Like something scripted by Sacha Baron Cohen

Published: November 22, 2014 at 7:02pm

photo 2

A comment sent in this afternoon:

Last Thursday Michelle Muscat was on the ferry from Gozo to Malta at 3pm. There were security officers with her, and a traffic policeman waiting for her on the quay.

By comparison, Mr. Preca, the president’s husband is going round schools, like his wife, delivering piggy banks for L-Istrina. Just himself, a driver, his secretary, and nobody else.

Who ranks higher in protocol?

15 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio says:

    Moira Delia presents:

    Some animals are more equal than others.

    A production of Super One.

  2. Stephen says:

    “Iiiii kieku biss taf kemm ghandi nejk.”

    • observer says:

      Ghandek tassew ragun biex tbiegh, mish-ell.

      Lanqas biss nistghu nobsru kemm ghandek nejk – u la nafu minn fejn jibda u lanqas fejn jispicca.

      Beda zgur u nahseb ilu hafna – u ser jispicca zgur (u forsi ma jdumx wisq ma jispicca, lanqas).

  3. Alf says:

    Min joghla hafna jiehu tisbita kbira. So, Michelle, watch out because the end of all this showing off could be nearer than you think.

  4. Don Camillo says:

    On the level of humility only, Edgar Preca wins hands down. That transcends all seniority of protocol.

  5. Galian says:

    She meant it when she said she was going to make the most of these five years. I just hope an pray that they won’t be five.

  6. il-Ginger says:

    Malta’s very own Marie Twanett

  7. Failed cover up says:

    Tghid mheddin minn xi Libjani?

  8. bob-a-job says:

    Who ranks higher in protocol?

    The piggy banks of course.

  9. Lovely says:

    Kieku ghal qziez l-ewwel niehdu.

    Halli ghalihom biex jidardru, l-aqwa li mhux minn buthom.

    Kollox kompetizzjoni ala min se jiehu l-iktar minn fuq dahar il-poplu.

    Mela x’qed jahsbu li huma? Li kont minnek Daphne, ipprova qabbel ftit lil Carmen Ciantar u lil Michelle u tinduna li qishom l-istess. L-istess qziez u photocopy ta’ xulxin.

    Min jaf min qed jikkopja lil min?

    Halluna u morru orqdu.

    Igri jghaddu dal hames snin. Insomma l-elezzjoni tal-kunsilli tiehdu l-ewwel risposta ta’ kemm qazzistuna.

  10. Adolf says:

    Tifsira ta’ ‘Min qatt ma libes qalziet, meta libsu ħara fiħ’.

  11. Fido says:

    Sewwa jgħid il-Malti: Gaħan għal darba libes qalziet u ħara fih

  12. RF says:

    Tridha tal-Barunessa ta’ Burmarrad.

  13. Tabatha White says:

    Everything going pear shaped.

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