Time for a reprise: June last year

Published: November 16, 2014 at 7:12pm

I don’t know what’s more depressing: the way the prime minister sits, or what he says in this interview from June last year, taken in the context of reality 17 months on.

20 Comments Comment

  1. canon says:

    This government is not only not listening to what serious people are saying but also not seeing anything wrong with its actions.

  2. Mila says:

    Journalism as a whole has become depressing in Malta. How else can one justify the fact that bombs on an Air Malta flight in 1981 discussed in a book are listed in the Times of Malta highlights but the mystery of why Helena Dalli is mum about the property being developed, in spite of an enforcement notice, is given less priority?

    Where is Xarabank asking her if this property should be listed in her assets list and if not why? Where are the cameras and news clips showing whose vehicles and workmen are on site?

    If this is not a culture of fear, I don’t know what is.

  3. pablo says:

    ” ..in-nies ma ivvuttawlilniex biex noqghodu neqirdu……fuq li sibna jew ma sibniex…” u kulma smajna s’issa huwa propju l-oppost – kuljum f’kull intervista qirda kontinwa dwar x’sabu fl-amministrazzjoni precedenti. Qum minn hemm u ibda iggverna.

  4. Sparky says:

    My twenty-month old daughter has much better seating posture and she wears a nappy most of the time.

  5. A says:

    He is certainly right in saying that they have done things the other government had been postponing – it took the PN 18 years to become arrogant, and it took PL less than 18 months.

    I can’t wait to hear the PM’s comments tomorrow. I bet it will be along the lines of “Gvern li jwettaq dak li jwied”. Nevermind that in the process this government is ruining the country’s finances and selling it’s soul to the Chinese.

  6. Jojo says:

    He doesn’t even know how to sit properly, let alone Govern our country

  7. Joe Fenech says:

    Gvern li jisma’….l-ilhna f’mohhu.

  8. anthony says:

    What he says is depressing.

    There is no doubt about that.

    The way he sits is worrying.

    He either has massive bilateral hydrocoeles or monster varicocoeles.

    In either case he ought to consult a urosurgeon urgently.

    Men just do not sit with their knees two feet apart unless they have a serious problem in between.

  9. Honest says:

    Kemm hu bla grazzja, miskin.

  10. A+ says:

    I share your views on our PM and on this government and its performance, but how come the PM is still trusted, and opinion polls still firmly in favour of the MLP? I can’t understand what’s going on.

    [Daphne – Simple human psychology. How long does it take somebody to admit that their friends were right about how wrong their new girlfriend/boyfriend is? They will stick it out to prove that their friends were wrong and they were right, until the situation becomes plainly untenable. Sometimes, they will even carry on beyond that point. It’s the same when people have made what they think is a big step for them in voting Labour. There’s a lot of psychology going on there.]

  11. Last Post says:

    Ir-rittmu ta’ dal-Gvern: oh x’ghageb!

    Nies fil-qafas tac-Civil qalulu x’differenza minn qabel: Illum hemm id-Deputat Prim Ministru dedikat ghall-Affarijiet Ewropej u Segretarju Parlamentari dedikat ghall-fondi Ewropej.

    Gvern li jtajjar in-nar … bil-frejjeg li jaghmel – bhal dik tal-power station il-gdida u l-power station l-ohra li tiffabrika l-kancer.

  12. Watcher of lies says:

    It’s about time that we have a photo-album, a Power Point presentation maybe, of all the PL’s 2013 campaign bill boards.

  13. Queen's English says:

    Do you know how many of us had assumed that Labour were here to stay for at least two terms after we saw the huge shift?

    Now those same people are saying that it seems unlikely that they will last that long. I hope that the PN will be full of energy by that time.

  14. Il-Kajboj says:

    The interviewer in now Head of News of ONE TV.

  15. Gahan says:

    Gvern li jisma’ imma li ma jagħtix widen!

  16. Tabatha White says:

    Why is it obvious that this is deeply and seriously wrong, yet he remains on?

    Why are lies allowed to continue?

    Why is there little accountability for the loss of face happening daily with this man and his team?

    Why does he get away with stroking and caressing the ego of the ‘popolin’ whilst simultaneously smashing it on the head?

    Look at 18:42:

    “Lanqas jigini f’mohhi li jkun hemm devjazzjoni tal-verità b’mod daqshekk ‘blatant’ kif kien qieghed jsir..”

    He is walking a fine line over the deep ravine of his own deceit and projecting the depth of it onto the Opposition making up the bulk of the “others” at each step.


    Please nobody talk of ‘hope’ that he sees the light, or any other form of taking this lightly.

    We only have one life, and it is short.
    Our children too have only one life.

    Why would anyone be willing to sacrifice all the progress made for this ball of slime going absolutely nowhere?

    Here and now, is suffering a Government that got there on a sham mandate the only way forward?

    Where are our brilliant minds?

    Do they have an interest in keeping silent?

    Have they been acquired into the “tista’ tahdem maghna grouping?”

    If you think that 2 years is not long enough, think again. This man and his team have held the country by the balls since 2008.

    It’s more than long enough.

    Why are people so easily dominated?

    He’s had his chance. Come mid-March, he’ll have formally missed his own deadline promise to the nation.

    Nothing but his resignation should suffice.

  17. Jozef says:

    And what horrible chairs.

  18. mary anne darmanin says:

    I am eagerly waiting for Xarabank and the mob clapping to anything that is said about labour. Pity the poor sods.

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