More scintillating wit at tonight’s song contest

Published: November 22, 2014 at 11:23pm

Because the Chinese power station joke that fell flat the night before was not enough.

19 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Why didn’t anyone boo?

  2. bob-a-job says:

    The guy clearly has a chink in the brain.

  3. J Abela says:

    Now I’ve heard my fair share of lame jokes in my life but this one surely tops them all.

  4. Dylan C says:

    Well, if this guy goes missing, at least we would know who to blame…

  5. Tabatha White says:

    Qabda vojta.

  6. JMZ says:

    “One, inti ghamiltli promise li….” (0:10) M’ghandiex xi PhD iehor din ukoll biex nkomplu nzidu ma’ Docktors “smell the coffee” u “shame on you”.

  7. Daniel Newton says:

    Utterly racist. How can the national broadcaster air this?

  8. Lizz says:

    ‘One … promise u two’. Enough said.

  9. Ju! says:

    This is totally unacceptable.

  10. Christiaan Huygens says:

    He probably has no idea why many Maltese persist in calling the thing “China connector” since such connectors (once made of china/porcelain) have been made of plastic since before he was born.

    Who selects these people to make fools of themselves on TV and present an image of Malta as the country populated by imbeciles?

  11. U Le! says:

    Move over Jeff Dunham.

  12. Mercury Rising says:

    Imma ghamillha “promiss”

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