“In Manuel Mallia’s position, I would have resigned” – Marlene Farrugia

Published: November 30, 2014 at 9:20am

31 Comments Comment

  1. Manuel says:

    One now would expect Ms. Farrugia to stand up and be counted and vote against Mallia in the upcoming no-confidence motion.

    And if Ms. Farrugia would like to have us believe her, abstaining during such an important vote, will not suffice.

  2. Lizz says:

    If I was in Manuel Mallia’s position, I would have rolled over and resigned. (But maybe my nether parts would stop me from doing that).

  3. Lucifer Sam says:

    Regarding Libya, a friend of mine told me that a number of individuals were called in by an investigative board, set up by George Vella some months back, to investigate the workings of the embassy in Tripoli. It was chaired by the always-present retired judge Sciberras.
    Why wasn’t this report made public?
    What were its conclusions?

  4. aidan says:

    Milli jidher Marlene Farrugia ghazlet it-team zbaljat u d-diskors li kienet ghamlet fil-kunsill generali tal-PL fallilha.

    Issa biex tkun kredibbli per ezempju ma tibqax tivvota favur il-gvern fil-parlament. Bil-Facebook ma nasslu mkien, onorevoli.

  5. Joe Fenech says:

    Notice what she says about Franco Debono and her body language.

  6. Gahan says:


    “MaltaToday says an internal investigation has been launched after police discovered crucial extracts were deleted from a police report confirming Scottish driver Stephen Smith was driving under the influence. In an exclusive story, MaltaToday reveals that the deletions were made from the original computer record and could provide the reason why Smith is yet to be arraigned for driving under the influence.”

    In other words the coverup continues . Smith won’t be seen in court!
    If the officer who made the report had a positive breathalyzer test result , he can testify from his memory.


    Bullet casings from shots fired by the Home Affairs Minister’s driver Paul Sheehan were removed from the crime scene before forensic officers arrived on the spot, The Sunday Times of Malta has learnt.

  7. pablo says:

    What is newsworthy is that here is a Labour backbencher with credibility. She may not be your favorite, nor mine, but she makes more sense and has more moral authority than the whole government put together.

  8. A. Charles says:

    Wishful thinking.

  9. Tabatha White says:

    If Marlene doesn’t see it by now, she never will.

    There to capture those leaving the fold. To sow doubt into the doubters.

    This is low level thinking that remains very hypocritical.

    I don’t subscribe to this confusion of thought.

    Not one bit.

    Clear principles would have never allowed Marlene to carry out voluntary work with her boyfriend in his Ministry in the first place.

    Justification of nothing.

    Words, words and wasted airtime.

    Hot air.

  10. Banana republic ... again says:

    Marlene wouldn’t have gotten herself into that position in the first place.

  11. anthony says:

    And so say all of us.

  12. jack says:

    Right – now the big question – will Ms. Farrugia vote with the opposition and support the no confidence motion in Minister Mallia?

    If she votes against the motion or even abstains – she will have no political credibility.

  13. martin said says:

    Marlene, please evaluate and make your mind up.

  14. Tabatha White says:

    This sort of talk has a purpose: an anger placater.

    Getting the heat off Joseph. Getting the polls to turn. Instilling a turn back point for exiting doubters and people unhappy with the Labour Government.

    The final decision will see her vote in favour of retaining Manwel Mallia.

    She has her Labour newspeak role, and is performing it excellently.

    She is perfectly OK with bad decisions being taken. En route to what? They are no longer the Opposition newly entering Government. They have been there for 20 months.

    They are there, taking one bad decision, one dishonest decision after another, and more time to put it right is not what they need.

    A huge measure of honesty is.

  15. albona says:

    This woman is actually really starting to annoy me. She is so inconsistent that I have just started to see her as a headline and attention grabber.

    Or has she realised that, with a nine-seat majority, this is the only way of being heard. I mean, her resigning will barely even make the papers and if she were to take that path she would be ridding the government of a little headache.

  16. Ganni Borg says:

    Bill-parole biss ma jigri xejn, Marlene

  17. CiVi says:

    I think she was being honest, up to the tenth minute.

  18. Adrian says:

    parole si fatti no

  19. Someone says:

    There is a vote of no confidence coming. That s where it counts.

    I just hope Marlene is not just trying to catch the last wagon of Joseph’s messy gravy train by threatening him openly with her vote. That would make her no better than “Jeff” and “Frankie” and believe me, you can t go much lower than those two.

  20. Stephanie says:

    Another one din, paroli si, fatti no..sewwa qallek la tinten u lanqas tfuh.

  21. Mila says:

    Perhaps Ms Marlene Farrugia would like to comment on how it feels to belong to a party who harbours someone who sounds like a disgusting misogynist.

    ”PN undergoing hymen-restoration surgery to become a virgin again – Evarist Bartolo” TMI

    Isn’t this just who all parents would wish to be Minister of Education. Kudos to he who made that choice, as a father of two girls, you must really be proud to have burdened Malta with this level of trashy talker!


  22. Ernest Meli says:

    So is Ms. Farrugia going to vote with the opposition regarding the vote of no confidence?

  23. helen says:

    Ehe Marlene, issa meta nigu ghal vot ta sfiducja jekk jghogbok ivvota favur halli ssotni dak li qed tghid.

  24. Tinnat says:

    Marlene Farrugia should be aware by now that you can’t run with the hare and hunt with the hounds.

  25. Harry Worth says:

    Come on Marlene … Cross over and drag Geoffrey with you …

  26. Persil says:

    How can Marlene decide for the Minister? I am sure that legally she is not in a position to give advice.

    [Daphne – She is free to give her views just as you and I are, the difference being that her views carry more weight on this matter because she sits in parliament with him.]

    • ken il malti says:

      If we all had spectacles with that “Buddy Holly” type of frame, then we all would be taken seriously.

  27. Martin Felice says:

    Marlene Farrugia should not be taken seriously as she says a lots however when she has to vote she forgets all that she would have said and votes in accordance with party(PL) lines. Ignore whatever she says as she is taking all those who believe in her for a jolly ride.

  28. gaetano pace says:

    It is not what she thinks what Mallia should be doing that is of national interest.

    It is what we think she should be doing that is the national topic. If I were her I would stand up, go to where Godfrey sits in Parliament, take him by the arm and walk out of parliament and the Labour Party embracing Godfrey proudly. This is what I think she should be doing.

  29. Tabatha White says:

    Certain that Marlene Farrugia would have another twist to add, I read her column on Monday with no surprise, then slept on my reaction till now.

    Marlene Farrugia : we’ve been there. We aren’t newcomers to flexibility of thinking and approach. You are the new arrival to it.

    I don’t doubt your will to try and do something differently, but you do not have the make up for it and you never will.

    We know where the limits are.
    Evidently your side of the bench doesn’t.

    Here’s a suggestion for you:

    Why don’t you set a good example and show us that you are firmly not in agreement that Manuel Mallia stays on: to the extent that you would resign, by virtue of an example to be set to your own colleagues?

    Perhaps your side will then see that you mean business, and we would too.

    Words without action are just words.

    – however nice they sound –
    – however many words of column they use up –
    – however much space in other columns is used as a buttress.

    Ruins are worth saving when they have a feature of note:
    aesthetics, design, original technical features, stone of particular endurance, patina or design. Witness to a specific culture or civilisation.

    The Labour party has nothing to be proud of that comes from its past, nor has it delivered anything to be proud of in this legislature.

    There is nothing worth saving or retaining. Every Labour experience and experiment has been a failure.

    You are simply incompetent. (The only slight exception is Benna milk production and its joghurts.)

    All I see is greed and the attempt to justify staying in position when nothing that was promised has been kept.

    And scammer’s renegotiations.

    The blame is always someone else’s.

    And lies and more lies.

    Each one shinier and polished more attentively than the last.

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