Meet some of the Facebook friends of the Malta Council for Science and Technology chairman

Published: November 13, 2014 at 7:21pm

13 Comments Comment

  1. manum says:

    Sitwazzjoni tal-biza! Dawn huma l-famuzi cittadini “sub-litterati” – id-drenagg socjali.

  2. Rosie says:

    He must be so proud

  3. Gahan says:

    Tgħidlix li iġġieldu fuq pastizz, li kien hemm Jeffrey fin-nofs ma’ xi mara ohra, u li Franco se jiddefendi xi tuzzana minnhom.

  4. Rover says:

    Aw HI. Nice pic JPO.

  5. Peppa Pig says:

    Ara tirreferi ghalihom bhala hamalli jew marmalja ghax jiehdu ghalihom.

    • Honest says:

      Jiena dejjem hekk irreferejtom bhala hammalli, skart uman u maledukati, ghax hekk huma.

      Kellhom ic-cans kollu li jitghallmu kif iggibu ruhhom man-nies, imma il-partit taghhom imlihom bil-mibgheda u hdura biex issa ghanda kwazi kwart tal-poplu Malti injorant u inkapaci jitkellem u jirraguna.

  6. Osservatore says:

    Those black uniforms look somewhat fascist to me. Having the Police in black combat fatigues carrying side arms can never augur well.

  7. Freedom5 says:

    This is typical Maltese – this should be the AIR MALTA promo, and not the fake bliss featuring tenor Calleja.

    • Dylan C says:

      Tkellem ghalik. Typical Bormla, maybe.

      I wouldn’t want to say that skinheads are typical Eastern Europeans, that rednecks are typical Americans and that chavs are typical Brits (have you ever been to the UK – just anywhere…)

      I’m a fine and sane Malteser, thank you very much :)

    • Joe Fenech says:

      So right! Malta’s the pits and things are not likely to change any time soon.

  8. Someone says:

    Could someone ask the chairman for the Malta Council for Science and Technology what are his thoughts about the Rosetta / Philae Comet landing mission and what he expects it will contribute to our knowledge on the formation and evolution of the solar system?

  9. Jas says:

    Pride of a nation

  10. Space Bones says:

    Don’t these people have jobs?

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