Is this just delusions of grandeur, or are they really being threatened? And if so, why?

Published: November 22, 2014 at 11:00am
Michelle  Muscat with her personal assistant Pamela Seychell. She also has a driver and a police escort who follows her car, and a protection officer who walks around with her. Her husband has several protection officers.

Michelle Muscat with her personal assistant Pamela Seychell. She also has a driver and a police escort who follows her car, and a protection officer who walks around with her. Her husband has several protection officers.

Sent in by an eyewitness:

Just after Junior Eurovision last Saturday, Muscat and entourage went for a bite to eat at PepeNero at the Valletta Waterfront. The twins needed to use the bathroom so some four security officers whisked the bathrooms before they got in.

60 Comments Comment

  1. Mark Vella says:

    Sabrina Agius has moved from Roderick Galdes’ Secretariat to Transport Malta. The new communications coordinator at Galdes’ Secretariat is James Piscopo who is also a PL local councillor in Qormi (not related to the current CEO of Transport Malta)

    • capsa says:

      She seems to have been appointed PR and Marketing of the company running the route bus service. Would she be kept by the Spanish operators?

  2. Someone says:

    We will never know for sure. Reneged promises? Undelivered favours to people with little or no scruples like a modern day Shylock?

    • Someone says:

      And to stay with the same theme, “There is something rotten in the state of Denmark.” Even the switchers will know we’re not referring to the country where they make Lego.

    • Watcher of lies and pseudo justice says:

      Roderick Galdes was the first cabinet member to be boxed about the ears by a PL voter soon after the election results.

      This disgruntled voter, who lost his job in the public service for a criminal act carried out while on duty, was promised that he would get his job back once PL are in power.

      It turned out to be a promise that could not be kept. The first among many and the list grows longer and longer.

  3. Gordon says:

    So who was with the Muscats, then?

  4. Deals gone wrong! says:

    When dealing with the devil!

  5. Ghoxrin Punt says:

    Yes, one does wonder if it is delusions of grandeur or if they have made one promise too far.

    Reliable sources have told me that the prime minister attended parents day at San Anton School with an entourage of 10 security people who very unceremoniously shoved aside other parents in a bid to get inside the school.

  6. Dave says:

    Besides the fact that we’re still hosting “old Libyan regime” officials, ticked off the Chinese and lord knows what else, their core voter base is made up of unsavory types and we all know they are hardly amused with them and their bungling.

  7. C Falzon says:

    It’s a sensible precaution. What if the evil witch in Bidnija gets hungry and might want to boil the adorable twins and eat them for dinner. The chairman of the Malta Council for Science and Technology should raise the alert on Facebook, so that all his trolls can come to the rescue.

  8. Honest says:

    La hemm din il biza kollha fuqhom u li ghandhom is-security maghhom il-hin kollu sinjal li qed jibza u indunaw li hawn rabja kbira lejhom.

    Jekk ghadhom jahsbu li ghandhom il maggoranza tal-poplu maghhom allura ma ghandhomx alfejn jibza u jkollhom security, sahansitra biex juzaw it-toilet it-tfal taghhom.

  9. Joe Fenech says:

    I believe it’s the first one but they also want to believe they are threatened.

    Which narcissist and character disorder sufferer does enjoy this? This is getting seriously pathological and it’s time for Maltese psychiatrists and psychologists to weigh in.

  10. Francis Saliba M.D. says:

    Much more likely it would be a delusion of persecution of paranoid proportions or a reasonable fear that a provocative in-your-face life style could create unpleasant incidents.

    People who have genuine grandeur do everything they can to escape the suffocating discomfort of close surveillance by the security personnel assigned to protect them from the mentally challenged.

  11. Osservatore says:

    Rumour has it that on those few occasions when Joseph Muscat, the man, can manage it, those very same four protection officers leap into the bedroom first to check Mrs. Muscat’s…erm…cavity for explosive devices, bugs, guns, radio transmitters and cameras.

    After this thorough search, Joseph Muscat no longer feels like the man, and instead settles for re-runs of the eight o’clock news where he can relive visions of himself and his little podium.

  12. pablo says:

    The difference is that Mary Fenech Adami and Kate Gonzi had self respect and so the respect of the general public.

    This was their protection.

    These morons have neither type of respect and so they only feel comfortable in their new Malta with minders armed with guns.

  13. Rosie says:

    Why on earth would they need a scout on the Burmarrad Road (il-Keffien). Try changing a wheel on the road between Sherries Garden Centre and the church and you’ll know what I mean.

  14. Mary says:

    Mhux hekk. Sew ghamlu s-security qabel ix-Xemx u l-Qamar jidhlu t-toilet.

  15. Banana republic ... again says:

    The only protection those twins need is from their parents.

    They’re the only ones intent on harming them, by publicly displaying them at each and every moment they can capitalise from, and by giving them expectations of daily life that are unsustainable beyond their teenage years.

  16. Madoff says:

    Labour not fit to govern. Din il-biza kollha w mifruxa wara anqas minn sentejn bilfors hemm spjegazzjoni ghaliha.

  17. Dylan C says:

    A personal assistant is vital for the prime minister’s wife. Someone has to help carry that big head.

  18. Francis Said says:

    Since our PM has had two photos taken with President Obama, he is following the President’s security detail.

    “Jien x’ghandi inqas minnu dak?”

  19. Toni borg says:

    The security guards would have probably shot anyone caught peeing in the toilets before the two darlings went in.

  20. Spir says:

    Last Thursday Michelle Muscat was on the ferry from Gozo to Malta at 3pm. There were security officers with her, and a traffic policeman waiting for her on the quay.

    By comparison, Mr. Preca, the president’s husband is going round schools, like his wife, delivering piggy banks for L-Istrina. Just himself, a driver, his secretary, and nobody else.

    Who ranks higher in protocol?

  21. Jimmy G says:

    Muscat’s entire demeanour is based, and always has been, on an insatiable need to be seen to be important.

    It is an inevitable consequence of a small man (in every sense) being thrust into high office, carrying a deeply suppressed sense of inadequacy.

    Everything he has ever said or done bears the stamp of “Arani Ma, kemm jien tajjeb”.

    Lugging hordes of totally unnecessary protection officers around with him, wherever he goes, merely feeds the image of himself as being so important there must be a threat to him lurking somewhere.

    The rest of his entourage simply get off on mimicking him.

  22. Watcher of lies and pseudo justice says:

    It’s done and published. The investigation about Mallia’s behaviour following the shooting. The chief investigator, Dr. Joseph Muscat who also happens to be Malta’s Prime Minister, has declared:

    “It did not result, Dr Muscat said, that the wrong information was given maliciously.”

    Read and laugh, or weep, here:

    Mallia was the most toxic cabinet minister and has made himself more so these last few days. The prime minister has now made himself toxic by aligning with Mallia, not to mention the way he defended all the previous corruption cases with the most recent one being Helena Dalli’s law breaking.

  23. Tabar says:

    Ara, trid tkun minn tal-qojj biex ikollok dawn il-privileggi. Gejna sew, imbaghad jghidu xi tfisser ta’ fuq jigu isfel u t’isfel jigu fuq.

    Kieku b’xi kapacita personali lanqas jimporta.

  24. mandingo says:

    How sick.

  25. R Vella says:

    Mary Fenech Adami used to shop at the market in Birkirkara on her own and carrying vegetables. No police detail for her.

  26. ciccio says:

    “Is this just delusions of grandeur, or are they really being threatened?”

    I think it’s both.

  27. ChrisM says:

    What shits

  28. Candy says:

    I only need a new motor.

  29. Jozef says:

    Horses to be left in the stables downstairs and spitting strictly in the spittoons provided.

    Who said this isn’t the wild west?

  30. Salvu says:

    Even this is serious. It looks like many people knew that arms were allowed in parliament.

    I doubt that this initiative came directly from the Speaker. He was instructed by someone who knew about drivers carrying arms in parliament. And he wanted to try to put an end to it.

  31. Jozef says:

    “Jien ma xtaqtx ngħidha din il-biċċa xogħol imma issa jekk kulħadd se jipprova jilgħabha tal-verġni u tal-qaddis irrid ngħidha li dawn in-nies għandhom interess mod ieħor ukoll. ”

    Min jitkellem hekk nsejhulu baxx.

  32. Giovanni says:

    Does anyone have information if the twins are being monitored by security staff when at school.

  33. Ares says:

    This use of protection officers has happened quite recently as up to a month ago Michelle Muscat and her children were seen mingling with guests at the opening of a breast cancer support centre with no guards around.

    What has happened? Is he being threatened by people who are owed big favours?

  34. carlos says:

    From personal experience neither Dr. Gonzi nor his wife Katie had all this entourage around. Dr. Gonzi used to travel with his own driver and sometimes with one of his secretariat. Katie is not the kind of show girl as the present one.

  35. Albert Bonnici says:

    It’s good luck that no-one was having a pee at the time, as they would probably have been shot.

  36. Nathalie says:

    The Obamas of the Med, only more ridiculous.

    • Scoundrels says:

      Because let us not forget that the Obamas are truly ridiculous, particularly the First Lady. They make Putin and his oligarchs look classy.

  37. P Shaw says:

    From rags to riches – it is definitely delusions of grandeur. Just observe history where peasants take over the control of a country, like Ceacescu, Gaddafi and Saddam Hussein. The wives and family immediately become delusional. Putin’s first wife is an exception.

    One question, who foots the bill for these social events like restaurant bills, parties, etc? Is the state paying for every restaurant meal they eat?

  38. Denis says:

    Super sized love handles……

  39. Ruth says:

    On another note, why are Michelle Muscat and her personal assistant wearing the same shade and almost the same shoes?

  40. Angele says:

    With matching shoes and colour-coordinated outfits. Mela kellom 2 for the price of 1 is-suq ta’ Bormla?

  41. Joseph Caruana says:

    Marelli, ghax dawk tal-fine china.

  42. Evita says:

    Ooh those sexy knees.

  43. ciccio says:

    Tweet of the century. Simon Busuttil to the prime minister:

    Twitter is now a warzone. Where is Baxxter? This is his territory.

    • ciccio says:

      The leader of the Opposition is doing the right thing to stay out of this.

      The prime minister is also responsible for the mess. Isn’t he the one responsible for government information?

  44. X'Arukaza says:

    Some people are out of work because of behavioural problems. No one wants them around because no one wants them around because they are unbearable.

    There are some even at my place of work. Some people are only hired out of pity until they really blow the hell out of you and you really have to fire them.

  45. ken il malti says:

    They look like a couple of matching lesbians.

  46. Antoine Vella says:

    Did the security guards actually go in the women’s toilets?

    Joseph Muscat is hardly “the bravest of the brave” so, if he really had reason to fear for his life, he would not dare appear in public until whoever threatened him was caught.

    I think all this clowning by secret service agents is just for show. I seem to remember that, when he was still Leader of the Opposition, he made some fuss because he wanted a police escort on motorcycles with sirens.

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