Angelina Jolie’s newest film – Pushbacks Jeff will hate it

Published: December 13, 2014 at 5:25pm

22 Comments Comment

  1. tinnat says:

    Ms Boffa posts on Facebook last night: “Ghadhom mahruqin li tlaqthom Jeff Pullicino Orlando”. Sure she is not that dim, is she?

  2. Eric le Rouge says:

    Watch, weep, wipe your tears, get up and do something for your fellow humans.

    Some just happen to be born in circumstances that are way better than those of others and alleviating others’ burden makes our life meaningful.

    • Jack Beans says:

      Very valid comment.

      He who invoked our humanity towards Don Manuel’s concern for his daughter, during the shooting incident by his driver, should equally show his humanity towards these people who risk their lives and that of their beloved ones, and stop advocating pushbacks.

      A real hypocrite if there ever was one.

    • Adolf says:

      Actually tears are still rolling down my face,

  3. Edgar says:

    She was forced to write that otherwise would lose her job.

  4. J. Agius says:

    Very moving. Those in favour of pushbacks should see this video and imagine it is them facing such a terrifying situation, then perhaps they will change their minds.

  5. Mananni says:

    Their story is tragic and heart breaking.

    If they are treated with respect, all will benefit. One must remember that what goes round comes around and if they are treated badly their natural instinct for survival is triggered and they will do anything to preserve what they have.

    If one goes to Marsa, one can see many of them loitering about doing nothing, which is a shame. The few that get picked up for work are more often than not treated as slaves, but they still take the offer because they would rather work than have nothing to do.

    Is there a way these can form a cooperative and work for a living to feel better being useful to society?

  6. birdboy says:

    Kemm kien indannat Jeffrey Purcinel Orlando il-bierah.

    Imma dak il-makeup kien wisq il-gmiel tal-program. Kieku qabad bot Hammerite nahseb ahjar ghax qala minghand Beppe hu bil-qalb tah ukoll.

  7. Volley says:

    Lanqas qed norqod bil-lejl bl-inkiwet ghax JPO m’ghadux fil-PN!

  8. Tabatha White says:

    It’s so terrible.

    I can’t stop crying when I think that they were so close to our shores and just maybe, very likely, this could have been prevented.

    Why it happens at all is beyond my comprehension.

    How can people opt not to save the lives of others?

  9. Awaks says:

    Frank Psaila kien eccellenti il-bierah fuq Xarabank specjalment meta qal lil dak il-purcinell dwar il-habbata. Beppe samru meta staqsih dwar il-job ta’ Lara Boffa.

    Meta l-purcinell semma li kien u ghadu favur il-pushbacks vera konferma li hu bniedem li miss il-qieh.

    Dalwaqt jaghsal iz-zmien li dak il-purcinell ihallas il-kontijiet.

  10. bob-a-job says:

    I’m only in favour of pushbacks if we are pushing back Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, Lou Bondi, Franco Debono, Jesmond Mugliett and a few others of that sort.

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