Smith released after two nights and a day and a half in police custody

Published: November 21, 2014 at 5:55pm

briton released

He spent more than 40 hours in custody – the legal maximum is 48 hours, and then only in exceptional cases where the charges are extremely serious, like murder, and the ‘suspect’ is refusing to cooperate in interrogation or might abscond.

And he has been released without charge. This does not mean they will not charge him, but when the police have held somebody close to the legal maximum the justification is that he is generally charged immediately and taken straight from the police lock-up to the courts.

This is an absolute shambles.

20 Comments Comment

  1. Natalie Mallett says:

    In the meantime the attempted murderer roams about our streets freely. Does anyone feel safe under this government.

  2. herbie says:

    Manuel ma tiflahx toghdos aktar fil-hama?

    Il-veru wiccek infurat.

  3. gingerbretman says:

    I do hope the older generations will stop giving us the oh-you-don’t-know-what-it-was-like-in-our-time..seems to me those times are back with a vengeance.

    • manum says:

      I have no idea why you don’t like hearing the older generations say that. How else would the younger generations know what Labour was like.

    • Josette says:

      I think they didn’t do it enough. Had they done it more – or had the younger generation cared to listen – we might not be in the s*** we are.

    • winston psaila says:

      I belong to those older generations and I can assure you that we are well on track to bringing those times back with a vengeance

  4. el mundo says:

    I hope we will be able to hear his side of this sorry mess he’s been embroiled in soon enough.

  5. Wilson says:

    Well, one would want to hear about the debriefing and what Malta Police have advised him not to say.

  6. Allo Allo says:

    The outcome would probably have been much worse were it not for maltarightnow and this blog.

  7. Matthew Bonello says:

    If nothing else, he wasn’t found dead under a bridge.

  8. ChrisM says:

    Thank God there were witnesses. Thank God this made the news.

    I hope the ones who voted for Labour on the misguided belief that the stories of the 80s are part of the past, part of old Labour realise now what a mistake they made.

    Labour will never change. It will always be a the party where criminals feel at home.

  9. silvio Loporto says:

    I think we should take the P.M’s advice and wait for more details before portraying this Briton as some martyr.

    Has anyone asked why he was kept for so long under arrest?

    Could it be he was given time to sober up, if perhaps he had one too many?

    Who knows, that is why we should wait.

    As far as I can see it, the only blame one can point at Minister Mallia, is that he was too rush in trying to explain what had happened .

    He should have waited until the case was fully investigated, but of course he would have been accused of not keeping us informed and in a dictatorial way.

    The only good thing about this whole affair is that this Briton can go back home whenever he likes if he does not like the way we do things.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      You’ve such fantastically wonderful logic, Loporto. My police force can shaft justice and the republic as long as the victim is Johnny Foreigner.

  10. kev says:

    Two nights and a day and a half in police custody for a lesser crime than that committed by the police officer who received the minister’s praise.

    It must have been a thorough investigation. He must have given them an elaborate lie to unknot.

  11. verita says:

    Maybe they thought it is better not to bring any charges against him so that the whole truth won’t come out.

  12. janni says:

    Postu il-Labour Party huwa fl-Oppozizzjoni permanentament. Sempliciment ma tistax tafdah bil-poter.

    Flok juza l-poter biex jghin lil proxmu tieghu, dejjem uzah biex issawat lil hutu Maltin.

  13. Rousseau says:

    Jista jkun li l-ikbar arma li ghandu dan il-Gvern hija l-irrisponsabilta’?

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