It’s time for the Nationalist Party to do what it consummately failed to do in 2010

Published: November 1, 2014 at 11:18am

Muscat agreement with China

Yes, it’s time for the Nationalist Party, its parliamentarians, and its media, to sink their teeth in and demand to know exactly what was in that agreement Joseph Muscat signed with the Chinese government in 2010, when he was Opposition leader.

It beggars belief that a party leader, in his role as party leader, would sign an agreement with a foreign government, still more a foreign government like China’s – a totalitarian communist dictatorship – and nobody back home bats an eyelid, not even the opposing political party and above all, the government of the day.

Bilateral agreements are signed between states, and not between a state and a political party in another state.

The agreement itself was not a secret. The new party leader on the block was so thrilled that he couldn’t contain himself (this is a personality trait that the PN and the media in general should have learned to watch out for by now) and boasted about it himself in an article in L-Orizzont, of all places. But the contents of the agreement were secret and are still.

It is unbelievable that NOBODY ASKED ANY QUESTIONS. The Opposition leader announces that he has entered into an agreement with the Chinese government and NOBODY BOTHERS TO ASK WHAT IT IS, NOT EVEN THE NATIONALIST PARTY OR THE GOVERNMENT.

The matter went by unremarked upon until the general election campaign began and dots began to be joined, mainly by this website, about what the nature of that agreement might have been.

10 Comments Comment

  1. Joe Fenech says:

    The Labour Party ‘is’ the state.

  2. ciccio says:

    The secretive relations with China should now be item number 1 on the national political agenda, together with the powerstation projects and Labour’s “energy plans” which have now derailed.

    I have to say, they remind me of the secretive deals with North Korea. Has anyone been tracking the whereabouts of AST recently?

    It should now be clear to all that the only “power plan” that Labour ever had was how to get into government and distribute iced buns to the billboard friends.

    The roadmap led straight into the wall.

  3. Kevin says:

    The following cannot be over-emphasised:

    “It is unbelievable that NOBODY ASKED ANY QUESTIONS. The Opposition leader announces that he has entered into an agreement with the Chinese government and NOBODY BOTHERS TO ASK WHAT IT IS, NOT EVEN THE NATIONALIST PARTY OR THE GOVERNMENT.”

  4. Persil says:

    No matter what he deal was it would have had no effect il Labour was not voted in.Lately Busuttil went to America and had talks there but unless he is in government he can do nothing.What I hope is that the deal was a good one and of benefit to us all.

    [Daphne – I think you overlook the fact that the deal might well have included assistance in getting the Labour Party into power, Persil. Simon Busuttil did not sign an agreement on behalf of the PN/Malta with the United States. You need some information about boundaries and parameters.]

    • observer says:

      Would you expect a democracy like the U.S.A. to have anything to do with the democratic Opposition party in a free state like Malta?

      Certainly not. They have had enough trouble through their dealings with some South American states and other similiar dictatorships.

  5. Jozef says:

    All Busuttil has to do is state the PN reserves the right to nationalise Air Malta the moment it’s in power.

    The same with Enemalta.

    [Daphne – I disagree completely.]

    No wonder Labour wouldn’t say anything, they were fully aware the electorate would have sent Muscat to hell.

    Irrid narah lil Muscat, iqieghed xi kuruna fuq il-monument tal-perit. Ghidli kemm isaffrulu.

    Qed jiggakbinaw mandat elettorali u l-poplu Malti.

    • ta minn jahseb says:

      Dont agree with you, Jozef. Why should we try to save them and in the process look as if we are on our mighty high horse knowing more then them.

      Give them the proverbial rope to hang themselves with. Let them take over Air Malta so all the Laburisti there will learn their lesson with their new Chinese masters.

      PN need to learn the trick of letting Labour’s shit hit the fan. Unfortunately it will reverberate on us, but it’s the only way that the village idiots know how to learn their lessons.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        You’re assuming the Nationalist Party is concerned by the despoliation of Maltese assets by China.

        They’re not. This is just more “gid” and more “business”. It’s their own mantra, their own ideology, their own policies writ large.

        Besides, there’s more than a hint of thirdworldism in the ludicrous wotsit bazici. As in: if Man is the image of God, that includes the Chinese, ergo mhux sewwa to oppose them.

        In a nutshell, you’re deluded if you expect the Nationalist Party or anyone else except Lowell to speak out against this invasion.

        And Lowell, of course, is just as bad as the rest of them, having been responsible for Joseph Muscat’s rise to power.

  6. White coat says:

    What the PN needs to do is make sure that all forthcoming elections are free of fraud. The MLP are experts in this and we all know it.

    The plan is to have Maltese passport holders living abroad to vote and add to these the new ‘citizens’ and then some ‘more’.

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