Simon Busuttil comes into his own, tells Muscat: “It’s your mess, now deal with it. Be a prime minister for once.”

Published: November 22, 2014 at 7:21pm

simon tweet 1

simon tweet 2

A year ago, the Opposition leader would have probably walked right in to the prime minister’s scheme to involve him in responsibility for the investigating team that will decide Manuel Mallia’s fate.

You know, to be POSITIVE.

And if he refused, he would have done so in conservative tones, so as not to seem AGGRESSIVE.

And the prime minister would have come of it all crowing with satisfaction, with that awful smug smirk on his face and feeling like he’d got one over on his opposite number, li dahlu fil-but u hargu while gloating about it in plain view.

So he must have got quite the shock when his cunning plan to pass the buck of responsibility for sacking Manuel Mallia to three retired judges, and even to make the Opposition leader responsible for choosing the head of the inquiry, leaving him unable to criticise the outcome, backfired.

Decided to ask Opposition leader to appoint an ex judge of his choice to lead a board of inquiry in this week’s deplorable incident, Muscat tweeted today, without first having had the standard decency to ring the Opposition leader and inform him of this before he tweeted to the general public.

He got the reply he richly deserves. The Opposition leader immediately tweeted back: Stop ‘shooting’ from the hip and stand up to be counted. It’s your mess, now deal with it. Be a prime minister for once.

Great stuff. That’s the only way to handle men like Muscat. They absolutely can’t handle it and it freaks them out. Besides which, it is the only proper response possible.

49 Comments Comment

  1. Another John says:

    Partit tal-‘ups’; frame-ups, hiccups, u issa, cover-ups.

  2. Banana republic ... again says:


  3. Kif inhi din? says:

    Or as they say in the vernacular: irid jahxi b’zobb haddiehor.

  4. davidg says:

    That’s the way forward, Simon.

    Muscat has been used to the easy path and admiration all his life. He can’t take being told home truths in public.

  5. TinaB says:

    Jeff’s attempt to gain some popularity on facebook fails once again.

    Qala’ hasla papali minn ghand mara ohra ja cuc li hu.

    Bravo, Maria Dolores Formosa

  6. xejn b' xejn says:

    Simon Busuttil will give Mr. PM a good run for his money. Muscat is actually quite easy to handle: you just have to raise your middle finger at him and tell him where to get off.

  7. Philip says:

    Great response from Dr Busuttil, and well delivered.

  8. xejn sew says:

    You go, Simon. That’s one proper put-down for the prat, and many more to come.

  9. Natalie Mallett says:

    What a sigh of relief. Way to go Dr. Busuttil. Nice shot at Dr. Muscat’s Achilles heel.

  10. ciccio says:

    Dr. Muscat seems to be trying to cover Mallia from the accusation of a cover-up.

    The point is, there was a cover-up.

    If Mallia was not responsible for that, then it could only be Dr. Muscat himself.

    In fact, he seems to confirm this even by the way he is trying to absolve Mallia.

  11. M says:

    ‘Decided to ask…’ , not ‘will ask’ or ‘have asked’.

    Tweets are so convenient with contracted forms to hide if it was ‘I’ or ‘we’ and to leave ample wiggle room for an alternative explanation if the intended one jars.

    Muscat: guaranteed arrogance.

  12. Mila says:

    Why has the Act. Police Commissioner not felt the need to organise a press conference to explain the actions of law enforcement in this whole mess? Is he now hiding behind the inquiry as well?

    Will the inquiry investigate the actions of the members of law enforcement as well or will it limit itself to what happened between Mr. Sheehan and Mr Morrison Smith?

    How does the PM know that this is not a cover-up or that the wrong details were not given with malicious intent? Has he been making his own enquiries with the very real possibility of politically contaminating the field?

  13. Jojo says:

    Terrific response. Just the thing.

  14. Justitia says:

    A most appropriate brain-wave. Dilly-dally Muscat will not like Busuttil’s tweet.

  15. Nighthawk says:

    The nasty little shit just wanted to be able to rubbish the conclusions of the enquiry on the basis that Simon Busuttil chose a ‘partisan’ judge.

  16. kev says:

    Joe Pilatu prova jahsel idu, u floku hasel idu Xmun Pietru – all in a Tweeting day, ghax issa hekk sirna nikkomunikaw ufficjalment.

    Imnalla gie jarana Conchitu, ghax fakkarni li kollox ta’ taht fuq.

  17. Jozef says:

    Exactly, mela chess moves u challenges.

    Dejjem jara kif se jizloq.

  18. P Shaw says:

    Finally, about time somebody deals with this freak outcome of the Maltese typical instinct of self-destruction.

  19. Freedom5 says:

    Brilliant reply !

  20. bob-a-job says:

    Oh dear, now Muscat will block Busuttil on Twitter.

    Mhux hekk il-moda?

  21. scott brown says:

    A mastermind response by Simon Busuttil to a very panicky move by Joseph Muscat.

    The Prime Minister is evidently at a loss and dramatically lacks leadership skills especially since he was neutralised by those surrounding him well ahead of the last general elections.

  22. George Grech says:

    Maybe he expected him to accept and nominate Lino Farrugia Sacco biex inkunu positive hafna.

  23. Madoff says:

    Tlift il-fiducja Muscat. Hadt mu ser jemnek izjed.

  24. Gahan says:

    Min ixarrbu jieklu l-bakkaljaw.

  25. Madoff says:

    Well done to Simon Busuttil.

    The Maltese expect politicians who abuse their powers when in office to be held accountable and punished.

    It is time that you are more explicit about this in your communications.

  26. bob-a-job says:

    Be a prime minister.

    And if you’re not capable, move over darling.

  27. edgar says:

    Simon Busuttil is proving to be another formidable leader for the PN. Attack is the best form of defence.

  28. Mila says:

    How can everyone’s actions be judged if what really happened is not established first? Have the police gathered all the proof and all the statements in order to have a watertight timeline with all clues supporting the timeline?

    Muscat has a strategy and it is not good news for law and order in the land.

    See pdf letter and brief

  29. makjavel says:

    11 out of 10 for Simon.

    That’s the way – tell him to stuff it.

  30. ta wied is sewda. says:

    Sort it out yourself, Mr Prime Minister. The bullfrog is yours.

  31. anthony says:

    Joey is very clearly in the doldrums.

    The government’s sophisticated lying apparatus has been caught red-handed by the entire nation.

    It is the talk of the town.

    Joey has to sort out the mess without extrapolating the lies, if possible.

    That will not be easy.

    He and his crony Mallia have tried to mislead the country on a very serious matter indeed (attempted murder) and it has all backfired and boomeranged.

    Nobody will believe anything they say anymore.

  32. Wistin Schembri says:

    I’m pretty sure that Philip Sciberras will be on this inquiry too.

  33. Cikku says:

    Keep it up Dr Busuttil. Prosit. Risposta f’waqtha.

  34. Adrian says:

    Well done, Busuttil. The prime minister is never to be trusted.

  35. anthony says:

    Simon Busuttil seems to be coming of age.

    I hope.

    These are very dangerous and difficult moments for Malta.

    A super virulent leader of the opposition is a must in this murky situation.

    Democracy is at risk of being eroded.

    The Police Corps is under threat with the independence of its acting head very much in doubt.

    As to the position of the Home Secretary, the least said the better.

  36. Freedom5 says:

    If only all the retired judges reply the same way .

  37. il king says:

    Prosit Simon, ghax min haraq l-ikel hallieh iservieh hu.

  38. Snoopy says:

    That is the way to act. Prosit Simon Busuttil – attack the best form of defence

  39. Confused says:

    And now being the bitch that he is, Muscat, will appoint Farrugia Sacco to head his inquiry.

    Farrugia Sacco owes him, for having technically absolved him from impeachment and rewarding him with his full pension. Muscat on the other hand absolves himself of the responsibility (at least in the foolish eyes of the party faithful), whilst at the same time thinking he’s got his back on Busuttil and those irritating Nationalists.

    I hope I am wrong.

    Anyway this inquiry is a complete farce. They’ll find some legal loophole to absolve Mallia. There is no political accountability with these scum.

  40. Socrates says:

    In Maltese, ‘Simon wahhlu lil Muscat’ and ‘qataghlu l-ghatx bil-perzut.’

    Well done to Simon, and shame on Muscat.

  41. less worried says:

    Now that’s the the way to do it. Well done Simon Busuttil. Hope to see more of this sort of responses to that punk.

  42. G Schembri says:

    That’s our Simon! Well done.

  43. Tabatha White says:

    Even when Joseph Muscat is in a mess, he points towards Simon Busuttil for the answers.

    In a very warped manner, Joseph Muscat knows that he is not up to the job of Prime Minister.

    Warped. Weak. Cowardly. Liar.


    A tarnished example of a man, who has ENTIRELY failed Malta (all of it) and his mandate.

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