Stephanie Chircop is the mother of Silvio Scerri’s children

Published: November 10, 2014 at 7:45pm

scott dixon

Silvio Scerri, the Police Minister's chief of staff, is being investigated by the police for allegedly commissioning the murder of the man for whom the mother of his children left him

Silvio Scerri, the Police Minister’s chief of staff, is being investigated by the police for allegedly commissioning the murder of the man for whom the mother of his children left him

Stephanie Chircop - this injury was inflicted by Silvio Scerri, the Police Minister's chief of staff, after she left him for the boxer Scott Dixon

Stephanie Chircop – this injury was inflicted by Silvio Scerri, the Police Minister’s chief of staff, after she left him for the boxer Scott Dixon

Times of Malta today runs a report on police investigations into how Silvio Scerri, the Police Minister’s chief of staff, allegedly commissioned the murder (which never happened) of the Scottish boxer Scott Dixon.

But the report leaves out the crucial fact that Stephanie Chircop, who was Scott Dixon’s girlfriend at the time this happened, is the mother of Silvio Scerri’s two children, and she had left him for Dixon.

Scerri had also assaulted Ms Chircop, who had filed a complaint with the police. The senior police officer who proceeded with the complaint and pressed charges against Scerri was then transferred to a different district.

I had uploaded photographs of Ms Chircop’s injuries on this website.

Rather than reporting the bald facts out of context, Times of Malta should have recognised the real news value in this story and constructed it properly. The news peg here is that the Police Minister’s chief of staff is being investigated by the very police he and his boss control for allegedly commissioning the murder of the man for whom his longtime companion and mother of his children had left him.

Times of Malta should have:

1. rung Silvio Scerri to ask him whether he thinks his position is tenable;

2. rung the Police Commissioner to ask him whether he thinks the public can have faith in justice being done in a situation like this which is wide open to abuse;

3. rung Scott Dixon to ask him whether he trusts the police to investigate the man who is effectively in control of them;

4. rung the Police Minister, Manuel Mallia, to ask him why he made this man chief of staff when he knew that he was being investigated for allegedly commissioning the murder of his former companion’s new boyfriend;

5. rung the prime minister to ask him why he is so comfortable with these sorts of people in tow.

37 Comments Comment

  1. Peppa Pig says:

    Conflict of interest? Tridx tmur.

    • curious says:

      There is only one way to stop them – a majority of educated and democracy conscious people. Not in my lifetime, though.

      • Peppa Pig says:

        This country is being run on the lines of a Boccaccio parody.

      • Francis Saliba M.D. says:

        Not when Mintoff deliberately demolished Malta’s educational system so radically that even his socialist education consultant Professor Dahrendorff publicly refused to participate in the mayhem.

        Up to now a very large section of the electorate is still unable to use its brains to understand what is the truth and what is false lying propaganda.

  2. Stephen says:

    What are these people?

    • kev says:

      If “it may have been a false report,” but they cannot yet close the case, what’s holding them? Not enough evidence to charge the Pole and complainants? What’s pending exactly?

      Seta’ kien rapport falz, ta, imma ghadna mhux certi. Qed nistennew l-ghasfur jghidilna.

  3. herbie says:

    What a lovely lot running the country
    Viva l-Labour

  4. Phili B says:

    Was the evidence in this case also dusted, polished and cropped by the Taghna Lkoll Police Commissioner PPZ? Is this when the Minister first met his Chief of Staff?

  5. eve says:

    Tghid mhux se nasal niehu passi kontra l-boss tieghi!

  6. ciccio says:

    Does he suffer from some serious nervous problem?

  7. Karla says:

    ”The Home Affairs Minister’s chief of staff Silvio Scerri was investigated for an alleged 2011 plot to have boxer Scott Dixon murdered, a court heard today. ”

    ”The Inspector said that investigations are still ongoing, but ‘it may have been a false report’.”

    I don’t know about you but for me these two sentences are saying two very different things although they are both taken from the same article and seem to be referring to the same case.

    ‘Was investigated’ in English is in the past tense and gives the impression of an act which is over.

    On the other hand ‘investigations are still ongoing’ means that the case is not closed and therefore there is no conclusion. So which is it, seeing as this person holds a certain position, is privy to certain information and has access to certain people and locations far beyond most?

    So did the police on the stand give an opinion when there is in fact no conclusion based on an investigation that is still onging? Did the court accept such opinion when that conclusion should actually be decided after a criminal charge is brought before another court to decide re culpability?

  8. makjavel says:

    a collection of criminals

  9. thealley says:

    6. rung the Law Commissioner to give us his views on the lot he helped to be elected in government

  10. Jozef says:

    Right, let’s recap:

    The prime minister’s chief of staff Keith Schembri lies when he says he has no business with his cousin Ryan Schembri who fled the country leaving debts of tens of millions.

    The Police Minister’s chief of staff Silvio Scerri is currently under investigation for asking somebody to murder the new boyfriend of his children’s mother.

    The Chinese ambassador walks into the opposition party HQ and coolly demands silence on the slave labour racket at a factory owned by the Chinese government.

    Is anybody taking notes for the thriller?

    • Candy says:

      Throw in a couple of Dominican friars and a convicted fraudster for good measure.

    • Tabatha White says:

      Until just before the elections, I remember that Keith Schembri’s submitted business accounts for Kasco weren’t up to date by a good many years.

      Was there a specific reason for that?

  11. Lizz says:

    Malta’s “police think”. You don’t say?

  12. Watcher of lies says:

    I was afraid that this government had a soft spot for criminals. I WAS WRONG. This government is actually composed of criminals.

  13. Ian says:

    What a f*cking cesspit.

  14. silvio Farrugia says:

    What a really corrupt and ‘micky mouse country we have…what a laugh ( sadly )

  15. Adrian says:

    Is this Malta, a modern democratic European country? Or a repressive state similar to Iran, Saudi Arabia or China?

  16. Frans Cassar says:

    Never a dull moment with Labour running the country, unbelievable!

  17. Jim says:

    Mid-dehra hadd m’ghandu l-bajd jistaqsi jekk inhargux ic-charges kontra Silvio Scerri. Dawn t-tip ta’ akkuzi huma ex officio u ma jistawx jitwaqqaw mill-vittma.

    Int tahseb li xi hadd mill-ufficjali tal-pulizija ghandu l-guts jinvestiga dan l-kaz?

  18. manum says:

    Din il-gzira imtliet bil-qziezati. Niccelebraw il-hmieg ta’ gvern li ghandna.

  19. says:

    Sakemm tispicca din il- legislatura ikun hemm volumi shah ta’ hmieg x’jinkitbu fuq dan il -partit ta’ nies korrotti u bla valuri.

  20. Joanna Muscat says:

    Spot on Daphne. As usual. Tx for the clarification.

  21. Joe Borg says:

    I actually posted a comment on asking why they decided to bury Silvio Scerri’s name in the middle of the article instead of making it part of the heading and standfirst. But it was deleted.

  22. Francis Saliba M.D. says:

    The most reasonable guess would be that the police are waiting for clearance from their boss whether to publish their findings about the report against Silvio Scerri, or to proceed with the investigation or to shelve it.

  23. Gaetano Pace says:

    One simple plain answer to the five questions posed “Because they are all scum and scoundrels.”

  24. sistinam says:

    This is scary. I don’t agree with everything you write Daphne, however when I need a realistic view of the state of the country I turn to your blog.

    I love Malta and even though I now live abroad I visit frequently and sometimes yearn to return for good.

    When I start feeling the urge to move back to Malta I read your blog and change my mind. I think to myself, thank God I left.

  25. andrew says:

    The police allegedly have emails from Silvio Scerri, to the Pole Karol, where he offers him 10,000 euros to kill Dixon. If that’s not enough evidence to get him arrested and charged, I don’t know what is.

    • Joz Camilleri says:

      What a bright idea indeed, commissioning murder using e-mails. It’s like sending a postcard where all and sundry can read the message. Pea-brained.

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