Lying Toad Update: no respect for himself, the electorate, his position, or parliament

Published: November 26, 2014 at 9:59am

Don Emmanuel Mallia, Minister for the Police, has failed to answer a direct question put to him in parliament this morning by Opposition spokesman for the police, Jason Azzopardi, as to whether the police were ordered to remove Morrison Smith’s bullet-riddled car from the tunnel.

A member of the government can’t refuse to answer a question put to him/her in parliament by the Opposition. That is what parliament is for.

The sick problem with Don Emmanuel Mallia is that he has the mindset of a defence lawyer in court. He puts up barriers to save himself, not understanding at all that he is now fully accountable not just to his constituents, as he is no ordinary MP, but to the electorate as a whole because he is a minister of state.

Lying Toad update

15 Comments Comment

  1. Volley says:

    That ‘Don’ fits him perfectly.

  2. Natalie Mallett says:

    In that case can we assume that he ordered the tampering with the evidence?

  3. Space Bones says:

    Should the Speaker not insist that the minister replies to the question in this case then?

  4. Joe Fenech says:

    Idem for most Labour politicians.

  5. Lawrence Attard says:

    No surprise that Sheehan will be represented by a lawyer from Manuel Mallia’s stable.

    For Mallia, the ideal scenario would be that Sheehan is not prosecuted. Failing that, the next best option would be to have control over his ex driver and, crucially, over what he says in court.

    Wouldn’t be surprised if the legal services are being offered for free.

  6. watchful eye says:

    Apart from that question, there is another very pertinent question. Who, but who from the DOI issued the press release right after the shooting.

    Mallia is denying that he knew of the contents, did not authorise it either. But he did not divulge the rank or name of the person responsible for its issuance.

    Then who on earth is directing this country. Some sectional president of the Labour Party club?

    In my opinion this is a very crucial question.

  7. sarah says:

    A total disgrace.

  8. Mila says:

    Another question needs to be put to Mallia. Who released his car from the scene and who drove it away?

    Was it removed on the low rider as well or not? When, where and who checked Mallia’s car for gunshot residue and any other items of relevance. Did Sheehan have access to the car at anytime since the incident?

    Were the exact prcedural steps taken in relation to the Minister’s car as would any other car in which a shooter had ridden and which same shooter had used to block another car?

    What was the breathalyzer result of the shooter? Was he found to be negative for drugs of abuse, in view of his reaction which even the Minister seems to admit was outside the norm?

    Does the Minister’s car have a tracking system?

  9. Jack Beans says:

    Who would have told the switchers and self-styled ‘floaters’ who fell for Don Manuel, with his aura of respectability to Labour’s claim to change, that he would treat us all to such arrogance and sleazy lies, connections and machinations?

    Ooops! I know you warned us about him. But then too many still considered you a witch and “Queen of Bile”. Not so many this time, judging by the ‘phenomenal’ increase in viewership of your Blog.

  10. ta wied is sewda. says:

    Whether minister Mallia answers or not , their is only one truth out there. And it stinks more than an elderly skunk.

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