Partner in the Speaker’s law firm to defend Police Minister’s driver

Published: November 26, 2014 at 11:27pm

anglu farrugia

The Speaker of the House

The Speaker of the House

The Police Minister's driver

The Police Minister’s driver

The Police Minister

The Police Minister

Edward Gatt (right), defence counsel to the Police Minister's driver and partner in the Speaker's law firm, with another of his illustrious Labour clients

Edward Gatt (right), defence counsel to the Police Minister’s driver and partner in the Speaker’s law firm, with another of his illustrious Labour clients

The furor that broke out after The Malta Independent reported how Paul Sheehan’s legal counsel during arrest is a partner in Emmanuel Mallia & Associates has led to a change of lawyer.

Manuel Mallia’s driver now has as defence counsel a partner in the Speaker’s law firm instead of a partner in the Police Minister’s law firm.

Edward Gatt is a partner in Angelo Farrugia & Associates.

23 Comments Comment

  1. Benny Hill says:

    Meanwhile Mr Sheehan has had to be taken back to hospital after his arraignment – apparently he suffered a recurring bout of chest pain. Is it angina, or a condition brought on by the type of stress felt when you realise you are royally f***ed?

    • Francis Saliba M.D. says:

      Probably another victim of the epidemic – No! not Ebola, it is called “psycho social” syndrome, first detected in a Labour Party denizen resident abroad and cured spontaneously and dramatically coincidentally with the last general election result.

      Contacts should be quarantined until a suitable treatment is discovered since another general election would not work in the Sheehan prosecution.

    • just jack says:

      Ah those are withdrawal symptoms from lack of energy drink consumption.

    • Antoine Vella says:

      I am starting to suspect that Sheehan was persuaded he’ll have to be ‘sacrificed’ to save his Godfather but was also promised he will not spend one day in jail.

      If he is found not guilty of attempted murder but of some lesser crime he could get away with a fine, possibly paid by somebody else for him.

  2. Joe Attard says:

    As Anglu seems to imply in the photo – vera bubun! A sad version of the Muppet Show.

  3. gwdx001 says:

    Anglu Farrugia owns a law firm? Kollox possibli f’Malta.

  4. Tabatha White says:

    If there was no real mirror damage on Morrison Smith’s car, I’m not surprised Mallia is hanging on to Morrison Smith as a client when the conflict of interest element remains red hot as it stands.

    He must have a brown envelope, of sorts.

  5. Red Bull says:

    In some Latin-derived languages, the English word “accountability” is translated as “responsibility”.

    See an example of just that with the recent resignation of a Spanish minister whose estranged husband had a finger in too many financial pies:

  6. Wistin Schembri says:

    Xibka ta’ hazen bi hbieb tal-hbieb tal-hbieb.

  7. Francis Saliba M.D. says:

    Will someone please pass the remote control gadget?

  8. Ris says:

    Nghid jien jekk l-Mercedes kienet pparkjata, allura l-mirja kif ma kienux maghluqa?

    Nimmagina li vettura bhal dik x’hin ssakkara jinghalqu l-mirja wahedhom.

    Issa jew halla l-vettura tal-ministru miftuha u/jew kien gewwa fiha waqt l-hin tal-incident, li jsarraf f’gidba ohra.

  9. betty says:

    Is it normal for all lawyer ministers or MPs to keep their business running whilst serving the country?

    I was under the impression that once they are in government they have to shut down their business, just in case there’s a conflict of interest.

    What if it’s not a law firm and it’s a company that for example does construction, will they be able to bid for tenders?

    It’s the same thing i guess. You’re either entitled to have a company/firm in your name or you don’t.

  10. Mila says:

    This Edward Gatt, according to Malta Today, is the same lawyer who made this very interesting comment in the Mr. Han (Leasure Clothing) case. One will not blame the reader if, after reading the comment, the reader is left wondering what happened to the blindfold of Lady Justice.

    Gatt retorted, “a lot has changed in that timespan BECAUSE THE MAGISTRATE HAS CHANGED.” (my caps)

    Disgustingly that was his retort to the following comment by the prosecution:

    ”“I cannot understand how , if nothing has changed in the past 48 hours, they should be granted bail when this was previously denied. I know for a fact that they will interefere with witnesses and there is also a fear that they will abscond.”

    As quoted at LexisNexis, Industry News

  11. gaetano pace says:

    Bl-ilsieni Malti u bl-ilsien il-poplu ahna nghidu “fatta la zorba.”

  12. ciccio says:

    Where was the Speaker during the budget speeches this week?

    Did I miss some news?

    Is he back to a conference in the Falkland Islands or to monitoring free and fair elections in Azerbaijan?

  13. curious says:

    “Or could it be something bigger than all of this which we are not at liberty to know or understand?
    Whatever the case, the Prime Minister is failing by the day in allowing this intolerable situation to continue.”

    We will soon here the same old mantra that the English newspapers are all against Labour.

    What is it that made The Times change tack? As it hinted in the editorial, it must be something really big and that we cannot understand.

  14. Tom Double Thumb says:

    Not strictly connected. Go back in time about 18 months ago.

    Manuel Mallia declares, among his assets, a sum of 500,000 euros in cash. He says the money came from some sale of property. A check at the land registry shows no record of such a sale.

    Of course not. Manuel had given no details of what sort of PROPERTY he had sold and everybody assumed that it was land. But what was it then? “Property” can refer to anything in one’s possession.

    One does not make half a million euros in a short time selling articles like those found at Lidl.

    Can the present fracas throw some light on this mystery?

  15. Ruth says:

    “Just because you’re a police officer doesn’t mean you have to go into a situation headfirst.”

  16. david says:

    It’s a type of pain you feel every time you think of Corradino.

  17. CiVi says:

    They sure do their utmost in keeping everyone happy to avoid any backstabbing.

  18. gladys says:


  19. Gaetano Pace says:

    Recommended reading for this era in the annals of history under labour taghhom ilkoll :

    Solzhenitsyn : “Cancer Ward” “The Gulag Archipelago” “August 1914”. History does repeat itself. Does it not ?

    Film worth seeing and reviewing “Stalag 17”

    For family entertainment “Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves” “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” “Pinocchio” are very contemporary themes. I do recommend a Disney version not JMK`s (Joseph Manuel Konrad Public Liability Company jjaqq)

    Just in case anyone feels so enfatuated with Manwel Mallia may I recommend a visit to one of our cinenmas in his company and Charlie Chaplain`s “Modern Times”. Amazing how prophetic of present day situations Chaplain has been. Manwel failed in his dreams and visions grossly and completely. We are seeing not how modern politics are made but how tragic comedy unfolds over the days.

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