Marital separation is not the point, Saviour. Unlike you, I didn’t grow up in a backward village.

Published: November 9, 2014 at 4:09pm
Saviour Balzan thinks it is all right for the Minister of Justice (pictured here) to go behind his wife's back with a reporter from his party's TV station, while his wife is changing bedpans and dressing wounds as a staff nurse at Mater Dei Hospital

Saviour Balzan thinks it is all right for the Minister of Justice (pictured here) to go behind his wife’s back with a reporter from his party’s TV station, while his wife is changing bedpans and dressing wounds as a staff nurse at Mater Dei Hospital

I quote from Saviour Balzan’s usual neurotic and badly written litany in his newspaper, Balzan Bile Today:

And talking about Owen Bonnici, it has to be said that the time has come to start talking of what is, or is not, important to the news. Bonnici has separated from his wife. An unfortunate happening, but so has Simon Busuttil, and so many others.

What is the relevance of this, if it does not have an implication one one’s office!

If we are to start addressing the private affairs of people, then we should be willing to wear protective gear for the bile that would follow.

Saviour Balzan, typically of people of his backwoods bunny upbringing, thinks that the point at issue here is the scandal of a broken marriage and that we should show how advanced we are by being cool about them. That’s why he makes his utterly stupid comparison to Simon Busuttil. Hardly that, Saviour.

The point at issue is that the JUSTICE MINISTER has dumped his wife and child for a LABOUR TV REPORTER after cheating on her repeatedly for ages, and what’s more, a reporter who took notes at his press conferences while having a clandestine affair with him.

This sort of thing is news everywhere in the civilised world, which is how we know about the French president and his actress, how we knew about the American president and Monica Lewinsky, and how we know what we do about Silvio Berlusconi and any number of British politicians. It probably wouldn’t be covered in Azerbaijan and Tajikistan, or in Beijing, but then who would want to be there, because the reason they do not cover the shenanigans of their politicians is that they don’t want to end up dead in a basement.

The Opposition leader did not cheat on his wife or dump her for anyone. After his wife left him for another man, he spent years alone and has only recently begun to see somebody. And that somebody can in no way be described as a bimbo in her 20s who is on the make. Nor did she leave her husband for the Opposition leader – he left her a long time ago. Neither Simon Busuttil nor his companion walked out on their children, or the parent of their children, at any point. And neither cheated on them either. And that’s aside from the very crucial fact that Busuttil was just an ordinary MEP at the time and not a minister in the cabinet of government, still less the Justice Minister.

Yes, Saviour, marriages fail all the time, but a marriage that fails because somebody has cheated repeatedly is another matter all together. A Justice Minister who goes behind his wife’s back with a reporter from his party’s television station, while his wife is changing bedpans and dressing wounds as a staff nurse at the state hospital, is a decidedly unsavoury prospect. But it is not a prospect. It is reality.

Mrs Bonnici, who has put up with rather a lot, has now drawn the line and retained the services of the noted separation/divorce lawyer Stephen Thake. And be certain that I know this through neither of them.

28 Comments Comment

  1. thealley says:

    Daphne, the Saviour of Maltese journalism knows that marital separation is not the point.

    He just wants to mislead his low-level-IQ readers, who happen to be the same ones posting stupid comments on the board.

  2. Natalie says:

    The real point here is that we’re expected to believe that One News is providing us credible news about the Justice minister and his work through its journalists who make sure that all politicians receive due scrutiny.

    How can that be when the minister is sleeping with one of its journalists?

    Owen Bonnici could be sleeping with ten women at once for all I care. Not commendable or desirable at all, but the news here is who he’s sleeping with and the implications of it.

  3. etil says:

    Mention of Stephen Thake reminds me of David Thake. What happened to him? He was not on last Thursday’s Radio 101 programme nor this morning? Has he been censored by some holier than thou in the PN management and he just told them to buzz off?

    I hope not. They had an upsurge of listeners during his shows. Are they listening at all the people who are clamouring for more political programmes, and for that matter even more so for satirical political programmes? Have the PN not learnt their lesson yet? Do they still want to pander to the ‘saintly’ section of PN voters?

    • Redneck says:

      I think he was abroad

    • Wheels within wheels says:

      Paranoid or what? I’m so tired with people seeking any opportunity to hit out at the PN.

      Don’t you realise you are helping the Labour cause in doing that?

      Before attacking why don’t you check if there is a simple plausible reason for David Thake not being on air.

      • etil says:

        My comment was mainly made out of frustration that Radio 101 management may have lost a golden opportunity to increase its number of listeners through David Thake’s show.

        Judging by the various comments at the time, this show made a big hit and its seems that people do want that kind of political satire show.

        So why not make room for it. After all Radio 101 is a political station and we do not want to hear mostly music although there should be place for it as well.

        Surely you are not implying that one should not criticise (and not ‘attack’ because that word has a different meaning) the PN so as not to please Labour ?

        I did not wait to hear what ‘plausible reason’ there could have been.

        Quite frankly, I am sick and tired of hearing various excuses. We cannot wait until another season’s new schedule for things to change.

        Time is of the essence if we want to recoup those unhappy voters and we cannot wait. We have to move fast and with intelligence.

        I trust you understand my explanation. In no way do I wish to denigrate the PN. They have been through more than enough and they need every possible support, even yes, through constructive criticism.

    • David Thake says:

      I was abroad.

      I have never ever been censored nor has anyone in the PN ever tried to censor what I say on Radio 101.

  4. anthony says:

    Miserable people, like Balzan, are obsessed with separation and divorce.

    What we should be worrying about is that we have the incumbent of one of the great offices of state who will be told by his child, as soon as it is old enough to understand what he has been up to:

    “Imma kemm int nittien pa”.

  5. Saviour Balzan must know that what he wrote is ridiculous. He is not interested in saying the truth, but rather in defending a minister of this government, while at the same time trying to tarnish the reputation of the Leader of the Opposition.

    Gutter journalism.

  6. nutmeg says:

    A Janice Minister to complete Joseph Muscat’s “cutting edge” team.

  7. ciccio says:

    I haven’t read his piece, but am I right to say that someone seems to be working on his conversion to the “positive energy” cult?

  8. Xejn Sew says:

    So our intrepid journo Salvu does not understand that if one is so shallow as to repeatedly betray one’s most beloved companion, one is even more likely to betray anyone else with utmost ease. And that when that one is a Minister it should set the voter thinking hard.

    Another question I have as a voter is: has the minister shagged anyone else and then used his office to nominate or appoint the shagee to a position of power?

  9. Karla says:

    Statistics tell us that a man who lies and cheats on his wife in the most callous of ways will do the same with his subsequent women.

    Of course there are some women who think they are special to these men. I guess there is only one thing to say to them … tick, tock.

  10. ta min jahseb says:

    Do you know what irks me in all of this? It is that many on this island unfortunately think on the same wavelength as Saviour Balzan.

    Many fail to immediately understand the basic amorality of it all and of how if a man is capable of lying to his immediate loved ones, he would have no qualms in doing the same or worse to Joe Public.

    That is why in democratic and civilised countries such events are cause for immediate resignations and usually an uproar in the press and politics.

    Unfortunately we live in a backward state where very few have a basic understanding of morality and ethics, where there is a belief that what happens in your private life does not reflect on your public duties.

    I’m sorry to burst the bubble for the amoral individuals out there, but there is no distinction between public and private when it comes to one’s reputation and integrity. They are one and the same.

  11. claude says:

    With hindsight could that funny crash he had a few months ago and for which he ended up in court for a hit and run if im not mistaken be due to one of his escapades with the reporter?

  12. Maradona says:

    They have put Musumeci to shame. SavBal you are irrelevant and boring.

  13. Alexander Ball says:

    Balzan musters as much dignity as a kindergarten pupil who has just had his crayons pinched by the girlie swot.

  14. Kelinu says:

    I remember Mr Balzan as a teacher. He was always odd, had difficulty explaining things and was always unnecessarily angry, but he was not stupid.

    Over the years many of his traits seem to have got worse, but what is worrying is that he has now lost the ability to reason.

  15. Joe Fenech says:

    The common belief that “we’re limited because we’re born in Malta or a Maltese village” is a fallacy. One’s birth place shouldn’t bear any incidence on one’s achievement. It’s what one makes out of life that counts. Great people have come out of small mining or mountain towns , villages, agricultural communities…

  16. Barabbas Borg says:

    Hadn’t a police commissioner once resigned in similar circumstances?

    [Daphne – Thank you for reminding me that it was Malta Today which campaigned for that.]

  17. Eunuch says:

    Daphne, of course Saviour Balzan wouldn’t consider the Justice Minister’s infidelity as important in terms news. (THIS PART OF THE COMMENT HAS BEEN DELETED.)

    His split personality, however, is so obvious when one compares the vile, vindictive and poisonous manner in which he character-assassinated people during the PN administration with his behaviour now.

  18. ken il malti says:

    The most legendary whore-meister was JFK.

    That lucky guy was covered in cooze, day and night.

  19. manum says:

    Labour fanatics are prepared to believe anything that Super One dishes out. When someone brings forth specific evidence against some Labour MP, they simply fly into a rage of lies and venom.

    They scream hysterically that the evil PN is behind the fabrication of these stories. Super One joins in.

    How can one ever feel safe surrounded by these low standard mentality trolls?

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