So right

Published: November 28, 2014 at 8:43am
The prime minister and Don Manuel

The prime minister and Don Manuel

Ivan Fenech’s column in Times of Malta last Tuesday perfectly summed up Muscat. I’ve had it up to here with people saying Muscat wants to dump Don Manuel but can’t because Don Manuel has a hold on him.

What hold?

Muscat doesn’t want to dump Don Manuel as a matter of (perverted) principle. He just doesn’t want all the negative publicity.

I love this remark of Fenech’s in particular, because it is so true:

He wants to create a new middle class, he said (what’s wrong with the one there already is other than he does not belong to it?).

10 Comments Comment

  1. Isa says:

    (what’s wrong with the one there already is other than he does not belong to it?)

    I simply can’t figure out what this sentence means.

    [Daphne – You’re joking, right?]

  2. ChrisM says:

    He does not belong to it, and he knows that.

    His new “new middle-class” is to accommodate people like himself, Silvio Scerri and many other hamalli who have much more money or power (or both) than class.

    These are the annoying, arrogant and rude hamalli (usually loud too) who have starting hanging around places were previously you would not find many of their sort.

    • etil says:

      If they had a modicum of good manners, at least it would not be so bad but they take their hammalli manners with them and expect other people to admire them.

  3. Isa says:

    Daphne, I’m not joking at all. I’m still trying to understand this sentence. I have placed commas, full stops and other sundry punctuation after most of the words without success. And @ Drinks With Vince Micallef, I am not like all those many other people. I am mostly on the same frequency as the spirit of this blog.

    [Daphne – I honestly can’t work out why you are finding it impossible to understand. It means exactly what it says:

    1. why does Muscat want a new middle class;

    2. what’s wrong with the existing middle class that he should want to create a new one;

    3. perhaps the thing that he sees wrong with it is the fact that he’s not part of it and never will be;

    4. because of 3. above, he wants to create a new (rival) middle class to which he will belong. ]

    • Tabatha White says:

      I find Isa’s comment hugely interesting – genuinely.

      I think it would make an excellent case study from a socio-political and/or communication and marketing point of view.

      I’ve been mulling it over for a day now.

  4. Le Pleb says:

    I am happy to see that new money chavs feel the need to behave like peacocks and flaunt their wares for all to see. This way I can avoid them and their easily-impressed fans like the plague. They resort to social media to broadcast this too, so it’s really easy to spot the tits.

    I live in hope that one day composure, good manners and education (not the academic type, but a good proper upbringing) will once again be recognised as the virtues that define class.

    Until then I’m afraid we’re lumped with rich kids who think ‘chic’ is actually a proper word to use, and who believe that they are actually posh(y).

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