Michael Farrugia has found the money to put some more Taghna Lkollers on the state payroll

Published: November 28, 2014 at 1:05pm

He’s cutting three million euros in benefits to abusers while he and his colleagues spend around seven times more than that on cars, armed drivers, flight tickets, job for the boys and girls, first-class travel for Michelle Muscat, a personal assistant, car and chauffeur for same, perks for Luciano, CHOGM salaries for the Labour ladies, wages for Pawlu L-Machine Gun…I can’t go on, because the trough is too crowded.


12 Comments Comment

  1. C Falzon says:

    Cut off a big number of small abusers to fund a small number of big abusers.

    • Boudicea Iceni says:

      Small abusers who are not all abusers. There is a part of those referred to under the same umbrella who are not abusers at all but these are mostly without a voice, and are now being made to feel they have none.

      Crass politics, with no real real insight into or interest in the legal insufficiencies that maintain this system.

      For these people, life is not a perception but lived 24 X 7 as outcasts of the system.

      My point here, again, as in the post referred to hereunder, concerns the lack of options and rights for single mothers.


  2. Viva il- Farizej says:

    Saving three million euros through detecting social security ‘abuses’ sure goes a long way in financing the half million euro increase in the president’s wage bill.

  3. rjc says:

    And why not give half a million of them to Madame President?

  4. Ian says:

    Daphne, thank you for the great work, particularly over the last fortnight!

  5. Denis says:

    It’s good that 724 abusers are stopped. I just hope that the they didn’t skip half of them who might have voted for the correct bunch..

  6. ken il malti says:

    The more money they save off the public and the more taxes they impose, the more money they will have to rip-off for themselves.

    It is very simple really.

  7. observer says:

    I will applaud the Hon. Minister for saving 3 million Euros by eliminating social-benefit abuses – were it not for the fact that the amount is now going into the pockets of friends of friends, and not to the benefit of the Maltese people.

  8. Ghoxrin Punt says:

    Who’s to say that these abusers are not already on the government payroll? Hence 3 million euros saved from Peter to pay Peter while Paul has to till his own furrow.

  9. kev says:

    You may recall the trauma Malta’s finance minister suffered last year on discovering who effectively rules over our finances when he attended his first Eurogroup meeting and witnessed his Cypriot counterpart bow to outrageous demands “with a pistol to his head”.


    At the time, he vouched this will not happen to him:

    “The feeling one got on exiting the meeting in the early hours of the day was that never in one’s life would one like to dream the experience let alone live it.”


    Twenty months on and our finance minister is still in trauma:

    ‘The government will be seeking ways how to bring Malta in line with the demands of the European Union on budget timeframes… Malta’s financial budget was at risk of non-compliance, Prof. Scicluna said.’


    Mhux sew! ChicLuna johlom ikrah bil-lejl u dawn iberbqu l-flus qisu ghadna indipendenti fi zmien Eddie tal-money-no-problem.

  10. Augustus says:

    The abusers of tens of millions of euros expect us to be happy because they’ve caught the abusers of three million.

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