Mr Spoiled Only Child blames the other boy for the mess he made

Published: November 23, 2014 at 11:07am

Unbelievable – he’s 41 and still blaming others for his messes, mummy. Now the shooting and its fall-out are suddenly the Opposition leader’s fault. Smack him, mummy! Smack Simon because he’s annoying me!


Only child tend to do this right into adulthood, I’ve noticed. Not all of them, of course, but those who have been unduly petted and admired by the adults around them. If you grow up with siblings, and especially if the nursery at home is particularly crowded with other siblings of the same age, you learn early on that if you blame others you get thumped by them.

Grow up, you jerk. You’re 41, a married man, the father of two children and above all, the prime minister of an EU member state, however tiny it might be. You are truly sickening.


69 Comments Comment

  1. S says:

    The press is saying that the police are not answering questions about Sheeham. But one question – have they taken away his gun? And does he have others?

  2. M. Vella says:


  3. canon says:

    Look, who’s talking of scoring political points. Il-vera li l-ispizjar milli jkollu jtik.

  4. P Bonnici says:

    What does the PM expect the opposition leader to do in this case? This is a very serious case of attempted murder by someone close to the minister of interior affairs.

    ‘To score political points’ has become a very tired annoying phrase.

  5. P Bonnici says:

    Instead of arresting the perpetrator (the police driver who opened fire in a residential area without reasonable grounds), the police arrested the victim.

  6. Dott Abjad says:

    Does Muscat still claim that his party is the underdog?

  7. jack says:

    Doesn’t feel like an EU Member State to be honest. More like South American glitterati meets Middle Eastern thug cum Sicilian underworld.

    • Tabatha White says:

      In South America people go missing or are held hostage;

      In the Middle East they get murdered or people are snubbed, visibly.

      It is in Palermo that the Mafia and the normal flow of society celebrate New Year’s Eve together under the same roof.

      I know, because I’ve been there, and the following day the same people were lynching the editor of the main newspaper there.

      These people live hidden in the hills. I know, because I’ve been there. “Children of” are not so tight on secrecy. When they meet up, children are sectioned into generation grouping. Different set of rooms for different generations.

      All above board: above the stench of corruption, the appearance in Sicily is that the flow of societal activity goes on uninterrupted.

      When the wrong bank accounts get seized for over 10 years, that too.

  8. CiVi says:

    Are these people above the law?

    If they persist in these atrocities do we have to just put up with it?

    Is there no higher institution the PL has to answer to?

  9. Honest says:

    Prosit Daphne, pingejtu kif inhu.

    Kemm huwa bully, kiesah, dardira u arroganti dan li darba holom li jrid isir Prim Ministru akkost ta’ kollox.

    Bhalissa ghandna fabbrika ta’ hmieg tiggverna pajjizna.

  10. Watcher of lies says:

    Have the three retired judges been appointed? I don’t think so.

    Would Muscat manage to find three retired judges ready to handle this shit?

    Remember that Muscat has already declared that there were no attempts at cover-ups.

    I have to assume that the one who retired last August would be out of it, but then one never knows under this government.

  11. ciccio says:

    What exactly does Joseph Muscat think politics is about? Lining his pockets and those of his cronies?

    One of the main aims of politics is to deliver safety of the public: law and order. And it does so with public transparency, accountability, honesty and truth.

    The Department of Information is within Muscat’s responsibility. Muscat is himself responsible for the cover up with the dissemination of false, unverified, information to the public about a serious incident involving a shooting by the ‘security driver’ of his Police and Army Minister.

    If he plans to absolve Mallia, then he should carry the responsibility himself.

  12. anthony says:

    At this stage there is nothing left for Joey to say except to blame Simon Busuttil for the kerfuffle that has been hitting the Maltese Islands since Wednesday evening.

    He has run out of nonsensical comments.

    It is his Kapparagate and he has succeeded in making a Richard Nixon out of it.

    What an imbecile.

  13. mandingo says:

    I was never as proud of our Simon Busuttil as the day he told our boy from Burmarrad to f*ck off.

  14. Jien says:

    People our age thought that it was unlikely that we will see these episodes again. We are on the way to a new era not even two years into a Labour government.

  15. pablo says:

    Big mouth, small mind, no balls, no credibility.

  16. Kanun says:

    In my opinion, Joseph Muscat cannot take action against these people, because they, especially Mallia and Dalli, have got him by the balls.

  17. Jien says:

    Considering that the president was at the Fun Run this morning, and surely accompanied by her bodyguards, are we to assume that these were carrying their guns and endangering the thousands of families participating?

  18. Kevin says:

    Remember? When asked Muscat claimed that sometimes you have to tell the truth.

    He would have been better off saying the truth with this episode.

  19. Jozef says:

    Looking closely at that broken mirror, cannot understand why it isn’t dangling from its wires.

    If the Insignia drove past hitting the mirror from the back, the least expected is the folding mount, a slender flat piece running the whole length of the mirror on this Mercedes model, in the open position, as all the rest mounted on top, indicator, optional heating element connections, folding servo arm and mirror are literally smashed to pieces.

    And yet the bottom section remains fully open and intact. Weird.

    Even because one doesn’t expect Mercedes Benz, notorious for painstaking attention to practical details as this one, to ignore such a common occurrence and which every other automaker works around. It’s also about making cars safer for pedestrians that mirrors flop their position on impact.

    This one looks smashed not hit.

    How many bullets does that gun carry?

  20. Norman Vella says:

    The PM’s problem is that Manuel Mallia is not his only problem:

    Read more in ‘Terremot fil-Kabinett tal-Ministri’ here:

  21. orapronobis says:

    It would be a huge mistake if the Opposition Leader gave in to this trap and stopped scoring political points; the Prime Minister is in fact admitting that this incident is costing him political capital.

  22. Joe says:

    By calling Mr. Muscat a jerk, you’re being very kind. A nasty piece of s#@t is more apt.

  23. kev says:

    Personally speaking, Mr Prime Minister, I’m not using the shooting to score political points but I still think your attitude is disgusting.

    Rather than a political ping-pong match there is a core issue at hand on whether the police, or anyone else for that matter, should be allowed to carry guns and what specific circumstances entail which exceptions (this clearly needs some spelling out).

    Instead of going there, you sat on it and said nothing.

    That core debate was derailed from the outset with the home affairs minister coming out in praise and in defence of an authorised thug, and with you telling us the following day how angered and disgusted the minister really was.

    It all went downhill when it became clear that while the victim was held in custody, there were no signs of the perpetrator being seriously investigated.

    This shows a lot of attitude, Mr Prime Minister, and it speaks volumes about the fact that you don’t give a damn about our civil liberties, preferring instead to save your minister’s arse and play ping-pong with your political opponent.

  24. Joe camilleri says:

    We saw and heard the prime minister on TV say he will resign if the new power station is not ready by March 2015.

    His reply was ‘No, I never said that.’

    What is he doing now? Blaming the Opposition leader to score political points.

    One thing i know for sure is that we’re heading back to the dark ages.

  25. Antoine Vella says:

    Simon Busuttil, as Leader of the Opposition, should present a parliamentary motion of no confidence in Minister Mallia.

    • Denpi says:

      If he does a motion of no confidence, the opposition will lose it since they have a number of seats less than the government and then Mr Pompous will obviously declare that the majority have full confidence in the government. At least that is what I think.

      [Daphne – That’s hardly the point, is it.]

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        At the very least, it would pull the carpet from under Marlene ‘Free Thinker’ Farrugia. Kuxjenza indeed.

      • Antoine Vella says:

        Denpi, all those government MPs who vote in favour of Manwel Mallia will be responsible for whatever he gets up to.

        They won’t be able to say “but I disagreed with him”, like some do with regards to Lorry Sant.

  26. Makjavel says:

    Nappy changing time at Castilja is overdue.

    The place is stinking .

  27. Artemis says:

    Typical political tactics, twisting things around to make it appear it’s the other side’s fault.

    Well, it won’t wash with us, we’ve seen and heard it all before.

    Muscat should do the decent thing and make the minister resign and make sure his driver is prosecuted.

    • vic says:

      The DOI has set up a branch called DIY (do it yourself) so that if you get into trouble, you can formulate a statement to your advantage (do it yourself) and DIY will broadcast it. Small print: the PM retains the right to be angry and disgusted at deplorable incidents which steal his budget thunder.

  28. Wigi says:

    Last month the Police issued a statement which was contested in court as being false by Robert Abela of the Labour Party, in his capacity as defence council.

    The quick issuing of statements is intended as a cover up and spin the public opinion.

    “I expect the police to investigate this claim and not pretend not to have heard it. I also expect the Acting Police Commissioner, who was quick to issue a statement on the matter, to investigate the claim and suspend and prosecute the officer who inflicted serious injuries on my client,” he said.

  29. Maria says:

    Growing old is inevitable; growing up is optional.

    Seems that our PM has, for the umpteenth time and ever since we have been forced to notice him, made the wrong choice where it really matters.

    As a private citizen he is free to choose what he likes (we don’t care, do we), but as the Prime Minister of our country he should, at the very least, behave like a grown-up. He is so pathetic it beggars description.

  30. Kevin Cassar says:

    Why was somebody with a criminal conviction left in the police force?

    Why was somebody who had been found guilty of disobeying superior’s orders and committing a crime he was duty bound to prevent cleared to carry a firearm?

    Who cleared him to be reinstated?

    Was the minister aware of his previous conviction when he took him on as a driver?

    Was he retrained in use of and policies regarding firearms after reinstatement before being cleared to carry a firearm?

    • Dott Abjad says:

      Why was somebody with a criminal conviction for disobeying orders left in the police force? Because that is how the police force works nowadays. It is the refuge of shady characters who can play good cop in public but have a criminal nature and are allowed to exploit that at their discretion.

      Why was somebody who had been found guilty of disobeying superior’s orders and committing a crime he was duty bound to prevent cleared to carry a firearm? Because of wheels within wheels and because of certain individuals being primary and secondary cogs in the underbelly of organised crime in Malta, which is in cahoots with corrupt and amoral politicians and police officials.

      Who cleared him to be reinstated? Same answer as the one above.

      Was the minister aware of his previous conviction when he took him on as a driver? Are you serious? Of course he knew.

      The minister might not be the brightest banana in the bunch, but that conviction was actually a proof of this individual’s bravado and guts on his CV. Apparently macho-ness and bravado make the minister feel rather smug.

      Was he retrained in use of and policies regarding firearms after reinstatement before being cleared to carry a firearm? From which civilised and normal country have you just moved to Malta? Which part of ‘this is a criminal government of thieves, scoundrels, liars and cowards’ don’t you understand?

      The whole criminal underworld has become its smug apparatus, allowing it to operate unabated like never before.

      The hunters, trappers and construction lobbies are unchecked and belligerent behaviour pales into insignificance in comparison but follows the exact same model.

  31. C.Portelli says:

    Can Mary Spiteri sing for us her song ‘Little Child’

  32. Janet says:

    Is the President wearing a velvet tracksuit?

    And that’s quite a Presidential pose too…

  33. Albatross says:

    Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

  34. ChrisM says:

    There is no excuse for his behaviour. The fact that he has no siblings is no excuse.

    As you rightly said Daphne, he is a grown man, 41 years old, married with 2 children and prime minister of an EU member country. A prime minister, not a parliamentary secretary, not a minister, not a CEO.

    The sooner he wakes up and realises that being prime minister comes with responsibilities other than calling press conferences to boast about a 2 cents decrease in the price of petrol the better, for all of us.

    • Tabatha White says:

      He’s had his chance after 20 months in the seat he obtained a mandate for by misrepresentation.

      This lot needs to go now.

  35. Joseph Ellul-Grech says:

    Over in the UK we have just had a Labour Party MP resign from the shadow cabinet because she made a stupid tweet about a WHITE VAN MAN, DAN. That was a minor incident compared to this.

    The PM should do the right thing and ask for Manuel Mallia to resign. It takes a real man to do the right thing. Real men in politics are few and far between.

  36. Madoff says:

    Muscat m’ghandux esperjenza uqed imexxi b’mod dghajjef. Din tidher hafna meta jkun fil-presenza ta Mallia, Dalli, Grech jew Scicluna. Dawn kollha jhossuhom superjuri lejh u juruha.

  37. A says:

    If the prime minister in incapable of taking such a blatantly obvious decision and ask minister Mallia to resign, then perhaps he should resign himself.

  38. Botom says:

    I have from good sources that Manuel Mallia’s driver who start shooting is frequently seen drinking alcohol.

    Was he intoxicated when the incident happened? Who knows now, as he was not tested.

  39. canon says:

    My question is why Minister Mallia is risking everything for the sake of his driver. Minister Mallia is making one mistake after the other and he reached a point of no return. He is also dragging Joseph Muscat with him.

  40. Manuel says:

    Spoiled brat.

  41. ken il malti says:

    Jo is afraid to fire Mallia and Scerri.

    And besides, the ones he has got to take their place are more incompetent and dangerous.

    That is what happens when you stock your barn with greedy scalawags and stupid losers.

  42. gn says:

    Tlett snin ohra nispera li nehilsu minn dawn id-dilettanti.

  43. John Higgins says:

    Joseph Muscat wouldn’t dare make Mallia resign as It is evident that the latter knows something about the PM and he is holding him to ransom.

  44. Augustus says:

    The P.M. didn’t have any difficulty in sacking Anglu Farrugia and Godfrey Farrugia. So what’s holding him back from doing the same with Manuel Mallia?.

  45. willie inatovic says:

    He is just a newsreader turned prime minister, that’s all. Over-confident while campaigning and useless in government.

  46. Towni says:

    Have a good look at this picture with 3 armed Secret Service Officers behind the Muscat’s back.

    They have become too paranoid lately. Are they being threatened by the Chinese Mafia?

  47. ciccio says:

    “”The government is after the truth… The incident shocked a lot of people including myself because we cannot have such an overreaction without justification,” Dr Muscat said when speaking on One Radio this morning.” – Timesofmalta

    If the prime minister wants the truth to come out about the incident, he should start by prosecuting the “security driver” of the Police Minister Manwel Mallia.

    Then he should invite the Opposition to nominate the prosecuting officer.

  48. Nenu Cassar says:

    The Maltese idiom is more exact in this instance: “Min ikkakki wahdu, jimsah wahdu”.

  49. Lizz says:

    Let’s assume Muscat is right and that Busuttil is trying to score political points, then if we apply the principle of all matters being equal, isn’t that what the PL have been doing for the last 25 years when in Opposition?

    I’ve read and heard this argument umpteen times: “Mhux hekk kienu jaghmlu tal-PN?” It works the other way round, too.

  50. ian says:

    I can’t believe he didn’t learn this lesson at school.

  51. michael seychell says:

    It seems that Muscat is finding it difficult to sack Dr. Mallia. Could this because Muscat knows that if Dr. Mallia goes, he will have to go as well.

  52. jaqq says:

    I think he invented this inquiry to play for time so that the case will become time barred and Sheehan won’t be arraigned even though with or without the inquiry he should be arraigned just the same

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