What happened to the blue package in Manuel Mallia’s car boot that night?

Published: December 13, 2014 at 5:12pm

Now you see it, now you don’t. And I’m not even sure the white package is the same one in both photos, either. It’s moved from one side of the boot to another, for a start.

package in car 1

package in car 2

26 Comments Comment

  1. Bob says:

    Was that Red Bull or a little something from the Hal Safi Labour club?

  2. Tabatha White says:


    Let’s ask Angel Gabriel.

  3. Mike says:

    In the first recording Sheehan is heard saying says when asked by the control room that he is in the parking at the Aquatic centre ‘fil-parking tal-pixxina’.

    That is just under Regional road, the parking forms part of Triq Maria Teresa Spinelli.

    Makes a very quiet place to meet someone after dark.

  4. KB says:

    Now we know why Marco Cremona didn’t want to comment about Joseph’s power station mess when he was happy to comment all the time about the government before the last general election.

    It’s not because he wants to concentrate on his business, as he told the press.

    He got a Republic Day gong today. How absurd.

  5. anthony says:

    They could be the water jerry cans that Smith was looking for.

  6. Fallakka says:

    Why was a police record saying that Smith exceeded the legal alcohol limit deleted?…surely if someone took the risk of deleting this record, then somebody somewhere stands to gain something.

    What was in Smith’s possession that the Sheehan wanted at all costs that night?

  7. tinnat says:

    If you zoom into the first photo, you can see that the box is not white. It may be a car battery. I cannot zoom into the second photo.

    • watchful eye says:

      If anything, whatever it is, it was moved from the right side to the left side of the car booth.

    • Tabatha White says:

      When I first zoomed in and saw just the white box, I thought it may have been a tool box, so I dropped, but I hadn’t noticed the blue package in the other photo.

      The people at the scene were the same however, so they saw what went on?

  8. C.G says:

    Forsi kienet ix xirja min ghand LIDL

  9. birdboy says:

    Well, there were so many “officers”and others there you just could not tell who touched what.

    Who was in charge of the crime scene and what measures were taken to protect the area?

  10. bob-a-job says:

    One seems to be a crate of Red Bull the other could be a car battery or something similar.

    They have shifted sides.

    Was it to put something or remove something from under the carpet next to the spare wheel?

  11. ghalgolhajt.com says:

    Come on, let’s just call a spade a spade. It’s a drug deal gone bad.

  12. Giraffa says:

    The blue package seems like a 6-pack of bottled water. Didn’t Smith say he went to buy water?

    [Daphne – It’s not a pack of water, and it’s not Smith’s car.]

  13. COD says:

    I have always said that this was a drug deal that went wrong and that’s why the driver kept chasing Smith.

    And I have reason to believe that the minister’s daughter was picked up early, and when they spoke of ‘it-tifla’ over the phone that was code for something else. That’s why their tone was so strange and that’s why Mallia as asking about ‘her’ at 11pm when he had heard about the shooting at 9pm.

  14. The `phoenix says:

    Forsooth !! Thats Manweli’s year supply of little blue pills. Cordite must be furious!

  15. Riya says:

    Ma nistax nifhem ghalfejn kien hemm bzonn jinfetah il-luggage boot tal-vettura tal-Ministru.

    Sheehan u min kien hemm mieghu biss jistghu jghidu ghalfejn kien hemm bzonn jinfetah il-luggage booth.

    Haga ohra ma nistax nifhem hi, li tkun qieghed tiehu drink fl-inhawi ta’ the Strand il-Gzira u biex tixtri ftit ilma tmur fejn il-pixxina.

    Nahseb ukoll li meta Sheehan spara kien wieqaf u mhux qed jigri wara Sheehan bill-karrozza. Huwa impossibli li tkun qed issuq vettura fl-istess hin iccempel u fl-istess hin ukoll tispara. Fil-fatt Smith qal li meta harab waqaf ghax waqfitlu l-karrozza,

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