I’m actually sad for the people who believed this horse-sh*t

Published: November 24, 2014 at 3:21pm

Ignorance is not bliss but breeds chaos. Did they know that all the individuals featured in this video are Labour’s partisan activists who are now on the public payroll, and not ordinary citizens?

And in 20 months, the essential message in this video has been subverted completely, utterly, totally and irrevocably.

14 Comments Comment

  1. P Shaw says:

    This video is actually scary. It diminishes individuality and promotes collectiveness in the name of the great god, the dictator.

    The individual, i.e. The citizen, should not be identified and personified. We are all invisible and should have no voice, so that the great messiah can do as he pleases.

    • Jack Beans says:

      I wasn’t interested in seeing the video but when I read your first sentence I thought of giving it a try, and yes IT IS SCARY in that it glorifies the denuding of the citizen’s individuality.

      It reminded me of ‘V for Vendetta’ but with the totally opposite feeling of negativity towards the end of the video.

    • La Redoute says:

      That was obvious from the start. It’s only the pathologically naive and the koccuti who thought otherwise.

  2. M says:

    I’m not. I’m just sad that they lumped the rest of us with this crap government.

    Meanwhile, is Willie Mangion scouting for garages in Sliema? Saw him taking a leisurely stroll at Fond Ghadir with Frank Bonnici (the musician) late last week.

  3. H. Prynne says:

    When will people learn that if it’s too good to be true, it probably isn’t? What a load of crap.

    I seriously wonder how apparently intelligent people could not see through this equivalent of a sleazy used-car salesman.

  4. La Redoute says:

    I’m not. They deserve the chaos they get. The rest of us don’t.

  5. Mila says:

    In Malta you’re damned if you know and damned if you don’t. Everyday we have cause to read the news and weep, take this prosecution case for example, and let your jaw drop:

    ”Magistrate Natasha Galea Sciberras said that while the charges related to August 2005, all witnesses said the incident happened in February 2007. Even the statement released by Mr Formosa was dated February 2007. Moreover, she said that at no stage did the prosecution prove that the white power it alleged was cocaine was, in fact, cocaine. She therefore cleared Mr Formosa of all the charges brought against him.

    Police inspector Victor Aquilina prosecuted while lawyer David Gatt represented the accused.” Times of Malta

    A fiasco of the prosecution if ever there was one. The question begging to be asked is, why prosecute at all, why bother?


    [Daphne – The point you miss here is that the defence counsel is David Gatt, a former policeman who was cast out of the force by Commissioner John Rizzo for suspected involvement in conspiracy to rob a bank.]

    • jack says:

      @ DCG

      That’s nothing.

      In one court sitting – held on the 15/10/2014 presided by Magistrate Miriam Hayman, and more precisely case number 946/2014 – Il-Pulizija vs. Trevor Borg, the legal aide to the accused were Franco Debono *AND* David Gatt.

  6. Arnold Layne says:

    I’m sad for the rest of us who got saddled with the result of their inability to take a cogent decision.

  7. Mim says:

    ”Government to take first step to decriminalise use of drugs this evening in Parliament”

    Who will be selling the ‘medical marijuana’? Where is the part which states whether, since pot for personal use will be decriminalised, going to work under the influence is also legal?

    Will co-workers be getting pot breaks now?


  8. A.Attard says:

    Araw u ibku, kemm tamiet li spiccaw, ghal xi sekondi 2:09 jidhru anke l-eccellenza taghha u Alfred Sant.


  9. Mim says:

    And the prize for transparency goes to … Helena no comment Dalli.

    She is also in the running for the arrogance prize.


    ”Helena Dalli avoids questions on Zejtun property”


  10. Charles borg says:

    Ma’ dawk tal-video trid izzid ohrajn li qeghdin fuq il-payroll pubbliku bhal Jesmond Mugliett, il-mara tieghu Karen, JPO, Franco Debono, Cyrus Engerer, Robert Musumeci, John Dalli, Marisa Micallef, u ohrajn, li suppost kienu Nazzjonalisti.

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