This is topical right now

Published: November 23, 2014 at 1:44am

16 Comments Comment

  1. Qeghdin Sew says:

    “I’m putting my money on the fat one!”

  2. Tabatha White says:

    Manwel is ALL about commissions and source of finance.

    Let’s see what the Crystal ball says, Wizard from Gozo in attendance:

    “Praying mantis mode if threat strikes actively.”

  3. observer says:

    Will the local hisser be allowed by his attacker to get away with his life?

    Not unless that ‘brown envelope’ is somehow completely destroyed, I would say.

  4. Steve calleja says:

    Daphne. Please highlight the fact that The Sunday Times today managed to demote Manuel Mallia’s story to the inside pages while Ariadne Massa was conveniently leaked a report by her friend Konrad Mizzi on the never-to-see-the-light but sensational Gozo bridge.

    The only other Sunday paper where Mallia is not on the front page today is KullHadd. What is going on?

  5. Philip says:

    Love the analogy. I’d say that the slimy one will make a ‘deal’ with a Chinese mountain cat, to get the fat one and in the end the Chinese cat will get the slimy one too.

    How long did Sant’s government last? 22 months was it? And this one is what? 20 months into its first term?

    It all seems to be falling in a heap – real quick.

  6. ciccio says:

    No, let’s get the people to talk about a bridge.

    Ariadne Massa comes to the rescue. What was it, more Peking duck, or another ice bucket challenge?

  7. pablo says:

    Malta Today’s Sunday story says that Sheehan was dropping of the “Minister’s daughter” at the time of the altercation.

    If true, this can only mean that Sheehan rang his Minister only minutes later, using his mobile phone standing free in the tunnel, while Smith was being taken away under arrest for “attempted suicide”.

    Of course the Toad will not tell us anything about calls he got following the incident.

  8. Someone says:

    This whole board of inquiry is a waste of time and public money.

    As Prime Minister, Muscat should have summoned Mallia straight away and given him his marching orders on the sole basis that the event happened at all.

    That is happened is indisputable. There are two or three bullet holes in a private citizen’s car and nobody is contesting the fact that Manuel Mallia’s driver shot those bullets.

    The ‘how and why’ are irrelevant in this type of serious event where political responsibility should have been assumed on the spot.

    But then why are we kidding ourselves that this government and its members can ever be trusted to do the right thing?

    Instead they will use this time either to try to guide public attention to another ‘hot’ story – or worse, they will try to fabricate a story in-house, much in the same way they tried to hide Konrad Mizzi’s abject failures in his personal and much more importantly, public service endeavours by trying to implicate Pullicino in some half-baked corruption allegation.

    Back to the board of inquiry: has this been ‘kostid’? Even if the work were to done pro bono (unlikely), there would be still be communication, stationery, and sheer ‘waste of time’ costs involved.

    Journalists should ask who will pay these costs – the trigger happy security cum driver, or Mallia’s ministry or other government entity, which means it will be paid by us?

    Could we just call off this charade and save ourselves some much-needed cash, seeing that if the PM had any doubt about the Minister’s actions that required an investigation, he should have sacked him straight away and, if at all, hold an inquiry to understand the facts so that the failings are not repeated by the successor?

    As things stand, is there any bookie who will accept a bet that Mallia will sail through this unscathed come 15 days from now? I guess not; bookies ain’t stupid.

  9. Cikku says:

    Ġejna tajjeb. Minflok arrestaw lil dak li spara t-tiri, arrestaw lill-vittma.

    Għallanqas kellhom jarrestawhom it-tnejn biex tkun tista’ ssir investigazzjoni tajba.

    Mhux issa dak li spara seta’ jkellem lix-xhieda u għall-bżonn għeddidhom biex ma jitkellmu xejn. Insomma min jikkmanda jagħmel il-liġi …tajba u ħażina.Nerġa’ ntenni…viva l-iswitchers li ġabuna f’din is-sitwazzjoni tal-biki.

    • Angus Black says:

      Tinsiex Cikk, li Joey haddan il-pulitka Mintoffjana, u ftakar is-slogan ta dak iz-zmien, ‘Malta l-ewwel u qabel kollox’ u l-MLP spicca biex qaleb kollox

      Allura mhix xi haga ta l-ghageb li kif ghidt int, issa wasalna biex narrestaw il-vittma u nhallu min jaghmel delitt, idur mas-saqajn.

  10. Someone says:

    “Opposition leader using shooting to score political points – PM”.

    What nerve, coming from someone whose main part of the CV is a mud-slinging journalist who must then think that the “arlogg tal-lira” storm-in-a-teacup was more important than the O.K. Corral reenactment, seeing that Labour milked that story until its titties were sore.

  11. Mila says:

    Minister’s personal assistant checking his schedule for the day:

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