Is this man completely mad?

Published: November 11, 2014 at 7:59pm

Or is he just trying to foment hatred among his pig-ignorant and sub-literate Facebook friends who can’t read English and who couldn’t read this blog even if they wanted to?

Both, I would say. Either way, he’s completely unfit to represent the Malta Council for Science and Technology. But that’s entirely in keeping with the rest of his Labour Party of knaves, blackguards, crooks, scoundrels and unbalanced individuals.

The only people using those children are their parents and now, Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando – all three of them for their own nefarious ends.

Whatever the case, somebody needs to keep a close watch on that man. He’s on some kind of psychiatric bender at the moment, I can tell.

Last week he sent me a barrage of utterly insane and inappropriate text messages: crazy things said in carefully constructed sentences, which makes them crazier still because you realise the sender thinks his behaviour is normal.

UPDATE: He’s sending me more nutcase messages right now (8.30pm).

JPO berserk

113 Comments Comment

  1. TinaB says:

    Earl Grey again?

  2. Manuel says:

    JPO should know that the ‘abuse’ come from irresponsible parents who parade their children on every occasion and use them as trophies to attract popularity.

    It seems to me that JPO got the bait.

  3. Tinnat says:

    Time for some tea, I suppose.

  4. Mike says:

    Is it just me who can’t understand what he’s referring to?

    [Daphne – I can, because by now I know how his cracked mind works. He posted that as soon as he saw Clemence’s comment beneath this post: ]

    • Karla says:

      I went back and read the comment because I thought I had missed something but really, if he extrapolated what he wrote from that comment, he must be much worse off than I previously thought. I wonder how Lara Boffa is doing?

      • Drinks With Vince Micallef says:

        Lara Boffa has removed her FB profile pic of the happy couple and Jeffrey is harassing Daphne and behaving like he’s slipping over the edge again. Do the maths. She’s probably started to work out why her predecessors both fled with their things hastily crammed into bags.

    • Mike says:

      Wow. Talk about psychosis.

    • Alf says:

      Good luck to Lara if she does it yesterday before today

    • Antoine Vella says:

      Clemence’s comment was not an attack on the children but, if anything, written in their defence.

      Must be excruciating for Pullicino Orlando, hating this blog with such passion but having to follow it compulsively.

  5. manum says:

    Dan minn mindu qed jiddispjacih ghal ulied. Nahseb nesa kemm haqar lil tieghu stess meta kien jiggieled mal-mara tieghu, ipokrita.

  6. TinaB says:

    I suspect that it’s got something to to with this

    [Daphne – Ah, so we hit a raw nerve then. Trouble in the bedroom department. Why am I not surprised? The only thing that surprises me is that he can always be counted on to give himself away.]

  7. Makjavel says:

    Jeffrey ghandu bzonn jirregola hajtu ghax kull ma ghamel qed isirlu suf.

  8. Chris says:

    Daphne, would it be appropriate if you share the ‘barrage of utterly insane and inappropriate text mesages’ with us?

    [Daphne – I’m thinking about it.]

  9. ciccio says:

    Somebody should keep him away from that Earl Grey.

  10. Joe Fenech says:

    A middle-aged man in crisis talking to people on Facebook who have the mental age of four-year-olds.

  11. Jon says:

    In answer to the question in your title: yes.

  12. Chris Briffa says:

    JPO …bniedem falz u vojt. Issa jilghaba tad-difensur tat-tfal tal-Prim Ministru u l-Ministru Mallia.

    Bhalli kiehu DCG qed tattakka lit-tfal.

    Il-veru vojt JPO!

  13. Clifford says:

    The problem is that idiots (with big muscles and zero brains) who never visited this website will believe him. And if something bad happens they blame it on provocation. I remember that I used to hear that word a lot in the 70s and 80s.

  14. Edward says:

    Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando III ? He has three accounts? What on earth for?

    • Drinks With Vince Micallef says:

      For his three personalities, depending on which one is manifesting at any given time.

    • ciccio says:

      Seems like every time a woman packs up and leaves, he sets up a new one.

      • Edward says:

        Phew, for a second I thought it was because he thinks of himself as some sort of posh twat. Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando the 3rd. Lol.

    • Antoine Vella says:

      The entire Labour marmalja on Facebook became his ‘friend’ when he was betraying the PN and each account can have only so many ‘friends’ so he had to open new accounts.

      • Joz Camilleri says:

        Talking of very big egos :)

      • Superman says:

        Well I thought it was because his father was named Jeffrey and his grandfather was Jeffrey too…

        I reported his profile to Facebook for using a fake name.

        You people should do that. He will have to prove identification, and it’s against the Facebook TOS to have more than one personal account in your name.

  15. David Thake says:

    Is this a rhetorical question?

    Are we discussing the extent of the madness?

  16. ciccio says:

    Perhaps he is hoping that the Department of Information will release a press statement now assuring us that there is nothing wrong with his mental health and that his relationship with Lara Boffa is as strong as ever.

  17. Brian says:

    “Uru d-disapprovazzjoni taghkom b’mod dinjituz kif ghamilt jien” … Hekk ghamilt inti fil kaz tal Mistra? X’tahseb ‘Dott’?

    JPO the Turd. Just go piss up a rope will you.

  18. jack says:

    Right – so the way to protect children is by sharing their picture indiscriminately on the world wide web?

  19. Chris says:

    Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando wrote on his Facebook account that he is ‘looking forward’ to the hearing of the libel that he opened against you. About which matters was this libel opened?

    [Daphne – I don’t know exactly because I haven’t yet been notified. But I’m told it was nothing to do with any of my posts, but with a comment somebody posted about his having given his friend Marco Cremona several thousand euros of MCST funds for some research development project that never materialised.

    He isn’t looking forward to it at all. That’s just bravado. The man is under huge stress on the witness stand.]

  20. ta min jahseb says:

    Is he mixing alcohol and drugs? Sounds like he is on a cocktail.

  21. Volley says:

    Fl-istess hin qed juri kemm hu indannat u li ghadu jaqra l-blog tieghek bir-reqqa.

  22. Alexander Ball says:

    Is there a prize draw for those who answer correctly?

  23. Pablo says:

    He is defending his cushy job. His agenda is so obvious.

  24. C.G says:

    Mad, yes u giddieb u skifuz.

    Joseph hariglu l-permess tal-Mistra? Nahseb dalwaqt u ghalekk qieghad jithassar lit-tfal tieghu. Ja laghqi mignun.

    Alfred Sant imissu jikteb ktieb u jsemmieh Il-Purcinell tal-Mistra biex jippubblikawh Sensiela Kotba Socjalisti.

  25. Kri says:

    What scares me are the comments on that post.

    They have no idea what they’re talking about, half of them talking about respect and what not while being rude and disrespectful towards you.

    We need more people like you, Daphne! Don’t ever let them bring you down.

    [Daphne – They don’t bother me at all. At least nowadays they’re spewing class hatred in a relatively safe and contained way on Jeffrey’s Facebook page, not ransacking my house and stealing whatever they can’t throw out of the window and smash, as they did with my grandparents’ generation in Valletta during the Sette Giugno riots. People like that are a fact of life in a country where money and education do nothing to eradicate generations of inbred resentment. My writing isn’t the real reason they hate me – after all, they can’t read so they don’t know what I write.]

    • Aunt Mabel says:


      This hatred was first violently manifested almost 100 years ago.

      It’s old and very rooted.

      There are still some of us around.

      And it’s us they go for repeatedly.

  26. Arnold Layne says:

    Although I would love to read his text messages to you, you probably shouldn’t publish them because in his twisted mind, that’s precisely what he wants you to do.

    [Daphne – Not really, no. The nature of his messages is such that if they are published he will find himself in a certain amount of trouble, not just embarrassment. All this is a desperate and twisted attempt to engage with me at some level. For example, he’s just sent me three text messages in a row. The first one is (hold your breath) “Goodnight – regards to Peter.” Peter is my husband, who is suing him for slander. He holds out for a while hoping I will respond, and when I don’t, he sends a taunt, hoping to provoke me. I don’t respond (because his taunt is so sad and tragic, and also because it’s night-time and he’s crazy and crazy people are crazier after dark) and he sends what he believes to be a terrible insult, but what in actual fact is the sort of thing 14-year-old boys yell at 14-year-old girls who turn down a date. I haven’t responded to that either, and I can tell you he will be flipping around wondering what to say next and how long to wait before sending another message. The most important point here is that he is definitely not with Lara Boffa otherwise he wouldn’t be doing this. He’s either drinking alone or with some of his male Labour mates, as he was last week when he sent me that barrage.]

    • Joe Fenech says:

      He’s in love!

      [Daphne – Actually yes, it’s that sort of pattern. I remember it well from teenage hell. But it’s not my love he wants; it’s my admiration. He doesn’t only systematically attack me for failing conspicuously to admire him, but he also targets anybody he thinks I admire or respect, because they are getting the admiration and respect he wants for himself.]

      • Benny Hill says:

        For the love of all that is sane, please don’t publish his messages. It may set off some sort of cosmic chain reaction which will lead to him blowing his dog-darned head off.

      • Rosie says:

        He longs for the times when he was surrounded by sensible intelligent people, and most of all he’s mad (sorry) at himself for having painted himself into the situation he’s in – living with a dimwit and idolised on FB by people who in his heart of hearts he detests.

        As his BOSS once said “you vote Labour, you get Labour”. Hu pjacir, Jeffrey. Int gibtu b’idejk.

      • Katrin says:

        He’s in love only with himself.

        What Daphne described is typical behaviour of someone with a severe narcissistic personality disorder.

      • Wilson says:

        I believe you have it right. And not responding makes the sensation worse. It is the form of attraction that works extremely well in Malta, only because there are other underlying issues though.

    • says:

      Bang on…heard he’s been hitting the bottle again.

    • Arnold Layne says:

      You’ve got him well sussed out.

    • Peritocracy says:

      “The nature of his messages is such that if they are published he will find himself in a certain amount of trouble, not just embarrassment.”

      What a way to tease us now, Daphne.

    • CiVi says:

      He surely needs professional help. He is in real bad shape from some psychiatric disorder.

  27. Pier Pless says:

    A pathetic attempt to attract sympathy to himself. It is ironic that he uses a photo of the PM’s children for this purpose. The man is a disgrace.

  28. J Farrugia says:

    “Envy is the religion of the mediocre. It comforts them, it soothes their worries, and finally it rots their souls, allowing them to justify their meanness and their greed until they believe these to be virtues”

    ― Carlos Ruiz Zafón

  29. Rosie says:

    He’s may be a penny short of a full shilling but he certainly keeps his eye on this page and he’s not stupid, having read about the idiots suing and the following media coverage ( Streisand effect) he is banking that by tomorrow most of the Laburisti cwiec will be clammering for Daphne’s head.

    “smajta dik id-demel il-bierah, rajta x’ qalet, l-anqas ghat-tfal mghandha rispett” notwithstanding that most of them cannot read or have never looked at this page.

    [Daphne – Well, his tragedy is that he finds himself reduced to that sort of depressing company when he would much rather be in the drawing-room at Downton Abbey.]

  30. Adrian says:

    He is a lost case.

  31. thealley says:

    This is so unfair it makes my blood boil. Everyone is believing his sick tactics.

    [Daphne – ‘Everyone’ is not a bunch of Mintoffian hamalli who can’t read English and who admire Jeffrey Pullicino because they think, mistakenly, that he’s a pulit who switched to Labour.]

    • TinaB says:

      Do not fret, thealley – out of the thousands who became friends with him on Facebook before the last elections only a few hundreds have shown support by likes and comments for his stupid rant.

      Among them are Rita Spiteri Tunis and Carmen Vassallo, the mother of the man who runs the PL club in Rabat. Enough said.

  32. Mark BUSUTTIL says:

    Been meaning to say this (doubt you will upload it) but here goes. Mur hudu hawra f’gh**x kemm ghandhek, Jeffrey.

    • John T says:

      Ha nghida bil-Malti ghax hekk jixraq, u jekk joghgbok, Daphne, hallini nghida: Jeffrey jista jmur jiehdu f’sormu darba ghal dejjem, u jiehu mieghu lil dak l-ikrah u tan-nejk Salvu Balzan.

  33. anthony says:

    I really cannot understand why this poor sod’s duckspeak is given so much exposure on this blog.

    Am I missing something?

    He is clearly under the influence and in need of urgent help.

  34. Mikiel says:

    I have a feeling that an extraordinary meeting was held by the government team, discussing how to get rid of Daphne’s blog. Can just imagine the crazed adrenalin-fueled bunch arguing the matter at Castille.

    “Kif qazzitilna il-garretta dik, Guz. Intajjruha ta l-ahwa. Gibu lil JPO ha naraw.”

    Seems you’re hindering them from being efficient in government, uncovering and questioning that which is not questioned by our zombie press brigade.

    I question how will they spend their day if they had to manage to destroy your blog (wishful thinking). To me they seem to read every single post and comment posted more than I do.

    Do they work at all?

  35. Fiona says:

    Last week I saw him in front of the Ministry of Education with his driver. It was around 11am.

    His face was almost a dark shade of red. He was plain drunk. Is he always like this in public?

    I mean this was a normal working day and he was in an extremely busy road. It didn’t seem to me as if he was too bothered.

    • Don Camillo says:

      All I can say is that with this charade going on together with the zillion others raised in Daphne’s blog, we have a non-committal Prime Minister, taking the same approach as Nero used to do at the Colosseum, watching the cocks fighting each other and tearing each other to pieces, and then sometimes he takes the Mussolini stance and does the thumbs up or thumbs down depending who his favourite gladiator happens to be at the time.

      All this is happening while Malta burns and rots, making the fall of the Roman Empire a joke compared to the accelerating fall of our illustrious nation that is falling down much heavier than the Orc’s elephants did in the Lord of the Rings film.

  36. Last Post says:

    Not that I am particularly interested, but what is he referring to when he says: “Uru d-diżapprovazzjoni tagħkom b’mod dinjituż, kif għamilt jien.” What did he do exactly, or am I missing something?

    Then again, wara l-bawxati, il-kutrumbajsi, l-istalletti u l-kummiedji li rajnieh jagħmel dawn l-aħħar snin, kif jista’ jkun li għad baqgħalu nitfa dinjita’?

  37. ciccio says:

    Lara Boffa hasn’t come out to his rescue as yet. Shouldn’t she make sure that he gets to bed early? Besides, it’s a working day tomorrow.

    I’m waiting for her reaction. I’m sure she will be proud of it.

  38. DD says:

    Did JPO always have a twisted mind? I can’t believe he was a PN rep for so many years.

    • CiVi says:

      Oh well, I started having my doubts about his stability when I saw him literally sobbing over the Mistra issue.

      • Peppa Pig says:

        Sobbing? He was literally bawling all over the place like a toddler whose favourite plastic duck had been taken away from him.

  39. Lizz says:

    The Opposition leader’s public rejection of him has helped trigger off another ‘episode’, and probably the prime minister is keeping him at bay too.

  40. Allo Allo says:

    Immorru r-Rabat ghal pastizzi qabel jisbah?

  41. Bluey says:

    JPOS tkompliex thaffer il-qabar tieghek stess. It-tfal min qadt semmijhom u dahhalhom fil-kredu? Tkompliex tkun vojt bhal ma dejjem kont.

  42. bob-a-job says:

    The 17th of November is the feast of St. Martin.

    Bring out the nuts.

  43. paddling duck says:

    Daphne, you should publish the texts he’s sending you.

  44. janni says:

    Gakbin, skifuz u giddieb bhal dan il-bniedem ebda partit ma ghandu bzonnu ghax igib id-deni kull fejn imur. Ghad igib inkwiet kbir lill-gvern u l-Partit Laburista.

  45. gn says:

    To be honest, ejjew nammettu li lkelma kodart tfakkarna fih.

    Kemm kien ghajru lil Sant.

  46. Chris says:

    Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando and Franco Debono did everything during the last legislature to give hell to Lawrencr Gonzi – to the point that Gonzi lost the sight in one eye because of the strain and pressure he was under.

    But guess what?

    Gonzi has now retired from politics and is spending his time with his wife, children and grandchildren, writing and publishing books and from time to time invited by foreign press to give his comments on different subjects.

    Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando and Franco Debono, on the other hand, are desperate trying to find something to do with their life. One has a family wrecked twice over and the other never had one to begin with. They are rootless, at a loss, cut loose.

    Hekk, hudu go fikom, Jeffrey u Franco, x’hin taraw li dak il-persuna li intom ghamiltu minn kollox biex ikollu hajtu nfern jinsab mistrih, waqt li intom tinsabu ndannati.

  47. Peppa Pig says:

    The guy behaves oddly when the weather changes. Anybody noticed that? It’s either that or else he is into spiked Earl Grey tea again.

  48. Crockett says:

    The amusement with these people playing the hurt-feelings card is beginning to wear off.

    It’s gone on for far too long and is ridiculous and peevish.

    This sanctimonious right to feel offended at criticism whether it is articulate, barbed or tongue-in-cheek needs to be refuted and not echoed in turn by sections of the Maltese media. And resorting to the enlisting of people to ‘disapprove’ of Daphne’s blog? Pathetic.

    • Jozef says:

      ‘…The amusement with these people playing the hurt-feelings card is beginning to wear off. It’s gone on for far too long and is ridiculous and peevish…’

      Which is why Muscat cannot afford anything post GonziPN. The PN should be safely tucked away inside the Movement.

      The moment we understand this is when Muscat is seen for what he is, redundant. We can do without him thank you very much.

      Vintage Labour stated so last week.

  49. Chris says:

    “It-tfal xi htija ghandhom”?

    What? Is he waking up to the possibility that the children’s parents may actually be at fault after all?

    There may yet be method in his madness.

  50. Gaetano Pace says:

    Jekk iqis li dak li ghamel hu kienet xi haga dinjituza, allura veru li Censa l-Mewt hi omm id-dinjita.

    Li titradixxi lill kostitwenti u lin-nazzjon ma fiha ebda dinjita biex takkwista l-gazaza halli twaqqfek milli tibki, tolfoq u tikkumiedja.

    Nesa li l-gemgha li qieghed fiha ma ggib rispett lil hadd u lil xejn u ma ghandha dinjita ta’ xejn.

    Fejn hi d-dinjita u fejn hu d-dekor tal-marmalja li kissret id-djar tan-nies, fejn hi d-dinjita li ffrejmjat lil Pietru Pawl Busuttil, fejn huma d-dekor u d-dinjita tal-Labour immexxija mill-Prim Ministru ikissru u jfarrku l-Kurja tal-Arcisqof.

    Wasal iz-zmien li JPO jerga jibda mill-gdid fl-iskola tan-nuna fejn flok jaqla xi sinna minn xi halq johrog il-gazaza li taghmillu l-mummy biex ma jibkix.

  51. Makjavel says:

    Jeffrey , just divorce yourself from yourself and do a favour to yourself.

  52. pals says:

    I used to admire JPO, but not anymore. His life is so messed up. I won’t even risk letting him clean my teeth.

  53. wacko says:

    From what he is doing now, I bet his next move will be the ultimate weapon: he will cry in order to gather more sympathy.

  54. Natalie Mallett says:

    Dear Jeffrey as an ex supporter of yours may I suggest you listen to this over and over again until it sinks in.

  55. haruf nittien says:

    Dear Jeffrey PO,

    I admire the way you boldly stick your neck out for all the ‘good’ causes’. You are nothing short of a champion. Our modern day Batman.

    Marelli, you make us proud. How does it feel to have your shoulders so deeply lodged up your master’s butt cheeks, sphincter tightly clamped down onto your neck? Hmmm how cosy.

    Does it still give you that warm fuzzy feeling inside? Or do you get that solely from the booze?

    Insomma, there is always Loose and Buxom Lara to caress your brow and to stroke your ego.

    Hux hekk?

  56. tinnat says:

    The more attention Jeffrey gets, the less opportunity there is for Joseph Muscat’s critics here to dwell on the compromising situations created by his Ministers.

    Therefore one wonders if Jeffrey is not being used for this purpose by Joseph Muscat or his acolytes.

    • CiVi says:

      And you think Daphne would ever be taken in by some sappy strategy of Joseph Muscat or his acolytes?

      In this blog we have a continous updated realistic picture of what the country is going through.

      • tinnat says:

        CiVi, of course I agree. But you may have overestimated Joseph Muscat or his acolytes. For them, deviations of the sort will always be welcome.

  57. Ginu says:

    I am sure you are seduced by him and are both playing the refusal game ;) How long till we see both of you holding hands at Birgu waterfront?

    [Daphne – Please don’t give him any ideas. This is not a stable person we are talking about here.]

  58. allamana says:

    So, dear Daphne.

    When he is drunk he texts you.

    When he is sad he texts you

    He constantly writes about you and reads each new post your blog, including the comments posted by others, even though he does not admit it.

    To me this sounds like unrequited love.

    How about asking a troubadour to write a ditty about ‘courtly love’.

    A certain law commissioner can write a haiku for his friend.

  59. just me says:

    Daphne I have been reading all your posts, comments included for many years. If anything you wrote in favour of the children and how they should not be exploited and should be shielded from the limelight not forced out into it.

    The man is lying. Why don’t you to take him to court. That would hopefully stop his lies and show those who still believe him what type of person he really is.

  60. Charles borg says:

    Dan JPO xejn sew. It-tfal qatt m’ghandek iggib ritratti taghhom. Hawn wisq pedofoli mas-saqajn. It-tfal l-aktar li jbaghtu meta l-genituri jisseparaw ghal darba, darbtejn, tlieta.

  61. sarah says:

    Lock him up.

  62. Maltri says:

    Fourteen hours after the post is on Facebook there are almost 400 Likes, and 130 hate comments – baseless hate comments.

    Jeffrey’s Facebook page is a virtual lynch mob, run by the chairman of the Malta Council for Science and Technology.

    [Daphne – Apart from the last factor you mention (his official role), that is of no significance. It is actually good to have a safety valve like Facebook, otherwise they would be running around in the streets burning things, killing rabbits, driving bulls around on lorries, ransacking houses, looting the law courts and doing some actual real lynching. Now they can write a little (after a fashion) and have ‘leptops’ and internet connections so it distracts them and keeps them busy. What did you expect – evolution in one or two generations? Thirty-five years ago they were setting fire to a newspaper building. A hundred years ago they burned all the mills en route to Valletta and then sacked the homes of the ‘sinjuri’ once they got there. Hallihom jilghabu u jisfogaw b’Facebook. It’s safer.]

  63. Peppa Pig says:

    How long will it take Miss Boffa to realise that she will be better off dumping this sad wreck of a man and sodden has-been ASAP?

    Meglio soli che mal accompagnati, Miss Boffa.

    What happened to the environmental NGO to do with the “harsien tal-widien” that Mr Earl Grey founded with such fanfare a couple of years ago?

  64. ta wied is sewda. says:

    Don’t try to impress.

    Jeff, you are acting like you are cornered and trying to find a way out.

    Your best act was and still is ta’ taht it-tinda tal-Mosta, you weeping hypocrite.

  65. Id dentist says:

    Jeff you’re just a washout has been.

    Go get a life.

  66. Disillusioned says:

    Yet he’s the one posting pictures of the PM’s children on his Facebook page, and the ignorant bleat in admiration.

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