Emmanuel Mallia jaghti serhan il-mohh – a new video

Published: December 8, 2014 at 4:36pm

34 Comments Comment

  1. La Redoute says:

    Did Leisure Clothing produce his new XXXXXXL suits?

  2. anthony says:

    Very funny.

  3. Mila says:

    April 1st no doubt.

  4. Watcher of lies and crooks in flight says:

    It’s so ironic that the MLP is being trashed thanks to a supposedly ex-nationalist’s stupidity and arrogance if not outright corruption who was most probably hand-picked by Muscat himself. Or was it the other way round?

    Who runs the show?.

    • Madoff says:

      Mallia was part of a Trojan Horse which the malicious Nationalist intelligence planted inside the Labour Party to erode its ideology.

      It has in fact exploded in their face. But put seriously, aren’t these switchers in a way the reason Labour is neglecting its original social mission and moving to the right of centre?

      [Daphne – What right of centre? That lot never had any political ideology. It was always all about smash and grab with them.]

  5. Peritocracy says:

    Rumours of a 6th recording to be published shortly. This is death by a thousand cuts.

  6. canon says:

    Biex qed tidhaq? Mhuwx veru jew.

  7. Tabatha White says:

    So was Sheehan, driving, on the phone and shooting all with two hands?

    Or was the gun in someone else’s hand, because he was driving and on the phone.

    No, I don’t think it was Bluetooth.

  8. helen says:

    533….trying out a combination for this week’s Super Five. Anyone wants to join in? So here it goes: 5, 3, 33, 35, 11

    • Tabatha White says:

      I would suggest to Marlene that she enquires with a particular Taghna Lkoller and Joseph Muscat as to the specific design of Evil to be used by the Labour Party as far back as 2008.

      This design concentrated on a focus on the New Seven Mortal Sins.

      It is not haphazard.

      It is specific.

      There’s an iced-bun – several – out for the one person.

      It was an intrinsic concept for the campaign, not an accidental one.

      I have proof.

  9. Painter says:

    Yeah right.

    Here is another video which is more funny/frightening (depends on how you look at it):


    And because I am a Bormliz, people expect that I am obliged to admire him as well.

  10. Malti ta' Veru says:

    What has this guy got on the PL and Muscat, I wonder? He has one hell of a grasp, that’s for sure.

  11. Augustus says:

    I can’t stop laughing.

  12. Jozef says:

    ‘..If it hadn’t been for a handful of free journalists and the Opposition, this incident could have been concealed from the scrutiny of the public, the perpetrators would have revelled in the complacency of the un-reacting uninformed masses, and then reinforced their abusive and bullying behaviour….’

    ‘…One thing seems to be very clear in people’s minds however and that is the fact that the only chance this government stands of hanging on to enough credibility to enable it to keep on governing rests on its resolve to come clean with the facts and remove all the players indicted in this saga from public office immediately….’

    That’s Marlene Farrugia.


  13. Tutti Frutti says:

    I wouldn’t be surprised if Mallia is kicked out of the cabinet, or more, so as to pretend that the PL doesn’t tolerate
    any such doings.

  14. Joseph says:

    There he sits, Lou Bondi as if nothing ever happened babbling about some festa someone else organized.

  15. victor says:

    Lou Bondi on Net now. Simon Busuttil, please give him marching orders. He is spoiling all the thrill.

  16. mf says:


    Note that in this video the policeman coming out of Smith’s car after loading it is not wearing gloves.

  17. Woof says:

    While us Maltese entertain ourselves watching our “Minister for Security” wriggle on the end of his own hook (and it is hugely entertaining), we need all to keep in mind that the civilized world is more worried about ISIS setting up shop on our doorstep in Libya. Is Mallia the only thing between us and them? Seriously?

    • Woof says:

      And while this particular government pantomime continues to take up attention, who in that sorry part of Taghna Lkoll is doing their job and watching our borders for real threats?

      Any PM worth his salt should at least be able to prioritise.

  18. Antoine Vella says:

    In all the transcripts and recording published up to now, there is not a shred of that “anger and disgust” Manwel Mallia and the PM eventually expressed in public.

  19. Matt P says:

    Media.link has 12 recordings.

    They will be revealing the other six now on Newsfeed on NetTV.

  20. gn says:

    Is that a gun shot at 0.39?

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