
Published: November 25, 2014 at 10:02pm

Does his hand hurt, I wonder, or is it something else.


32 Comments Comment

  1. gn says:

    Tghallmu kelma: negattivita

  2. gn says:

    Mela mhux bhal sidu, ghax ma tantx isibu inspirational lilu.

  3. Manuel says:


  4. Watcher of lies and more lies says:

    A low-life admiring another one positioned just one step above him in the low-life scale

  5. anthony says:

    Is he so stupid or is he just taking the piss out of Joey?

  6. watchful eye says:

    Int bis-serjeta’ Lucjan jew?

    Nahseb hadt ir-ruh li ma semmikx, u mill-banda l-ohra nahseb li indunajt li ma iddefendikx.

  7. H.P. Baxxter says:

    The change is fappening.

  8. Mila says:

    When the going gets tough, the dirty play dirtier. It was always going to be a rough ride with this lot, we must buckle up and tough it out.

    Never mind Luciano Busuttil, one expects him to be impressed by very little, just look at his timeline.

    • observer says:

      When the going gets tough, the (real) tough get going.

      As you said, the dirty play dirtier. That is typical of criminals – it has always been and will always be, at all levels of life.

      As regards tiny Luciano – non ragioniam di lor, ma guarda e passa (some would say sputa)

  9. Watcher of lies says:

    This man was an MLP candidate if not also an MP during the Mintoff years. Then he found himself a lucrative job as MFA president. He is now in the shit.


  10. Jack Beans says:

    A counter balance of sorts to Marlene Farrugia’s comment on the same medium.

  11. H.P. Baxxter says:

    If Janice cannot be your right hand, let your right hand be—no wait, I’ll try again.

    If you cannot be at Joseph’s right hand, let your right hand be Joseph.

    Or something.

  12. Joe Fenech says:

    He’s dying to blow his boss.

  13. Joe Fenech says:

    He’s dying to blow his boss. I meant…to ventilate his boss.

  14. canon says:

    Luciano Busuttil wanted to give something back to Joseph Muscat for standing by him when he was reported to the Attorney-General and the Commission for the Administration of Justice by the Court of Appeal.

  15. il-Ginger says:

    Luciano ‘Death grip’ Busuttil

  16. etil says:

    The Opposition is moving a motion of no confidence in Minister Mallia. I know it will not go through because none of The PL MPs will vote in favour but it will be on parliamentary records. Keep the pressure on Dr. Busuttil, you did a great job.

  17. etil says:

    Read. keep up the pressure

  18. capsa says:

    Mhux bilfors ifahhru…qed iqallghu daqstant eluf ta’ euro…minbarra l-hax…

  19. Deo says:

    I thought you were talking about Beppe

  20. bernie says:

    Biex qed jiddeskrivi lil Joseph Muscat bhala “statesman”, allura Luciano Busuttil qed jikkonferma li ma ghandux idea ta’ x’inhi politika.

    Forsi qed ikollu jkompli jilghaq ghal meta jigi z-zmien tal-mannara, biex bhal fil-kaz ta’ Manwel Mallia, Joseph Muscat jghalaq ghajnejh minkejja dak li tghid il-Kummissjoni dwar l-Amministrazzjoni tal-Gustizzja.

  21. Alex says:

    He can tweet whilst his tongue is stuck firmly up his boss’s big behind. Who said men can’t multi-task. Some of us evidently do.

  22. Martin says:

    Some light relief.

    Funny how photos capture things. Look at the back row, 2nd from the right. I of course don’t know who this gentleman is but it looks to me like he is getting into character for being a pirate.

  23. rf says:

    Luciano mhux idu jmissu jhabbat mal-bank imma rasu.

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