Why is the government’s Department of Information issuing statements about the strength of Konrad Mizzi’s marriage?

Published: November 8, 2014 at 8:33pm

TMI story Konrad

This evening’s statement about the strength of Konrad Mizzi’s marriage was released not by Mr and Mrs Konrad Mizzi jointly and in their personal capacity, as would have been appropriate (and credible).

It was released by the government’s Department of Information. Are these people crazy, and do they not know what the boundaries are?

The government’s DOI is not there to regale the press and the public with statements about the personal lives of cabinet ministers. Any such statement must be released in a personal capacity and not even through the minister’s office, still less through the state department of information.

The state department of information is there to communicate about state and government business. The nature of Konrad Mizzi’s marriage to Sai Laing is neither. The fact that the government’s DOI saw fit to communicate with the electorate about Konrad Mizzi’s marriage, and its “strength”, tells us what the real problem is here: the corrupt means by which his wife is being paid to live in China doing nothing.

Oh, and Konrad Mizzi’s credibility too, of course, given that at the end of this month he’s promised us “a milestone schedule” to which “you can hold me”.

No thanks, Kon-Rat. Your communications coordinator can hold you. She might be a lot better at that than she is at advising you on how to handle this mess, which you are just making bigger.

Incidentally, I am way beyond intimidation, so don’t waste time trying. You just look even more idiotic than you did to begin with. Chin-chin.

48 Comments Comment

  1. Il-Kajboj says:

    Want a happy marriage?

    Send your wife and kids to China.

    Miġnun ieħor jiġri mas-saqajn.

    • ken il malti says:

      And you will be a happy, and free man to play the field.

      What is not to like if the tax payers are on the hook for your shenanigans.

  2. La Redoute says:

    The statement doesn’t deny the crucial piece of evidence: that Konrad Mizzi was seen embracing and kissing Lindsey Gambin in a bar at the Hilton hotel.

    He can’t produce an alibi for that night because there were probably many such similar nights and he doesn’t know which one to deny.

  3. Neil says:

    EXACTLY what I thought and I commented, not in so many words just now on The Malta Independent site. Times of Malta reported it as if it was a statement from Mizzi though.

  4. ciccio says:

    Absolutely legitimate question.

    And how would the DOI know that the marriage between Konrot and Sai is “as strong as ever”?

    Hadn’t the prime minister promise that his government will not get into anybody’s bedroom? (Jeez, I’m checking under the bed as I write this).

  5. La Redoute says:

    Lindsey Gambin should be sacked. She is totally inept.

  6. ken il malti says:

    The Governmental Department Of Information has the scoop on all the shadow marriages in Malta, including the sham shadow marriages, or SSM for short.

  7. Jozef says:

    Ghax Joseph iridna nhobbuwhom.

  8. ciccio says:

    Did the DOI issue a press release about the strength of the marriage of Owen Bonnici? I think I might have missed that one.

  9. Antoine Vella says:

    Konrad Mizzi lied repeatedly about, among other things, the power station, the PV panels contract and Louis Attard, his corrupt friend at Enemalta.

    Why should we believe him now?

  10. ta min jahseb says:

    They are using DOI as a bouncing board for the press release, because it seems to have really hit hard and done the rounds in labour quarters.

    Lest we not forget he was/is deemed as one of the golden boys of Labour.

    So in order to make the truth sound like a lie they are trying to make it sound grand and official by communicating it though the gov media.

    On the lines of ‘heqq id-DOI innegawwa ta’ he mela ma tistax tkun vera hux…. ‘

  11. P Bonnici says:


  12. Someone says:

    Daphne, do you misspell Lindsey’s name on purpose? Everywhere else, including her Fejsbuk page shows it using an “e” and not an “a”.

    Maybe you are being kind hearted so your blogs won’t feature when somebody Googles her name?

    [Daphne – No, it’s just that these white-trash names confuse me.]

  13. nemesis says:

    “I did not have sexual relations with that woman”.

  14. C.G says:

    Mr Con Rat, why are you still hiding your wife`s (ex-wife`s) contract ?

    This should be the job of the Gov Department of Information.

    • Redneck says:

      The statement says the contract was tabled in parliament. Was it really? Or did they just publish her salary and perks?

  15. Manuel says:

    It’s all a cover-up. It’s Muscat’s way of showing support to his Golden Boy.

  16. Eddy Privitera says:

    You are a VILE woman, and you delight in knowing it !

    [Daphne – Actually, Mr Privitera, I am rather a nice woman, which is why I suffer fools like you, though not gladly.]

    • curious says:

      If she is so vile, don’t read her. Stay in the company of the saints at Super One, L-Orizzont, It-Torca and Malta Today. They’re the ones with the halo for you.

    • ciccio says:

      Shame on you, Eddy. Is this how you treat women?

      If you really claim to support the most feminist government in history, then you should be ashamed of yourself and of your attitude of defending the indefensible.

    • Rosie says:

      Bayer qedin jahdmu lejl u nar fuq medicina gdida, hu naqra pacenzja.

    • Madoff says:

      Eddy mela ma gablekx il-pilloli d-dar Muscat?

    • Neil says:

      The truth, Privitera, is that Daphne is the thorn in the side of these bumbling idiots, and I include you in there with them, the likes of which your shoddy, corrupt, freeloading bunch of w@nkers can only DREAM of having in their corner.

      But of course, she could never be, could she?

      Such is the disgusting state this ‘mandra’ of a government and party have stooped to.

      Mur orqod ‘Dward.

      Neil Dent

  17. ciccio says:

    “The marriage between Konrot Mizzi and Sai Mizzi Liang is on track, OK?” – Department of Information

    • observer says:

      Bejn il-kliem u l-fatti – hemm ocejan bla qies (mhux sempliciment bahar) jikkumbatti!

    • Neil says:

      And Lyndsey has been costed and is most definitely doable.

      Costed – we’re actually paying, from our pockets, for his 2 ministries, his ex’s ambassadorship, and Gambin’s government job that she’s clearly crap at.

  18. aidan says:

    Eddy, ghalfejn qed titbaqbaq – jaqaw qeda mieghek Lindsey?

  19. Patrik says:

    Since the media battle is fought with our tax money, does that mean the legal battle will as well?

  20. Alexander Ball says:

    Can the government have a daily barometer on the strength of the marriage? Like he forgets to flush and it goes down. But then he does some cleaning and it goes up.

  21. Hufflepuff says:

    Has the marriage of minister Konrad mizzi been ‘costed’? It would be nice if someone threw some figures around.

  22. Antoine says:

    Funny how you ended this blog post – chin-chin (or cin-cin, depending on your spelling) in Japanese means ‘Small Penis’: http://www.unexpectedtraveller.com/Blog/bottoms-up/

    I wonder if that’s the case in Chinese too.

  23. crazycow says:

    Super One, where marriages go to die.

  24. Joe Fenech says:

    Was the Department of Information hacked by The Onion?

  25. anthony says:

    Privitera’s hysterical comment is very significant.

    He has very clearly accepted the truth of Daphne’s ginormous scoop.

    KonRat made one big mistake.

    He did not heed the classic Italian dictum :

    Una donna tira quanto cento buoi.

    This I learnt in my student days in Italy before Konrat was born. I have kept it in mind ever since with good effect.

    I don’t regret it.

  26. anthony says:

    Una donna or una gonna. Take your pick.

  27. Gladio says:

    Announcing a new epic mini series by One Productions ‘Game of Whores’.

  28. janni says:

    ahna warajk Daphne ibqa qaqlalu lil dal grande asshole tibzax minnu sakemm incartulu il maskla tal gideb u tal gvern giddieb tighaw

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