I’m trying to ring Toni Abela to see whether the Chinese cooked and ate him and the rest of his delegazzjoni

Published: November 1, 2014 at 1:20pm
"U imbaghad tawni l-Peekin Tuck..."

“U imbaghad tawni l-Peekin Tuck…”

But his mobile phone has been switched off all morning. Shall we take it in shifts? His number is 99495268. Maybe he really has been abducted and even now is being served up in bowls to China’s Minister of Power Stations and Foreign Aid to EU Member States With Third World Governments.

11 Comments Comment

  1. michael seychell says:

    I wonder whether he will ask them if they are interested to import ice.

  2. xejn b' xejn says:

    Caller: Hello TONI??
    Tony: Aw hi min int?
    C: Jiena Cikku poplu, x’ minnek kemm ili ma narak Ton?
    T: uuuuu hijjjja, kiku taf. Jowzef batni nilaq il frak li jaqa taht il mejda tal pranzu tac Cinizi.
    C: Isma Ton, smajt x’ qed jigri Malta? hemm xi fabrika ciniza giet irapurtata, dan kollu ghax kienu qed ihadmu erba min nies bla ktieb. Min fuqu li sabu xoghol jibsqulek fil platt kemm huma hodor.
    T: iva smajt xi haga, thabilx mohhok diga hemm Leli police maghna. Issa indawruwa f Marketing Stunt u nwahluh lil Xmun.
    C: proset hunn keep it up! wow well done!! what a man. BDW tkun gej mic cina ara tidubalix mara.
    T: diga wasalt l ajruport. ghandom naqa souvenirs qisom blokka silg, ingiblek wahda minnhom.

  3. jaqq says:

    Can I ask why Franco Debono and JPO aren’t venting their opinion?

  4. Francis Said says:

    Oh, don’t worry. They won’t eat Toni Abela. He’s too bit for a skewer and more indigestible than a beetle.

  5. Neil says:

    The fact that his phone is switched off, today of all days with all of this ‘breaking news’ emerging really speaks volumes.

  6. ciccio says:

    Daphne, this rubber duck has disappeared in China. Surely, Toni Abela cannot be that far.


  7. Emm says:

    Oh my goodness, can we be sure that he has not accidentally on purpose locked himself in the walk-in freezer where bocks of ice are kept?

  8. C.G says:

    Not in a position to respond. Under cover.

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