It is not only the chairman of the Malta Council for Science and Technology who needs help badly

Published: November 12, 2014 at 10:19am


I think it’s time to remind you that the Law Commissioner/President of the Law Reform Commission should be seeing somebody too, and I don’t mean a Super One reporter.

A couple of summers ago, when he was in the throes of one of his periodic ‘episodes’ and putting his psychiatric problems on full public display on his ‘blokk’, Franco Debono – who was then still in parliament – wrote a post so indescribably insane that even he realised that that maybe it wasn’t quite indicative of somebody with a healthy mind, and so he took it down shortly afterwards.

But not before Andrew Azzopardi copied it and uploaded it on his own blog, where it remains today, and where I have since found it again – which is a good thing, because though I had saved that cracked blog-post at the time, I can’t now find the file.

I have taken screen-shots of it from Azzopardi’s website, and have uploaded them below. Please read this while bearing in mind at all times that the man who wrote this has been given, by this government, the responsibility of reforming Malta’s entire body of laws.

Of course, he cannot possibly deliver, so what he has really been given is a sinecure with a car and chauffeur attached, as thanks for helping bring down Lawrence Gonzi’s government in his unquestionable psychiatric condition.




FRANCO BLOG 4 - August 2012

54 Comments Comment

  1. canon says:

    Franco Debono thinks Austin Gatt is an ugly man with a pretty wife. But two years have passed since then and Debono still hasn’t found himself a pretty wife, despite being so very handsome.

  2. Edgar says:

    Up to yesterday I thought that JPO was the worst off in terms of being in a really bad and unrecoverable state. Today I have my doubts, as I think that Franco Debono is probably worse.

  3. Natalie Mallett says:

    What an embarrassment.

    Do you think he can actually reread this without feeling sick?

    It is really dangerous to have such a mentally unbalanced man reforming the laws of our country.

    Franco, I am giving you the same advice as I gave Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando. Have a good listen to this tutorial. You may find your better self once you start heeding the advice given.

  4. Marian says:

    Oh Madonna mia, miskin.

  5. La Redoute says:

    Franco Debono isn’t an amusing eccentric. He is obviously a very sick man who is unable to discharge his duties at all, let alone properly. The consequences to Malta’s law reform can only be negative. So much for Labour’s positive mantra.

    But it is Muscat’s treatment of Debono that is most telling of Muscat’s reckless and irresponsible character. Appointing Debono to public office feeds his delusions that he is normal and deserving of recognition, and that he had somehow been wronged by others. That the man appointing him is his former classroom nemesis only makes it worse.

    Muscat knows this, which is why he does it. He amuses himself much in the same way a dissolute leader in Roman times would have had slaves and enemies thrown to the lions solely for his own entertainment. And hang the consequences to everyone else.

    It is Muscat’s behaviour, and not Debono’s, that is truly shocking. He is reckless, self-serving, irresponsible and totally unfit for office.

    • Tabatha White says:

      Whilst Franco Debono’s behaviour was pursued for its defining characteristics, what it says about Joseph Muscat’s behaviour and thinking is frightening.

      People should be right now stocking their proverbial larders for an emergency.

  6. Maltri says:

    I’ve seen that look before, on a toddler trying to keep balance while consciously soiling his diaper.

  7. Lorry says:

    Now this is spooky.

  8. Censu says:

    You have brought up such nostalgia. I used to love taunting the Ex. Honourable on his blog.

  9. Francis Saliba M.D. says:

    Absolutely unbelievable!

  10. Peter Mercieca says:

    Please Daphne, can we completely and utterly not talk about this chap altogether …and throw in the other wannabes (JPO etc) into the list of “good to ignore”. It’s farcical to the point of being tragic.

    [Daphne – The fact remains that both are not private individuals but holders of high public office. And therefore they should be discussed. It would be irresponsible not to.]

  11. Jozef says:

    Bidders have every right to access the full adjudication reports, what Cardona calls confidentiality clauses, unheard of at tendering stage, contradict the nature of the process itself. Vitiated process indeed.

    He just put his foot in it.

  12. pablo says:

    Absolutely normal, totally acceptable behaviour by today’s new standards. And what’s more he’s got the looks. Or so he says.

  13. A+ says:

    Perfect for Joseph’s skip.

  14. Manikomju 112 says:

    How this person got a degree is just proof of how bad that course offered by the UoM really is. A hell of a lot of rote learning and very little actual learning.

    We can’t even say he has that kind of quirky madness often seen in academics or brilliant minds – the random ticks, the jumpiness, a somewhat backwards sense of dress.

    No, this person seems just plain mad, and about as sharp as a bowling ball.

  15. Grezz says:

    Thanks for the reminder. How Franco Debono was ever put in such a position of responsibility (notwithstanding his outstanding Form IIC results) defies my imagination.

    How cynically irresponsible of Joseph Muscat.

  16. Alf says:

    So now we know why Franco Debono still lives with his mother at 41. But truly, it doesn’t bear thinking about.

    • Martin Felice says:

      Nobody in his right senses wants to be burdened with such a stupid dangerous idiot. What’s the heck should be ashamed for appointing him as law reform commissioner.

  17. Martin Vella says:

    Franco Debono will be anointed Banana King during this year’s banana festival in Qormi. Rest assured.

  18. issa naraw says:

    Jesus Christ.

  19. Procedures says:

    This guy needs a shrink.

    How low can the PM go, to appoint somebody in this mental state law commissioner, or any other such position? The prime minister’s message to the people is that he doesn’t give a hoot about the laws of Malta, or reforming them, and just wants to keep Franco Debono quiet.

    • tinnat says:

      The Prime Minister’s actions result from fear of this man. Nothing more, nothing less.

    • Tom Double Thumb says:

      Joseph Muscat appointed Franco Debono because it was a promise he made to him in return for bringing down the PN government.

      He kept that promise not because he is a man of honour (!) or a man of his word, but because he was afraid of the consequences and of what Debono would do otherwise.

      Muscat himself sees Debono’s appointment as nothing but an empty sinecure and doesn’t expect him to do any work or deliver any results in return.

      • Pippa says:

        The last sentence Tom Double Thumb, applies to other appointees.

        Our PM is a cynical cold blooded person. To me he’s worse than Dom Mintoff on many counts.

  20. Conservative says:

    I had never seen this before. I am completely dumb-struck. Speechless. Gobsmacked.

    What drivel, what insane bilge. I knew that he was a knave and a strutting peacock with a chicken brain to match, but this?

    This is unbearably humiliating for us all – our Commissioner of Laws! What ecstatic benefits in being an independent republic with control over our own destiny!

    I nearly fell out of my chair.

  21. Karla says:

    Wasn’t there a debate in parliament regarding the way former members of parliament would be addressed? They should have read out this rant and no time need have been wasted on the discussion.

    Can you imagine a person like this being allowed to call himself The Honourable?

  22. concerned voter says:

    Taghna lkoll, the overseas version, using the 20th century Maltese emigrants to Australia, Canada, the US and UK as grounds for revoking the right of current Maltese – who take an active interest in current politics – living abroad:

    “MEP Mizzi highlighted the situation where, because of the size of Malta there are more Maltese living permanently abroad, than there are Maltese residing permanently in Malta. This means that people living permanently away from Malta will decide how people living in Malta are governed. Marlene Mizzi also agreed that the rights for those citizens living abroad should be safeguarded, but so should the right of the citizens living in the country where the general elections are taking place.”

  23. observer says:

    Those whom the gods want to destroy, first they turn mad.

    I’m afraid the gods are pretty magnanimous before taking further action – the irrelevant thing has been utterly mad for ages, now.

  24. Markus says:

    This peaking of activity can be described as SAD, Seasonal Affective Disorder.

  25. John T says:

    Has Franco Debono sought psychiatric treatment since then?

    Is it possible that the PM and the serious Partit Laburista that waited for 25 years to govern are proud to have him as the Law Reform Commissioner?

  26. Last Post says:

    In this case there is no need to ask if this man is completely mad. The evidence is here naked for all to see.

  27. manum says:

    Franco Debono sounds like Snow White’s evil step-mother, asking the mirror who is the fairest of them all.

  28. anthony says:

    The fact that this guy was not consigned to the PL skip at least ten years ago is entirely the fault of the PN administration at the time.

    In a miniscule country like Malta where everyone knows everyone else he should never have been allowed to pass through the filters of a political party worth its salt.

    He is completely incoherent, irrational even.

  29. Jojo says:

    Personality disorder, with delusions of grandeur

  30. Stratight Out says:

    Mad motherf*cker.

  31. Peppa Pig says:

    Narcissistic people always struggle with the fact that the rest of the world doesn’t revolve around them.

  32. KALANCC MA (cantab) says:

    Unfortunately it lacks an appropriate title. So I think ”One flew over the cuckoo’s nest” will do just fine.

  33. Charles borg says:

    Iva dan Franco Debono sew? Mela darba ftahar kemm kien bravu l-iskola, u jghid li Austin Gatt ikrah. Kellu bzonn kapaci daqs Austin Gatt li lum qieged igawdi l-familja u lil martu (li vera sabiha).

    Austin Gatt ragel ta’ principju u l-Partit Nazzjonalista jibqa grat lejh. Ara Franco ghadu u se jibqa wahdu fil-hajja, ghax bla principju, giddieb, u skifuz.

  34. J. Aquilina says:

    Yet this guy has somehow landed himself a good salary, permission to carry on in his private legal practice, a car and chauffeur at his disposal, and all the other perkacci which have been mentioned.

    Many brilliant minds I know of have not been so lucky – and no I am not using the term ‘brilliant’ sarcastically.

  35. Lorry says:

    It is very shocking to see what’s really between his ears but I’m equally disgusted by the Nationalist Party for accepting him on their ticket.

    It was about time that the PN screened their candidates thoroughly before letting them get to the ballot paper.

  36. TinaB says:

    Franco, beauty is in the eye of the beholder – and guess what, if someone had to make me choose between you and Austin Gatt I would definitely choose him.

    You have the mind of a 15 year old girl. No wonder you’re still on the shelf at 41.

  37. Alfredo says:

    We want to see a picture of Mrs Austin Gatt!

  38. Persil says:

    Is it possible that with this level of English he went into university? And became a lawyer? A ten year old will tell you that he cannot understand the script.

    [Daphne – It’s not the English that’s the problem here, Persil, but the chaotic and emotional stunted thought processes that led to the construction of those sentences.]

  39. A V says:

    Franco Debono jinsulta lil dawk kollha li ma jifhmux l-Ingliż billi meta jkun irid ixerred il-velenu li għandu f’moħħu jikteb bl-Ingliż biex jeskludihom. Jien ħadt paċenzja naqleb dak li qal fil-Malti biex b’hekk kulħadd ikun jista’ jifhem (jekk jirnexxilu) x’ikun għaddej minn moħħu. Ippruvajt inkun fidila kemm nista’ lejn il-kontenut avolja’ kultant nispiċċa ma nintehimx.

    “Lawrence ‘DCG; Gonzi jekk jogħġobkom ħudu nota.

    Nittollera insulti lejja imma ma nittollerax insulti fir-rigward t’ommi. Mhux se nittollera insulti fir-rigward tal-familja tiegħi.

    Insew l-arloġġi Rolex, riżultati tal-form IIC (mill-aqwa) u qomos Ralph Loren. Xi ngħidu għal ftit psikokoloġija reali ta’ kuljum?

    Austin Gatt huwa raġel ikrah bla kariżma, li meta ma kienx għadu ministru ġabar biss 1,300 vot u ġie elett f’bye election.

    Qed nuża l-kelma ‘bye’ intenzjonalment għax hija l-aktar kelma popolari mal-Maltin fir-rigward tiegħu, jekk ma tgħoddx lil Fenech Adami. Fenech Adami, raġel tajjeb jew ħażin, li fi żmienu ħatru ministru! Fl-1989 naqqas l-unijiet, imma, iva, hello, Fenech Adami ħatar lilu u mhux lil Jean Pierre Farrugia bħala ministru ma nafx għaliex!

    Bil-Malti din il-psikoloġija kollha f’erba’ kelmiet jgħidulha: ‘Din x’ratlu daqs kemm hu ikrah!’

    Inti qed tħallas kontijiet tad-dawl u l-ilma għaljin għax huwa l-uniku mod kif Austin Gatt jaf jimpressjona li mara sabiħa li għandu. Kulħadd jieħu gost jimpressjona lill-maħbuba tiegħu imma mhux kulħadd għandu lil Fenech Adami jpoġġilu lin-nazzjon kollu għad-dispożizzjoni tiegħu.

    Il-puluzija psikoloġika għandha tinvestiga dan: dan il-pajjiż għadda minn dan l-infern kollu għax Austin Gatt huwa tant ikrah li l-uniku mod biex jimpressjona lill-mara sabiħa tiegħu kien li jappunta fl-uffiċju tiegħu irġiel sbieħ biex jagħmlu affarijiet li mhux suppost li jinkludu l-Arriva u l-BWSC u ma jirriżenjax?

    Anke` Lou Bondi, kuġinuh huwa estremament ikrah għalhekk il-kruha tagħhom hija fil-ġeni tagħhom. Għalhekk għandhom bżonn il-poter biex jimpressjonaw. Jien qatt ma kelli bżonn poter. Jien għandi l-parenza.

    Is-Sinjura Gatt hija waħda tal-pepe` ta’ Zammit Maempel. Dr Joe Zammit Maempel huwa l-akbar ġentlom li naf. Austin Gatt kif qatt jista’ jimpressjona lil mara sabiħa tiegħu!!?

    Huwa krudili mal-proxxmu. Dik hija psikoloġija għall-puluzija psikoloġika! Sinjura Gatt serraħ rasek! Minfloku irnexxielu jpoġġi lil Claudio Grech u Manu “Arriva Delia” u elimina lil Franco ‘riformatur’ Debono.

    Puluzija psikologika jekk jogħġbok investiga din it-tortura nazzjonali.

    Sinjura Gatt nitħassrek li kellek tistaporti dik il-kruha kull filgħodu malli inti tqum għal dawn l-aħħar tletin sena. Iftaħ moħħok.

    Popolazzjoni Maltija, stenbaħ jekk jogħġbok. Inti kellek tħallas kontijiet għaljin biex dak il-ministru, ikrah, ikrah ħafna u deformat jimpressjona li mara sabiħa, sabiħa ħafna tiegħu.
    Joe Zammit Maempel huwa xempju tal-ġentlomerija. Għandna bżonn nies bħalu f’Malta.

    Austin, meta tkun Għawdex fis-sakra iddejjaq lil kulħadd għand il-Kartell, inkluż lil dawk l-4 li bagħtuli l-emails, żomm f’moħħok li.


  40. Ursula says:

    I have a gut feeling that he fancies Mrs Gatt.

  41. gn says:

    Dejjem ma’ deputati Laburisti fir-ritratti.

    Huma biss rieduh maghhom.

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