“Issa ghandna l-option tal-britch”

Published: November 25, 2014 at 8:33pm

I can’t stand the way Muscat massacres two languages in tandem. He’s just said that: “Issa ghandna l-option tal-britch”.

Because you know, our most pressing priority right now is to spend a billion euros on a ‘britch’ between Malta and Gozo so that a whole bunch of people who want to work in Malta while living near mummy in Fontana or Lunzjata don’t have to get on the ferry morning and evening.

Well, if they want a ‘britch’ they can jolly well pay for it themselves. I don’t see why the rest of us have to shell out for a ‘britch’ so that Manuel Mallia and Codruta and their gun-slinging drivers can drive across instead of getting on the boat when they go to their villa at Ta’ Cenc with or without his Faberge eggs.

And the thing most people who want this ‘britch’ haven’t worked out is this: they won’t be able to drive across for free. They’ll have to pay a toll and that toll will almost certainly cost as much as the ferry fare.

People in Malta don’t understand tolls. It’s an alien thing. Half the population doesn’t travel and has never encountered a toll gate. So the first responsible thing any communication about the ‘britch’ must do is get the fact across that this is not a street and you won’t be able to drive down it for free. You will have to pay – a toll at the toll-gate.

And if Muscat is going to insist on discussing this project, I suggest he practises pronouncing the final ‘g’ sound, which is alien to Maltese. A female dog is a bitch and that thing you build from one side of a valley to another is a bridge.

38 Comments Comment

  1. Alexander Ball says:

    Singular of britches?

    Well, it is all pants.

  2. Don Camillo says:

    Mhux ahjar tivventila bejn Malta u Ta’ Cenc bil-britch u ma tissograx hajtek bil-bozza tal-plastik jew?

  3. Reporter says:

    I think we’re smoking too much cannabis and our tongues get tangled.

  4. ciccio says:

    Whilst the country’s priorities do not right now include the britch, it is a priority for Muscat’s government that the public talks about the britch.

    If the people talk more about the britch, they will hopefully talk less about the shooting by the Police Minister’s “security driver”, and the pressure on Muscat to dismiss Manwel Mallia will fade away in the background.

    However, I noticed that he only promised more studies for now. In 3 years’ time, he will still be talking about studies.

  5. pablo says:

    A lesson in sales talk. Two hours of it.

    • Drinks With Vince Micallef says:

      That’s not how I saw it at all. I saw one of those short, squat women with a short back and sides dyed purple-brown, wearing leggings and a polyester patterned jumper, and with a purse tucked into her arm-pit, having a good old bitch-off on a street corner.

      “Ara gejja dik, rajta? Kemm ghanda wicca…AW HI HEKK TAGHMEL JA XKUPA L-INT.”

      He was raised by his Mintoffian grandmother, and it shows.

  6. P Shaw says:

    Actually the author of the book on himself is a bitch

  7. TinaB says:

    Jaghmlu saghtejn jahartu t-toroq ta’ madwar Malta biex isibu jipparkjaw b’xejn flok jipparkjaw f’car park, ha jhallsu it-toll?

    Imbilli mhux xhah il-maggoranza tal-Maltin, ghal sitta jqaxxru qamla – halli imbaghad imorru jonfquhom f’xi pizza tal-irhis, jew junk food.

  8. Oooooops says:

    If this idiot has a billion going spare, can’t he fix his face up instead? Now that would be money well spent.

    Oh and the majority of us Gozitans do not want a britch.

    And yes, I am a daily commuter and have been for many years.

  9. davidg says:

    How about ” disabilita intelletwali” , I think he meant ” mentali”

  10. Jelly Bean says:

    Any news on the concrete, milestone-scheduled, doable, costid, resign-if not-ready-by-March’15 power station?

  11. hmm says:

    The worst part of it is that the Gozitans and Emmanuel Mallia won’t even be paying the toll. Only people with Malta ID cards and tourists will be paying the toll.

  12. anthony says:

    The only people who want the britch must be the Chinese.

    The cost of building it, let alone maintaining it, is prohibitive.

    It costs 6.40 GBP to cross the Severn Bridge (and back).

    This toll is paid by 25 million motorists per year.

    That is certainly a financially viable proposition.

    But our britch?


  13. ken il malti says:

    Forget the “britch”, it is all pie-in-the-sky.

    Gozo-tonians do not want it, as it will bring too many Maltese to the sister island and ruin the place.

    It is better spend less money on re-building the Malta railway and lessen traffic by even/odd license plate driving privilege days and the construction of bicycle lanes.

  14. Watcher of lies says:

    I love costit britches especially when they’re plend and majlstownd, same as gass pawerr stejjxins.

  15. M. says:

    Isn’t the Maltese version of bridge “pont”, derived from the Italian “ponte”?

  16. U Le! says:

    What you said about toll gates is absolutely true. I have travelled extensively and where possible drive myself around. Yesterday I was amazed that a couple of work colleagues showed complete ignorance about such toll gates.

    • claire says:

      Most of the Maltese travel with organised groups and I am sure that most of them are not even aware that the coach drivers should pay a toll whenever they are travelling on a motor way, or that that there are prepaid arrangements for the bus company, like the Telepass for example.

  17. Jozef says:

    Din L-Art Helwa asked for a copy of the full report, one of those mumenti propizji again.

    Let’s see, one power station, two tanks, one ship, one pedestrian crossing across Mriehel, one Chinese embassy, three super duper hotels fis-sawt, two cruise liner quays in Gozo, one mega luxurious complex with pole dancers and one bridge to Gozo.

    And not a bloody full feasibility document in sight. When they hit the ground, they ran, and ran…..

  18. Edward says:

    Get a load of this:http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2009748/That-bridge-far-Worlds-longest-sea-bridge-opens-traffic-China–hold-title-years.html

    China built the longest bridge in the world, and it cost them the same amount of money as a bridge to Gozo.

    China is really taking Malta for a ride on this one. What A-holes they are to charge us the same amount for a bridge that is barely even half the size.

  19. bob-a-job says:

    ‘They’ll have to pay a toll and that toll will almost certainly cost as much as the ferry fare.’

    Cost of bridge €1000,000,000 maintenance €4,000,000.

    Repayment, interest and maintenance will cost in the region of at least €50,000,000 for the next 100 years. (Design life of bridge)

    Around 1,300,000 vehicles cross to and from Gozo annually.

    This means that the crossing would cost around €39 against the €15.70 for a car and driver using the Gozo ferry.

    What’s more I have been very conservative with the maintenance cost as these would rise dramatically as the bridge gets older.

    Apart from the costs to the environment the sustainability of the project is nil.

  20. Ghoxrin Punt says:

    What the f*#k is a britch? In the olden days women were not allowed to join in a conversation because they were not considered to have anything worth saying.

    Methinks it’s about time we stopped allowing allowing Muscat to speak.

  21. MMMM says:

    You have yet to take the ferry from Gozo at 6.45am which is full of ‘fasilitejters’ going to work to see how intellectual the people who want the bridge are.

    ‘Kemm hu sew bil-britch kieku! Ma nqumux kmini!’

    ‘U filghaxija ma nasalx id-dar x’hin ikun dalam… nasal qabel bil britch!’ (???)

    Etc etc…

    • claire says:

      I’ve always asked why a Gozitan who works in Malta does not settle down in Malta, and avoid all the hassle of crossing the sea every morning and afternoon.

      I am mainly referring to those married couples who work in Malta but still, they prefer to set up their home in Gozo.

      • Tabatha White says:

        Because Malta actually gives them a “headache.”

        Because the rhythm is different.

        Because the conceptual language, whilst using mainly the same words, is different. This is mainly what produces the headache.

        All valid.

      • MMMM says:

        They want their mummy 15 minutes away. ‘Ma tarax,’ moving to Malta.

        Daphne is 100% right about the mummy thing. I’m Gozitan and every time I say it I am told that I am against ‘the real needs of the Gozitans’ and very ‘unpatriotic’ and that I am spending too much time with my Maltese friends and that they are brainwashing me.

  22. claire says:

    Is this the way he speaks to his San Anton School daughters? It’s bad enough they’ve got that mother who can’t speak either language properly.

    Mela dan ma taghlem xejn minn San Alwigi?

    If they decided that some kind of concrete monster should be built between the two islands, that should be free.

    By the way, who will be paying the toll? The normal citizens and not Kodruta and Co.

  23. Osprey says:

    He is probably buying a set of new britches after Simon’s speech.

  24. ron says:

    Bridge or tunnel annual maintenance makes both projects unsustainable. It’s crazy even to think about both projects.

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