Malta Council for Science and Technology chairman flies to London to celebrate his 51st birthday with his personal assistant

Published: November 27, 2014 at 3:00pm

Lara Boffa and Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando

Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, executive chairman of the Malta Council for Science and Technology, was on the early morning flight to Heathrow with his personal assistant at the Council, Lara Boffa, to celebrate his 51st birthday this weekend.

It is not clear whether the Malta Council for Science and Technology is funding this trip under some pretext given that they are both on the council payroll and he is the executive chairman there, having got rid of the CEO and not sought to have him replaced.

“Losers!” he said to the people who held up an iPhone to their faces to take this picture. His personal assistant’s reaction was to bring out her own phone and snap the people who snapped her.

Unfortunately, there wasn’t enough time to ask her what she planned to do with a photograph of two private citizens, and to tell her that those private citizens are paying her and her boss but she is not paying them.

Maybe she and “Jeff” plan to report them to Don Manuel and his fixers Ramona Attard and Kurt Farrugia. Losers.

56 Comments Comment

  1. Roderick P says:

    Kemm hxienet Lara!

    • AGM says:

      She’s in her mid-30s, so this is her last chance to have a baby. I don’t suppose she would see anything wrong in replicating the circumstances in which she herself was born, even though she should know through experience that it is far from ideal.

    • Viva il- Farizej says:

      Those two look like they’ve been hoovering up the iced buns.

    • Mim says:

      He did say that the meringue was birthday cake number 1 but goodness me, how many cakes did they gobble up between them?

  2. Leli says:


  3. tinnat says:

    They don’t look like they had a good night’s sleep.

  4. Karl Sammut says:

    By default he thinks he is a winner. I would just like him to explain how he arrived at that conclusion.

  5. C C says:

    Ghandu l-wicc jghid lil xi hadd loser? He’s the biggest loser in town. And so is his personal assistant, given that she’s reduced to scraping the (fast deteriorating) dregs off other women’s shoes.

  6. freedom5 says:

    Lara is either on the pill, or she forgot to take it.

  7. freedom5 says:

    Defo paying his own way, otherwise he would not be travelling cattle class.

  8. I'm In says:

    X’wicc ta’ imdejqa ghandha

  9. serp says:

    Jeff always has that puffy-eyed look typical of drunks. But Daphne, you should give Jeff a rest and tell us what Owen had to do to buy the silence of the 13-year-old with whom he had a fling. Or rather, her parents’.

  10. Pier Pless says:

    The Malta Council for Science and Technology was set up for a reason. Its use by Joseph Muscat to reward Pullicino Orlando for his dastardly behaviour is reprehensible for many reasons.

    One reason is that by appointing a chairman who is not suited for the job, the PM is undermining the MCST. The funds invested in the organisation and in research in general is not being used in the best possible manner because its incompetent Chairman is unable to give it a sense of purpose and direction.

    Malta is often criticised for not investing enough in research and development and having Pullicino Orlando as Chairman of MCST is doing us no favours.

    For example, in a conference overseas Pullicino Orlando gave a politically motivated and biased speech instead of using the event to network and develop contacts for the benefit of MCST and Malta (as somebody with more sense and with knowledge of science and technology would have done).

  11. ken il malti says:

    Lara has a very low capacity brain-case.

  12. A Montebello says:

    They have five chins between the two of them.

  13. Marian says:

    Oh, those double chins.

  14. SPAM! says:

    Lara Boffa looks like the descendant of a sumo wrestler –

  15. Maltri says:

    I’m imagining this scene happening, and it is hilarious.

    The person who took out his/her phone and stuck it in Pullicino Orlando’s face to take the picture must have balls of steel.

    [Daphne – It was a woman, actually. Or perhaps I should say obviously.]

    • Mila says:

      A woman! JPO must have been gutted that she was not star struck as soon as she saw him.

      How dare the woman record that our taxes are paying for inappropriate relationships on the public payroll.

    • Qeghdin Sew says:

      It’s obvious only because most men won’t pick up a fight with a woman (you’d hope), but they feel a surge of bravado if it happens to be a man.

  16. High Tea says:

    Matching double chins. Qisom jelly babies fix-xemx f’Awissu.

    How much are we paying this pair of c*nts?

  17. Rita Camilleri says:

    Oh the lady isn’t amused at all…wish I was there to have witnessed this scene.

  18. pale blue my foot! says:

    I counted 4 to 6 chins in all. Ah the effects of gluttony.

  19. Luke says:

    They’ve boarded a ship that was destined to sink before it even left port – and they know it. Hence, their miserable faces.

  20. Fun says:

    I guess there won’t be many fun times tonight.

  21. Honest says:

    Il-verita ser nghid: HMIEG IT-TNEJN LI HUMA!

  22. eve says:

    Qed tara, Daphne hi, meta tibdel il-partners ta’ spiss u ssibhom zghar kemm tibqa frisk!

  23. NGT says:

    Bloody hell, that’s not the Lara Boffa I saw on the pre-election billboards. Is this the result of comfort-eating or what?

  24. Superman says:

    He must think he’s Lex Luthor with his assistant (female).

    He does look like this version of Lex.

    Unfortunately, Lex’s assistants don’t tend to last long.

  25. Banana republic ... again says:

    A beauty waiting to blossom

  26. edgar says:

    What, only 51? He looks 10 years older.

  27. La Chouchette says:

    Personal assistant jew il-gerlfriend.

  28. bob-a-job says:

    That Razzu face is starting to materialize.

    Goodbye Dorian Gray, hello Earl Grey.

  29. Another Lara says:

    Is that an engagement ring she’s wearing?

  30. johndoe says:


  31. High Tea says:

    Did they pay their own way or did they scrounge this trip off the MCST on the grounds that the chairman is travelling on business and needs a personal assistant?

  32. Hmmm says:

    There’s no fool like an old fool, especially when he picks up an aging trout he thinks of as young.

    I hear he was awful in his younger years. The male menopause version with psychiatric issues is even less desirable. Someone must have told him he’s good looking and the poor sod believed them.

    As somebody wrote elsewhere on this website – give him a pair of earrings and he’s Agatha Barbara.

    • High Tea says:

      At least he’s given up dying his hair. He used to look ridiculous at the hairdresser’s, draped in a plastic cape having his roots done with bits of foil clamped to his hair. Grey makes some people look distinguished. It makes him look like an old fag.

      • Hmm says:

        The greasy grey hair must be the age-accelerated Earl Grey effect.

        Does he keep a packet in his office drawer at the MCST? That Anthony Quinn lookalike behind him had best keep a close eye on him. When her turn comes, she won’t just lose a lover. She’ll lose her job too.

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