Who owns the Police Minister’s car?

Published: November 27, 2014 at 3:38pm

manuel mallia silvio scerri

Don Manuel’s official car is a black Mercedes with AQZ plates. This means that it is leased from the private sector and is not government property.

Who owns it?

This is a highly relevant piece of information because Don Manuel is (I can’t bring myself to say ‘was’) legal counsel to the Farrugia brothers of John’s Garage.

These are the very same Farrugia brothers who should be undergoing prosecution right now but who have escaped indictment because the Police Minister is their lawyer.

Angelo Gafa, the investigating officer who testified before the Public Accounts Committee hearing into the ‘skandlu taz-zejt’ a few weeks ago, said in his testimony that he was about to file charges against the Farrugia brothers but was summarily removed from the case – so summarily that he didn’t even have time to give a handover of the case.

11 Comments Comment

  1. willie inatinovic says:

    This frog has too go. He has his webbed feet in too many pies – another bloody Lorry Sant.

  2. etil says:

    Is Don Manuel trying to see his shoes ?

  3. Paddling Duck says:

    Most ministries lease from Burmarrad Commercial . However I don’t know if they have a contract for all government cars or each ministry made its own call. Compared to the last legislature cars are changed quite frequently.

  4. WOW says:

    In fact he was also legal advisor to the Rent a Car Association (RACA).

    • Tabatha White says:

      There used to be a direct line between a certain car theft band next to Zabbar and regulators in the know that give them the time, and space, to own up.

      Useful to be able to negotiate a stolen car back for a client if the car’s his, or receive urgent replacement pieces to order.

  5. Mark Vella says:


    staqsa lill-Onorevoli EMANUEL MALLIA (Ministru għall-Intern u s-Sigurtà Nazzjonali):

    B’referenza għat-tweġiba tal-mistoqsija parlamentari 35, jista’ l-Ministru jgħid x’proċedura ġiet addottata biex jinkrew dawn il-vetturi? B’liema rata qed jinkrew u mingħand min?

    Ninforma lill-Onor. Interpellant li l-proċedura li ġiet addottata hija dik normali li tiġi addottata miċ-Ċivil jiġifieri li jintalbu tlett kwotazzjonijiet:
    1. Il-Karozza Uffiċċjali tal-Ministru li nkriet mingħand Meli Garage għal €59 kuljum. Il-Karozza kienet tintuża qabel mill-Ex Ministru tal-Ġustizzja Dr Chris Said.

    2. Il-Karozza tal-Ministeru li nkriet mingħand is-Sur John Refalo Auto Rentals €12.75 kuljum.
    3. It-tieni karozza tal-Ministru kienet mikrija minn qabel u ser tiġi ritornata fl-aħħar tax-xahar mingħand Galea General Services €23.84 kuljum.
    Il-Karozza Uffiċjali tas-Segretarju Parlamentari nkriet mingħand Meli Car Rentals €35.40 kuljum.
    (Ara dokument Nru 597 li tpoġġa fuq il-Mejda tal-Kamra f’Seduta 28 tat-Tnejn 28 ta’ Ġunju 2013)

  6. Mila says:

    In order for boredom not to set in, tender conditions are given a new definition. Are the kings of spin striking agian?

    ”€23m bus subsidy is only a start, court hears”


  7. curious says:

    “Angelo Gafa, the investigating officer who testified before the Public Accounts Committee hearing into the ‘skandlu taz-zejt’ a few weeks ago, said in his testimony that he was about to file charges against the Farrugia brothers but was summarily removed from the case – so summarily that he didn’t even have time to give a handover of the case.”

    This has been confirmed also by his colleague Michael Cassar Cassar.

    “Mr Cassar confirmed that the police had wanted to arraign four of Farrugia’s brothers as well as Trafigura representative Tim Waters.”


  8. Brian Sinclair says:


  9. gaetano pace says:

    The letter Z in the number plates used to be allotted to duty free cars or cars exempt from one thing or the other. Is this the case here ?

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