Oh good, a motion of no confidence in the Toad Minister

Published: November 25, 2014 at 10:56pm

no confidence in mallia

It’s symbolic because he’s not going to be voted out. But it has to happen. The man is a total disgrace.

37 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    Ghax jahasra kien hemm elementi vjolenti li kienu hatfu l-partit Laburista, kien jghid Godfrey Grima.

  2. nutmeg says:

    That’ll probably be as much responsibility as the Prime Minister will assume in all this scandal.

  3. H.P. Baxxter says:

    It’s not symbolic. It will force Marlene Farrugia’s coming out. And she’ll come out on Labour’s side. So much for the faux indignation.

    • Kevin says:

      I really have high hopes for Marlene Farrugia. I guess you are a tad more cynical than I (which is probably better).

    • observer says:

      Will Marlene Farrugia (and, presumably, Godfrey) act like some of the angels in the original battle of the giants?

      They are shown by Dante as “quelli che attendevano l’esito per schierarsi col vincitore”

    • CiVi says:

      This is one good chance for Marlene Farrugia to show she really means business.

    • Tabatha White says:

      When she does that, will she please then uselessly stop saying the opposite of what she votes for?

      I’m sick and tired of the to and fro.

      • Tabatha White says:

        When she does vote against, can The Malta Independent please let her go?

        She will have been a complete waste of space.

  4. Watcher of lies and Freudian slips says:

    And look at this;


    It is so funny. It can only come out from a brain that is confused and stressed: Mallia said today in parliament:

    ” If I felt I was responsible I would have asked the Prime Minister to resign”

    You just can’t make it up.

  5. Main Tower says:


    It’s under construction.

  6. Ghoxrin Punt says:

    Mr government, you are getting stale. Negative, panic, etc no longer apply to the PN. I suggest you pull your socks up, and start earning all thise euros we are paying you

  7. ciccio says:

    This is great news.

    Let the Opposition set out the facts about what happened in Gzira on Wednesday in the Parliamentary records, and let the Labour majority be an accomplice to the cover-up.

    Times of Malta’s online poll consistently shows that 70% of voters want to see the back of the bullfrog Minister. Let’s see if the Labour government listens to the public.

  8. Space Bones says:

    Excellent move in my opinion. The way his colleagues vote will show us voters which of them, if any, has even a shred of decency and principles.

  9. Makjavel says:

    Will we see abstentions?

  10. Wilson says:

    Well it was a great speech. Kull ma kien jonqsu: il kabjetta, te, u giex pastizzi.

  11. Spock says:

    Way to go, Simon! I see light at the end of the tunnel after all.

  12. CIS says:

    Knowing it will not pass, why do they do it? Is it a waste of time?

    By now, all parties in that shooting, including the Minister, have been briefed on what to say and how to reply to questions.

    The truth is not going to come out ever.

    Isn’t it obvious that the driver would call the Minister to tell him that he had an accident and that he will not be picking him up?

    It’s elementary.

    • FGF says:

      How about using lie detector tests unless of course they’re tampered with.

    • Kevin says:

      It is not a waste of time. It is a statement of the truth even when you know that you are going to lose the motion. It is admirable behaviour and finally the PN has started to regain its growl after two years of mewing.

  13. Vincent says:

    A few posts back someone remarked that he/she cannot understand why Labour are such a viciously angry lot.

    They are and always have been, and this despite the massive majority they registered in the last general elections.

    I have an answer for that. It is because they don’t have the control of the media anymore, what with Facebook etc giving everyone information AND a voice.

    But the cherry on the cake is the fact that they just can’t handle Daphne who always shows them up for what they truly are, a band of thieves who are raping and pillaging this fair land of ours.

  14. matt says:

    With Labour’s nine seat majority this motion is obviously not going to pass but will certainly put Marlene Farrugia and Geoffrey Farrugia in a dilemma.

    Marlene for one can’t criticize Mallia and at the same time vote against this motion. I think they will both abstain.

    • Mila says:

      Most would have noiced how Minister George Vella refused to comment on the issue when asked. The point of this exercise is not that the motion passes, no one expects that, but rather not allowing anyone to hide behind a no comment reply.

      How dare a MInister have a ‘that has nothing to do with me’ attitude when he forms part of the same government? Pity Vella felt so comfortable talking about the safety or otherwise in Libya when he cannot even form an opinion on use of weapons and their Ministerial support locally.

  15. bernie says:

    Manwel Mallia qed jghid li ma rax l-istqarrija tad-DOI qabel kienet ippubblikata. Qal li ma kienx infurmat mill-Kummissarju tal-Pulizija, izda hassu bezghan ghaliex qalulu li kienu sparaw fuq il-karrozza tieghu.

    Trid tkun mazzun biex temmen li Ministru li ghadhom kemm qalulu li sparaw fuq il-vettura tieghu, meta seta’ kien hemm ukoll fiha ibnu/bintu u ma jitlobx spjegazzjoni cara mill-Kummissarju tal-Pulizija dwar dak li sehh.

    Jekk Joseph Muscat jemmen din, allura qed jaghtina certifikat li hu politika bla sinsla, u aktar minn hekk qed jikkonferma li hu mazzun.

    • Xarawi says:

      Mill-esperjenza personali li hdimt fil-komunikazzjoni f’Ministeru ghal diversi snin nista nassigurak li kull press release li tohrog minn Ministeru ma tohrogx qabel il-Ministru koncernat jifliha sew, u f’dan il-kaz jahraq trid il-go ahead milll-OPM .

      Dawn x’hasbuna boloh jew. Gideb, gideb u aktar gideb.

  16. River Joan says:

    Daphne I suggest you start investigating this dirty business or are you covering up for two former Nationalist paladin?


    [Daphne – If you think I ‘cover up’ for Silvio Scerri, you are not a reader of this website, in which he features heavily and almost daily. As for Anton Attard, he knows exactly what I think of him by now.]

    • just me says:

      Anton Attard should be ashamed for other things too.

      How about the one million euros received for the “free” standing area in Joseph Calleja’s two concerts.

      And he should certainly be ashamed for all that is going on behind the scenes with the ‘song for Eurovision’ contest.

  17. bernie says:

    Fi kwalunkwe kaz, is-serjeta’ tal-kaz kien jitlob l-attenzjoni tal-Ministru resposabbli mis-sigurta’ b’mod immedjat. In-nuqqas tal-Ministru Mallia johrog car kemm jekk gie infurmat u heba dak li verament gara kif ukoll jekk mar jorqod u halla s-sitwazzjoni f’idejn haddiehor.

    La hu u lanqas il-Prim Ministru ma jistghu ifarfru r-responsabbilta politika billi jkollhom kummissjoni tghid li l-Ministru Mallia ma ndahalx.

    Il-fatt li ma ndahalx ukoll hu nuqqas ta’ responsabbilta’ mill-aktar serja.

  18. Arnold Layne says:

    Nevertheless, it will be interesting to see how Marlene & Godfrey Farrugia vote.

    [Daphne – They are not Marlene and Godfrey Farrugia. They are Marlene Farrugia and Godfrey Farrugia. They’re not married. That is her maiden name.]

    • Arnold Layne says:

      I know and everybody knows. They still happen to have the same surname and have been a couple for years. Rather old-fashioned of you to feel the need to point that out, even if it is hardly relevant to the discussion. They are likely to mull over how to tackle this situation together. At best, they’ll abstain or be absent.

      [Daphne – I am a stickler for correct form not because I am old-fashioned but because I am a communicator by profession. Words have precise meanings and form conveys a wealth of information in abbreviation which renders subsequent explanations superfluous. If you say ‘Marlene and Godfrey Farrugia’ your interlocutors will either assume they are married, which means you have communicated the wrong information, or they will require further clarification, which means that you have not been clear (hence a failure of communication). ‘Marlene Farrugia and Godfrey Farrugia’ tells people they are not married and that her surname comes from birth or an earlier marriage. The beauty of this language is that it is extremely precise.]

    • Confused says:

      Marlene Farrugia was married to Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando for years. His crazed, violent and neurotic behaviour and his aggressive language must have been known to her for years yet she put up with it.

      I do not trust her. I suspect her motivations. I doubt her honesty and integrity. I believe she is cut from the same mould as her ex husband, only better at concealing it, unlike him.

    • Manuel says:

      Do not expect a yes vote from these two. Marlene Farrugia came out praising both the Leader if the Opposition and the PM after their respective speeches in Parliament.

      She clearly doesn’t know how to make a distinction between politicians. She would never vote against Don Mallia, the boss.

  19. ciccio says:

    Back to the Prime Minister’s speech about the budget yesterday.

    Did he actually ever mention the word “China”?

    Daphne, can you run a post about this, maybe someone will remind us the context if he did?

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