One of my favourite lines

Published: November 24, 2014 at 10:59pm

“Has Konrad Mizzi’s wife found an office in China yet?” Simon Busuttil asked in his speech in parliament tonight. “Because if not, we’ll send Willie Mangion to find her a garage in Beijing.”

Still looking for an office 14 months later.

Still looking for an office 14 months later.

33 Comments Comment

  1. Wilson says:

    And speak to the other Mizzi to organize its cleaning.

  2. nadia says:

    Did I really just hear Joseph Muscat say in his press conference about Simon Busuttil: “ma jigraspjax” (doesn’t grasp). Can his Maltese really be that bad?

    [Daphne – Not his Maltese, don’t make that mistake. His eloquence, which is a direct reflection of one’s level of education. He grew up speaking only Maltese, so the fact that he still cannot speak it eloquently says a great deal that is negative.]

  3. stephen says:

    My favourite was: Malta Enterprise’s budget was raised by just €100,000. “That doesn’t even cover Sai Mizzi’s salary.”

  4. Martin Felice says:

    Simon Busuttil was great this evening. He put the PM and his greedy crowd around him to shame. The switchers have all been taken for a ride by Muscat.

  5. Dott Abjad says:

    Like most rational people, I saw that remark coming from a few breaths before Dr. Busuttil said it himself. I guess Charlie Mangion was right after all. But I’ll go one step ahead of him and state that it is not just our DNA that is different ghaziz Nutar, it is our rationale, our principles, our values, our way of life and our correctness – something that alas, you will never understand.

  6. Joseph M. says:

    Another line ‘dawn huma warning signs mhux warning shots’

  7. ken il malti says:

    And Willie knows garages.

  8. canon says:

    Most probably Sai Mizzi found a virtual office in Shanghai.

  9. ACD says:

    Just don’t get Joe Mizzi to organise transport, or Mangion will never get there.

  10. Wigi says:

    A preview of Joseph Muscat’s budget speech.

  11. dudu says:

    Incidentally, where is Willie Mangion’s garage.

  12. gn says:

    A la’ David Thake kienet dik it-two liner.

  13. di says:

    Busuttil gave hope to those who started giving up on the party.

    He now needs to give a good speech starting with ‘Iva, negattiv ghax…’

    Muscat will soon run out of marketing strategies.

    Even the negattiv comment has already become a cliched bore. Muscat lacks a real core personality.

    Soon he will find no more bull to give and start imploding, like most narcissistic spoilt men do.

    Did you see his face this evening? That’s the face of the boy who lost a game and cannot accept it. A pumpkin sucking a lemon.

    Muscat will become dirtier and start throwing more mud. So Busuttil has a long way to go to face this. Tonight he convinced me he can do it.

    He then needs to convince that he has enough talent around him to run this country.

  14. Tabar says:

    Mr. Felice, how right you are calling them a greedy crowd.

    I would like to also add Michelle Muscat to the crowd and as an honest tax payer I demand that she stops spending my money frivolously.

    She can’t spend my money on things she couldn’t have while growing up. It wasn’t my fault so why should I pay.

  15. Angus Black says:

    Dr Busuttil did not mince any words. He gave the PM, Ministers and backbenchers the titles they deserve.

    He called the PM a liar and weak, and named six ministers who were directly involved in scandals and backbenchers who by appointments given to them by Joey, earn even more than ministers and in one case more than the PM.

    He gave special attention to Luciano Busuttil whose conflict of interest case has been referred to the Commission for the Administration of Justice, and to Carmelo Abela for receiving over EU700 a week from one appointment alone as ‘spokesman for the government’, whatever that means. Joey’s lease of his own car at EU7000 a year also received a mention.

    All six ministers from Helena Dalli to Manwel Mallia got special mentions as did Konrad Mizzi for appointing his wife envoy in Shanghai and paying her EU13,000 a month and the taxpayer still does not know whether she found an office yet and suggested perhaps that Willie Mangion should be sent to Shanghai in order to help her find a garage.

    Joey got a shellacking he will not soon forget.

    Busuttil is going from strength to strength and it is most gratifying to see. One hopes that he will continue to hammer away at this most corrupt gang of thieves.

  16. David J Camilleri says:

    Maltarightnow reports that the Prime Minister did not remember at what time he was informed about the shooting saga of last Wednesday night.

    He doesn’t even know who ordered the Department of Information to make that first (false) statement that evening.

    But he did remember the exact time when J Dalli BA called him to inform him about his being sacked by the then President of the European Commission Jose Manuel Barroso from the prison of Brussels. What a f.cking wanker he is.

    • Pablo says:

      In all probability a number of calls were made during the evening. The PM would have spoken to the Coconut, to Mallia and to others. He won’t be drawn into detail.

  17. rjc says:

    My favourite line: “You say that I know nothing about the economy. Do you remember that I was the one who corrected your thesis?”

  18. Ghar u Kasa says:

    Given that no one mentioned it here, did I correctly hear Mr Busuttil telling this to Muscat? “Int ghidt li jien ma’ nifhimx fl-ekonomija. Ma missekx tajtha lili it-tezi tieghek biex nikkoregihielek mela’. And that was the only time that Muscat lifted his head and mumbled something back in embarrassment. Incredible.

  19. Peter Grech says:

    I think the best line was when Busuttil reminded Muscat that he corrected his thesis – the look on Muscat’s face was priceless.

  20. sarah says:

    Simon Busuttil was brilliant yesterday. Finally he is showing some teeth. I also loved the part when Transport Minister Joe Mizzi walked in late and Busuttil said he must have got stuck in traffic – the Traffic Minister.

  21. Malcolm A says:

    To be fair, this Labour ‘government’ (if you can even call it that) make it very easy for the Opposition to call out their corrupt bullsh*t. It’s a walk in the park for Simon.

  22. Benny Bradlee says:

    I take yesterday’s comment back that Simon Busuttil is a boy scout.

    He has grown in stature yesterday.

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