The star candidate who blew up in their faces

Published: November 20, 2014 at 11:23pm

41 Comments Comment

  1. missejna il- qiegh says:

    Something tells me the Christmas panto script is being rewritten as we speak.

  2. Joe Fenech says:

    Star candidate? And what made them think such crap?

  3. Antoine Vella says:

    This was 10 years ago wasn’t it? Looks like it and sounds like it.

    [Daphne – No, it was two years ago.]

  4. thealley says:

    Why doesn’t the PN raise a motion of no confidence in Minister Mallia?

  5. Drinu says:

    Rather than a star I would say he looks more like a supernova.

    • observer says:

      Let’s hope that he fade from view at the earliest – and remain hidden away from the public eye for long.

      He can then turn into a black hole – sucking up all the shit and muck produced by his erstwhile cabinet colleagues.

  6. missejna il- qiegh says:

    Two years down, three to go.

    God help us all.

  7. bob-a-job says:

    The true story of The Mistress and the Frog

  8. Beingpressed says:

    Talking of stars, where is HP Baxxter these days?

    [Daphne – If truth be told, sulking.]

  9. ken il malti says:

    One wonders what it will take for Jo to get rid of Mr Toady Fuck-up?

  10. Beingpressed says:

    What do you get for attempted murder these days?

    A transfer.

  11. Arturo Mercieca says:

    A very interesting speech. Was he talking about himself most of the time?

    I particularly liked the passage when he changed to English and exclaimed “Enough of this nonsense. This people deserves much better” (or something to this effect).

    Truer words have hardly ever been uttered.

  12. Typically Labour says:

    Why did we expect that the Acting Police Commissioner should have grown some spine and refused to meet the Minister and to discuss the incident involving the Minister’s own driver?

    Or why are we so fussy about the Minister summoning and giving the top cop his absolutely true version of events rather than shutting up and let the police get on with their job without peddling his influence?

    Wasn’t it nice of Minister Mallia to invite the Acting Police Commissioner and the Government’s Communications Head for tea?

    Why all this talk of the three ganging up to play down the matter and to manage the PR of it all? Now Minister Mallia would not allow this to happen, would he?

    • Mila says:

      Didn’t you hear that ‘independent’ has come to mean ‘what you are told to think and say’?

      I can visualize that meeting where every sentence has a silent beginning which goes something like: ‘Now remember who will be renewing your service contract .’ and the audible part continues ‘so what really happened was…’

      We should have a new billboard which reads ‘Bullies become Ministers and remove all checks and balances’.

    • Rover says:

      Manuel Mallia :”Arroganza taqtaghha b’sikkina.”

  13. tania says:

    What about the report in Times of Malta in which Mallia acknowledges that Sheehan was fined €30 for a crime but that this “should not detract (sic) his career”?

    Is he serious? Is insubordination by an officer to be overlooked in the police force, as a minor matter?

    Also, since when is it “not unusual” for government ministers to be driven around by armed police officers?

    The public has a right to know the reason for this and while we are at it, can Mallia also explain why there are members of the armed forces keeping guard outside his ministry? We need to know if these are armed too.

    • Mila says:

      Actually he seems to have got a bargain, that Eur 30 even covered his use of vulgar language and doing what he was duty bound to prevent.

  14. Joe Fenech says:

    I’d never heard him speak prior to this. He sounds like a toad who’s swallowed Joe Debono Grech.

  15. Lizz says:

    Fast forward to 3:35. Incredible how the guy fits the same description of the kind of bad politician he’s describing.

  16. PWG says:

    For maximum effect play the videos concurrently.

  17. canon says:

    The star candidate Emanuel Mallia is not the only one letting us down.

  18. Sunta says:

    What a complete mess :((

  19. Big Daddy says:

    In fairness to Manuel Mallia we have to admit that he really has managed to diversify the police corps’s mission: under his tenure they’re as likely to shoot you as to serve you hors d’oeuvres.

  20. maria debono says:

    I couldn’t stomach him. I preferred the croaking frog.

  21. S says:

    And that’s one hell of a lot of debris!

  22. Carmelo Portelli says:

    Quos Deus vult perdere, prius dementat

  23. aidan says:

    Star candidate my a**s. He is the fat orator.

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