Leave your weapons at the door of the Last Chance Saloon

Published: November 23, 2014 at 1:28am

Following Wednesday night’s fracas, the Nationalist Party whip expressed his concern about the real possibility of armed men running around in parliament. Because did we know that Manuel Mallia’s drivers are armed? No, we did not.

So the Speaker of the House instructed the Clerk of the House to write to all members of parliament, telling them that as from Monday, everybody entering the Palace when parliament is in session will be frisked and have their bags checked for weapons.

And nobody carrying a weapon will be allowed in. So they’re going to have to leave their weapons at the door of the Last Chance Saloon before swaggering in.

23 Comments Comment

  1. Lizz says:

    Ironic, isn’t it, that our current chambers of parliament were previously the armour of the Knights, and that currently what’s left of that arsenal is housed right beneath their arses?

  2. Very True says:

    Where can they tie their horses before they enter the parliament building?

    • ciccio says:

      Piano actually thought about that in the new building.

      Are they three-legged horses? If yes, they can leave them in the square, opposite.

  3. H.P. Baxxter says:

    See what I meant? It is illegal in this country to carry firearms without a licence, and even with a licence, they can only be carried under very specific circumstances.

    Police officers can carry them, again under special circumstances. But police officers and members of the Armed Forces are not allowed into the House. They are allowed into the Palace if it is their job to be there, but then they would be allowed to carry weapons too if it was their job to be there.

    But our Speaker of the House appears to be an imbecilic moron, because he does not know all this. What else are we to conclude? This man cannot get his tiny brain around the logic of a general law including a smaller law within it.

    But the Opposition Whip is not helping at all here. All those entering the Palace are standing on Maltese territory, where the laws of Malta apply. The House is a subset of Malta etc etc. but why do I even bother? Just carry on, both of you.

  4. Ruby says:

    Fix gabuna. Issa wiehed ghandu jirrejalizza kemm konna sewwa. Isbah mil-paci m’hawnx u dawn in-nies anke din ser jehdulna. Jerghhu jiggeddu l-memorji tal-80s.

  5. canon says:

    Imagine Auberge de Castille on Tuesdays with all those ministers and their armed personnel.

  6. QahbuMalti says:

    How comforting that that parliament is relatively safe from violent gun-wielding lackeys but outside the House Joe Bloggs and I are still at the mercy of this lot of gun-wielding drivers who seemingly have licence so use their arms on innocent citizens and not get arrested.

  7. imhasseb says:

    This conclusion only means that ministerial cars will be left with all the arsenal in their glove compartments.

    It will not solve the problem to the general public as we will still be at risk.

    Weapons should be prohibited at all times. The public deserves to be protected as much as the parliament.

  8. m says:

    But nobody ever shot in parliament. It’s us normal people being shot in the street. This measure doesn’t tally with what’s happening and it doesn’t make us feel safe at all.

  9. Tabatha White says:

    Like Palermo in the 80s: society flows in everyday functions, but wherever you go the mob is present and armed.

    Them vs us. Forced mingling an ever-present reminder of the threat.

    Party, state event.

    In Beirut, till today, they have gun check points at most major hotels.

    A state of ignorance amongst the populace permits an excess of criminal liberties by those placed in position to protect us.

    Only we were always after a different quality of protection, which the majority decided to render a forgone luxury.

    I want it back. This constant tension and corruption by Government is no way to live.

    This is not what we struggled to achieve in life.

    This is a failed Government.

    On every count.

  10. Realistic says:

    Please note that in the previous administration some ministers and other high government officials had their drivers/security armed. Even today there are still individuals from the previous administration that still have an armed escort with them. I really cannot understand why all this fuss is all about. At the end of the day it was an isolated incident and if the person involved did wrong, yes he should be punished but let’s not put everyone in one basket because of one mistake.

    [Daphne – You are wrong. The only individuals who had armed escorts were two: one because somebody actually tried to kill him and almost succeeded, and the other because he received a murder threat in connection with the same case.]

  11. Philip says:

    The mind boggles! So it’s not OK to carry firearms into the Palace but OK to carry firearms in the streets and shoot at people in cars?

    Is Malta going mad?

    Liars, cheats, thieves and scoundrels.

  12. Betty says:

    I want to believe that the pompous Mr.Speaker had no idea that he probably had Ministers drivers and others running armed in the Parliament precincts.Well he has now decided to talk about this and try to stop this.

    If I have to go to talk to some Castille cretin however, I have to leave my mobile by the reception desk.

    Dik arma.

  13. bob-a-job says:

    Thanks to Mr. Speaker we can be sure that from now on no PN member of parliament or anyone accompanying him/her will be armed.

  14. Charles borg says:

    Kemm qeghdin sew, dejjem b’xi haga gdida taht dan il-gvern, u l-kbir ghadu gej.

  15. Candy says:

    Months of careful planning to deliver an eye-catching budget all eclipsed by a couple of wayward shots. That’s what really has left Muscat angry and disgusted.

  16. Cikku says:

    Din veru kienet oħra ġdida!

    Dan l-imbeċilli (għax aħjar insejjaħlu hekk) spiċċa biex kixef borma li kienet ilha tagħli u ħadd ma kien induna.

    Mhux ta’ b’xejn Muscat huwa rrabbjat u diżgustat għax infeqgħet bużżieqa oħra f’wiċċu.

    Mur għidilna ħej, li kienu qed iġorru l-armi għax jibżgħu minn xi attakk, u msieken aħna li ndendlu kusna magħhom. Dak eżempju!

    Kif ikollok xi tgħid oħroġ ir-revolver u spara tir fl-arja! Qisni qed nara film ta’ John Wayne.

  17. U Le! says:

    So people wanting to talk to a minister at his office are asked to leave their mobile phones at the front desk to be picked up when one leaves after begging for alms from the minister.

    Are the secretarial staff going to leave a basket for pistols, knives etc to be picked up when one leaves as well? Is this the new republic Dear Joseph was rambling about a few months ago?

    Thank you switchers for making our days so entertaining.

  18. John Higgins says:

    Will the President’s driver be frisked too?

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