Top comment (7)

Published: November 21, 2014 at 6:37pm

Posted by Xejn B’Xejn:

Just this morning I was having a coffee in our staff canteen when I overheard an interesting conversation between two diehard Labour supporters.

One of them tried to diminish the culpability of Mallia, but his friend became so angry that he stopped him and said to him: “Aqtahha ghax issa qazzizna l-A.@%&a. Ha nispiccaw nitilfu sormna fuq zewg Nazzjonalisti li dahhalnihom maghna biex nintghogbu”.


John Dalli

manuel mallia

27 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    Yes, that was inevitable.

  2. Trabokk says:

    Dak hu li jigrilu minn jigbor l-affarijiet minn go l-iskip.

  3. manum says:

    Very true, our ever scheming prime minister thought it wise to dig deep in the PN’s skip. And now he is reaping what he sowed.

  4. Wilson says:

    Whether the minister would resign or not is one issue but I haven’t met one Labour supporter who did not say the policeman should be arrested straight away, even people who know him.

  5. el mundo says:

    iz-zibel ingabar go l-iskipp

  6. Libertas says:

    Muscat’s skip, isn’t it?

  7. J Farrugia says:

    Now where is Cyrus in the above pictures?

  8. daffid says:

    Funny how sometimes liabilities turn into assets. I would leave Mallia where he is – he is bound to cock something up big again soon.

  9. aidan says:

    Hija koincidenza kif isseparajt ir-ritratti jew isseparajthom kif tissepara l-iskart. It-tlieta ta’ fuq landi, tan-nofs plastic u t-isfel hgieg.

  10. Fido says:

    The members of Cabnet from now on should not only write MP behind their name but I would suggest to them writing HFRDC (Honorary Fellow of the Refuse Disposal Centre)

  11. Holly says:

    It seems like they have joined forces to dig a communal grave.

  12. sunshine says:

    I heard that same comment posted by Xejn B’Xejn today too.

    [Daphne – Then you must work in the same building without knowing of each other.]

  13. Damocles says:

    To the five shown above one may also add another two: Cyrus Engerer and Ian Castaldi Paris.

  14. PWG says:

    Now that the P N has rid itself of this self-centred lot it will do well to screen prospective candidates carefully.

  15. anthony says:

    In his mad rush to convince the potential switchers that he is cool and means business Joey took on board all the scum that had been dumped by the PN.

    He forgot that you reap what you sow.

    He sowed rubbish and he is now reaping solid waste.

  16. kev says:

    But which “zewg Nazzjonalisti” was he referring to in relation to Mallia’s culpability?

    Mugliett, JPO, il-Handsome King u Mi-Scappa-La-Pipi x’ghandhom x’jaqsmu, hi?

  17. RF says:

    We’re told that Muscat will wait for inquiry into shooting incident before deciding fate of Manuel the Liar.

    He knows it will not be tomorrow considering that all inquiries called by this government are conveniently never closed: Zabbar police station assault, wilful prosecution of wrong person, illegal parking at helipad, etc.

  18. ta wied is sewda. says:

    Huduhom, rabbuhom, ikkultivawhom u gawduhom. Now you have another one, Castaldi Paris.

  19. helen says:

    “Fair is foul, and foul is fair
    Hover through the fog and filthy air”

  20. BVella says:

    Looking at the photos above, one can surely say that PN cleaned its ranks and turned the page.

    Defeat was great, but it will feel greater to get up again and WIN.

  21. Francis Said says:

    When anyone resorts to lies, he is standing on quick sand. The more one lies the faster he/she drowns.

    This is what is happening to this irresponsible government. Built on lies, governs with lies and will drown in the sinking hole.

    PL = PATHOLOGICAL LIARS. They have no political vision, they are consumed with power and money. They have surrounded themselves with yes men, puppets who do not have the guts to speak up and counsel them.

    A great leader surrounds himself with top experts in their field, hears their views and recommendations, then takes a decision. You find this management approach in all successful entrepreneurs.

    That is why this government will go down in history as the most incompetent and financially reckless government in Malta’s history.

    It hurts me to say this as I would like to see our country progress further not regress. The facts are there for all to see, those who are politically blind will also have an excuse, whether factual or not.

    The PN with all its faults always had a vision. This is the way forward in every day life, let alone governing a Country or a business.

    I trust that the people of goodwill will realise this and react. You can fool people some of the times but you cannot fool people all the time.

  22. Brimbu says:

    Joseph Muscat said at the start of his stint as PM that he is ready to work with whoever wants to work with him.

    Life has taught me to work with those who want to work with me, as long as their credentials are good and performance proven.

    Working with the wrong people will result in failure as mistakes like this hit back with a vengeance. Wait for it. More will come.

  23. Benny Bradlee says:

    I was walking in Valletta yesterday and noticed that everyone was looking in one direction with a smirk on their faces.

    I turned to look at what was so amusing.

    There she was walking down Republic Street in a puce coat with her hair done up qisha sejra tieg tal-hamalli: our own Michelle Muscat with her very own protection officer with an ear piece walking in front of her. Secret Service, hey.

    But it makes one wonder. Is this all for show or are the Muscats and their cohorts really in need of protection? Why? And from whom?

    We now speak of the current situation in Malta as the Wild West, but when you really think of it, it is not funny.

    Sobering thoughts, indeed.

  24. david says:

    The current situation is not funny at all, we are starting to re

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