Carl Savage says:

    Love L*ba. Love Labour.

  13. pale blue my foot! says:

    Herr Flick should go down in history as the first non-Minister sitting in a Maltese cabinet despite being dubbed a Minister. He just pays lip service to the role and is clearly overruled by Sandro Chetcuti, hunters e bella compania.

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