Fejn marru l-canaries ta’ Joseph?
December 10, 2014 at 12:40pm
Joseph Muscat hasn’t tweeted anything for the last three days, miskin. He’s busy taking hard decisions. How tough.
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Needs to sleep, miskin.
Kudos to Gaby – she makes the Prime Minister look like a twit.
Jahasra, f’xi stat qieghdin.
Spot the one bil-bajd.
Must be with his ears to the radio listening to Radio 101 for any suggestions from Simon Busuttil. Then he waits three weeks and finally gets the hint.
Jaqq xi hmieg ta’ nies, jekk tista’ ssejhilhom hekk.
Mhux l-ilbies jaghmel in-nies.
Oh how pretty, he chose to wear that black hengbek, same as the one The Spouse of the PM sent to the Duchess – only Joe’s is bigger.
Is the PM holding the bag given as a present to the Duchess of Cambridge? Mela m’ghogbithiex jahassra?
In Mallia’s Faberge Egg.
When Joseph Muscat is not taking decisions, he is asleep.
I’ll tweet one for him: Ma nafx xi z-zigg ha naqbad naghmel.
This is unbelievable. I hope Simon Busuttil’s reply includes, preferably as its first point, the fact that Mifsud Bonnici is not the Minister for the Army, Police and Broadcasting.
As a second point, Busuttil could remind the Prime Minister that he never said the retired judges were part of the cover up; their appointment was. And that, he is squarely responsible for.
What a fake smile. Or is he trying to hold wind back?
Jekk kien ghalija lilek misshom ghamlu Kummissarju Defni
Aqraw ftit fuq:
What’s happening to Muscat’s head?
It’s starting to look like a Faberge Egg.
Is that the men’s version of the handbag Michelle gave the Duchess of Cambridge, which he’s holding?
Is Joseph wearing a bra under his shirt?
She definitely has more hair.
Has he no self-awareness? I mean look at this photo. Look at it. Private Eye would KILL to have something like this on its front cover. You needn’t even put a caption.