The Prime Minister has passed the buck to the Opposition leader – now formally

Published: November 22, 2014 at 10:21pm

Just look at the tone of his petulant, un-prime ministerial letter: ‘You’re the one complaining, so now I expect you to put your money where your mouth is and choose a judge to chair the investigation committee that I have decided to do you the favour of appointing.’


61 Comments Comment

  1. orlando ellul micallef says:

    No proper Maltese fonts in a formal letter?

  2. L-iehor says:

    And our PM can’t even spell Maltese. Sa has no apostrophe. Excellent example.

  3. Makjavel says:

    Is this a letter of abdication of responsibilities?

    Madam President needs to summon the prime minister.

  4. anthony says:

    Was this written by Joey or by Manwel?

    It is pathetic through and through.

    Schoolboy stuff.

    Imagine Dave Cameron writing something as puerile as this.

    He would be beheaded in the Commons.

    This is resignation material.

    The guy’s a hopeless case.

    He is just proving to all and sundry that he is not up to it and not fit for purpose.

    He, his home affairs minister, his department of information, his head of police and his entire pr team have fucked up big time.

    He and he alone has to sort out this great big almighty mess.

    • Salvu says:

      L-uzu tal-kelma tivventila hi kontribuzjoni ta’ Manwel.

      • FP says:

        Well spotted, Anthony and Salvu.

        Tivventila, veriċità, dina l-persuna

        All old school lawyer lingo. I’ve never seen Muscat use this kind of language.

      • ciccio says:

        Agreed. Even that phrase “Jiena ddecidejt li l-Board…”

        That’s very Manwel Mallia.

      • ciccio says:

        So now we know who the real prime minister is.

      • ciccio says:

        I am morally convinced that what we have here is equivalent to the cunning Mallia appointing a Board of Enquiry which will investigate his involvement in this scandal.

        Mallia, as an experienced criminal lawyer, knows that evidence has a number of limitations:

        1. Eyewitnesses may fail to appear in court.

        2. If not presented in court, it is like it does not exist.

        3. It can be destroyed, hidden, or if human, intimidated.

        4. It may be overlooked.

        So I read this as Mallia trying to get the prime minister to appoint this board so that Mallia’s political responsibility will be cleared through a legal mechanism instead, because of evidence limitations.

  5. Can't take no more says:

    This man thinks that he play around with people like pawns on a chess board.

    Has he been taking lectures from that over-rated, self-obsessed, ‘no one is more brilliant than me’ Edward de Bono?

    Did John Dalli B. A. give him advice on what to wear when the shit hits the fan to come out of the ‘mishap’ as white as a virgin, smelling of roses, with a rosary in his hands?

    Shiv Nair is spinning this?

    It is like seeing the PM playing go-for-broke with the Opposition.

    What an arrogant man. I think he is another of those people who think no one is smarter than he is. Now that he is faced with this shameful act, he is trying to pass the buck.

    He hasn’t worked out that now he is playing with the big boys. Having your balls squeezed is not very pleasant, is it.

  6. Qeghdin Sew says:

    If I were Simon Busuttil, I’d text him back with “Tridx tiddetermina l-‘vericità’ ta’ z***i?”

    Alas, there must be a reason why I’ll never go into politics.

  7. Mim says:

    Sends it on a Saturday and wants a reply by the next day, Sunday. Great statesmanship.

    He wants this done and dusted, his own way.

    Reminds me of Mintoff, with declarations being required regardless of weekends or Christmas break.

    One always knew that the ‘or else’ was no import/work licences and closing the business down. Ah, nostalgia…(not)

  8. bob-a-job says:

    What’s the use of choosing the chairman on a three-man board when the other two members chosen by Muscat can outvote the chairman at any time.

    All Muscat wants is to implicate Busuttil in the positive outcome of the issue in order that Busuttil would not be able to criticize further.

    I agree with Simon Busuttil. He should keep out of it altogether.

  9. thinking aloud says:

    The Opposition should refuse to nominate an individual it is the prerogative of the Prime Minister to ensure that truth be served and it is his responsibility to chose impartial individuals to source the truth. It is the prerogative of the Opposition to question as is necessary the whole process and the outcome.

  10. Oscar says:

    Forget the fookin’ spelling or fonts, it’s the arrogant, condescending and patronising tone of the letter that shows what a prime minister we’ve been landed with.

  11. C Falzon says:

    All very well to investigate whether or not Mallia was involved, but what about the shooter?

    Shouldn’t he be under arrest and arraigned with urgency?

    It’s not like there are just vague allegations that he discharged a firearm in the direction of a person – it seems to me that there are eyewitnesses.

  12. Joe Fenech says:

    Grow up, bozo!

  13. ciccio says:

    The prime minister is digging himself into a bigger hole.

    I suggest he moves quickly to Marsaxlokk, where a big hole is needed to remove that heap of earth waste before Konrat Mizzi reveals his “milestone schedule.”

  14. ciccio says:

    Oh, look, he’s given the Leader of the Opposition an ultimatum:

    “…sa ghada 23 ta’ Novembru 2014, fis-1800.”

    • Manuel says:

      And rest assured, that tomorrow 23 November at 18.30, the jerk will call a press conference or issue a statement through his Super One DOI, that the Leader of the Opposition has turned down the offer and will thus accuse him of non-collaboration.

      Muscat will turn this around in his favour. And all the gullible will applause him.

      Mallia and his driver will get away with murder. Mallia has Muscat by his balls.

      • ciccio says:

        That would be conveniently in time for the soundbite to appear in the 7.30pm Super One news.

        “Il-Kap tal-Oppozizzjoni qed jaghmel “buck trucking””

  15. ta wied is sewda. says:

    Think someone is in a panic mode. Thought everybody was at the Malta shipbuilding watching the Malta song for the Eurovision song contest. Busy times.

  16. Mike Vella says:

    Onor Prim Ministru,

    Nissuggerixxi li taqbad l-ittra li bghatt, tirrombla sakemm igibha bil-ponta fina, u kif tlesti cempel lil siehbek Cyrus u jghidlek x’tista taghmel biha.

  17. Confused says:

    What an arrogant coward. Excuse me, but what a limp dick.

    It’s a mystery to me how so many people look up to his childish behaviour. This is the sort of behaviour I remember at school, and anyone who did act like this was duly put in place.

    Pity his formative years were not spent at St Edward’s. We might have been spared this pitiful man.

  18. Mallia says:

    What everyone seems to be missing is that the prime minister is clearly stating that he is only setting up this inquiry because of Simon Busuttil’s concerns.

    Otherwise it would appear that he sees nothing wrong and if Simon Busuttil had not spoken up then we would have sweet f#%k all.

    This guy is unbelievable . What a tosser.

    [Daphne – I didn’t miss it. It’s right there in my post above.]

  19. minn mars says:

    Maybe he is expecting Dr. Busuttil to nominate the Hon Ex Judge Farrugia Sacco.

  20. Kevin says:

    I am sure that the people who voted for change because “change is good” are realising how stupid they were to swallow Muscat’s lies hook, line, and sinker.

    The man is a spineless twerp. He responds to the allegations rather than to the wickedness of the policeman’s actions. Muscat is disgusted at the incident only because he has been put in a very awkward position.

    [Daphne – People never realise they were stupid. They realise they were conned.]

  21. Adrian says:

    Shall I start counting the spelling mistakes?

  22. Very True says:

    Sounds more like an ” I want to speak to your parents tomorrow” letter. Pathetic!

  23. Tabatha White says:


    This is not Simon Busuttil’s decision to take or partake in.

    This, is like when Joseph Muscat tried to draw Simon Busuttil into to the reneg on the passport scam that went nowhere.

    Joseph Muscat needs to sack Mallia.

    Come the 16th March, 2015 – latest – Joseph Muscat himself should be vacating Castille and his position.

  24. Pablo says:

    The furrowed brow has gone down to his navel. He’s running scared.

  25. Banana republic ... again says:

    Is this still a draft or has he forgotten to sign it?

  26. anthony says:

    Ikun ahjar kieku tivventila sormok, Joey.

    Staqsi lil Cyrus.

  27. Jozef says:

    It’s so obvious that Muscat just can’t get rid of Mallia. He needs the Leader of the Opposition to do it for him.

    What he really wants is to stop any independent investigation. That way he gets to keep Mallia AND the real story behind this mess.

    Distraction, again.

    Four years ago, I had been told by a Labour insider that Muscat once vented his fears about power being a place where the buck stops with him and him alone.

    This week, we expect konrad Mizzi to publish the milestone schedule, in four weeks’ time, we expect a new public transport operator and so on.

    It won’t go away Prime Minister. Not for another three years.

  28. Alexander Ball says:

    The formal reply should be:

    “Noted but no thanks”

    • Watcher of lies and prime ministerial tom foolery says:

      Busuttil’s next tweet to Muscat: ‘I don’t do big bangs, thanks.’

  29. anthony says:

    Joey, jekk minghalik ser tboss b’sorm haddiehor, forget it man.

    Uri, ghal darba, li int prim ministru u mhux biss primadonna.

    Ghal darba biss.

    Imbaghad, wara, tista tkompli taqa’ ghan-nejk bhal qabel.

  30. H.P. Baxxter says:

    How unbelievably stupid and ignorant. We’re talking ignorance of the basic functioning of our constitution, our laws, our republic and everything else here.

    A crime has been committed. The police must prosecute. End of story. This was never about parliamentary politics, so the Leader of the Opposition’s involvement in the whole affair should be zero.

    The Prime Minister’s involvement in the Police prosecution should also be zero. However, he is and should be fully involved in one aspect of the story: the sacking of his minister’s driver, followed by the sacking of the minister himself, whose position is untenable.

    At no point does Simon Busuttil feature in the chain of events. But I fully expect most of my countrymen not to give a fuck about the separation of powers and the proper functioning of the Republic and other such niceties, hux, kif qazzistna Baxxter hsiebek biex tikkritika.

    I mean what magisterial enquiry, for fuck’s sake?

    If I were to throw an eppie-scoppie right now, and go out into the street and fire off a pistol, would there be a magis-bloody-terial inquiry? No. Hell no there wouldn’t. There would be a prosecution. (After a good kicking in of my head by the police officers on the scene, but that’s by the by).

    More lawyers per head than anywhere else on Earth and we still get this wrong.

  31. kev says:

    “Ejja bully, mhux billi qed tpeclaq fil-vojt. Hloqtlok Bord t’Inkjesta, issa aghzel l-imhallfin int – u ghandek sas-sitta t’ghada filghaxija!

    “P.S. This is not a serious offer. You may wish to reject it.”

  32. Neil says:

    How pompous. Bombastic. Manuel Mallia wrote this letter. What a complete wanker!

  33. Matt says:

    Dear Joseph,

    Spider-Man was right – “With great power, comes great responsibility.”

    It is a gift, yet also a curse he says.

  34. Rosie says:

    Qieghed formalment nistiednek

    qieghed formalment ma nilqax l-istedina

    Kompli ghaffeg wahdek, x-inkjesta l-qaddissin arrestawh talli uza arma fil-pubbliku

  35. Watcher of lies and prime ministerial tom foolery says:

    This political party in power is on its way to being hoist by its own petard. And anyway, petards and fireworks are the PM’s family business.

  36. Watcher of lies and prime ministerial tom foolery says:

    ‘tivventila’. What the f”k does this word mean?

  37. Watcher of lies and prime ministerial tom foolery says:

    Earlier this morning Muscat declared with 100% certainty that there was no attempt at a cover-up. Soon after saying this he tweets the three-man inquiry proposal to Simon to appoint a chairman for a board that would investigate if there was a cover-up.

    This Joseph Muscat has lost it. He’s gone bonkers, in great panic. His problem is that if Mallia falls he falls with him and I highly suspect that Mallia is the real boss.

  38. Madoff says:

    Kemm ser ddum titnejjek Muscat? Kun ragel u ibda mexxi dan il-pajjiz sew.

    Ma ghadekx reporter tas-Super One. Ipprova nqata minn mentalita tal-kazin.

    Jekk ma tiflahx ghar-responsabilta warrab.

  39. mf says:

    Guz, bhanan kemm int u kemm Manwel. L-inkjesta issir ghax hemm ‘crime’ ovju mhux ghax xi hadd qieghed ‘jivventila’ aleggazjoniet. Il-froga bla bajd ghamilta int, issa aqsama ma’ Manwel.

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